Chapter 307. Black Tentacle

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 307. Black Tentacle


Anna's tentacle flung 399's tail back to its transparent skull. Its gray body continued to wriggle as it tried to burrow within.

Just then, a silver spear materialized out of thin air beside the tentacle. However, as Anna's tentacle constantly writhed and its gray tendrils danced with a rhythm, the silver spear swiftly dissolved into a bubbling, muddy sludge and pooled on the ground.

399 let out a furious roar and shook his head in panic. The hint of terror underlying his cries was unmistakable. For the first time since his birth, he encountered something that could counteract his materialization powers.

Whenever he tried to focus on conjuring something, chaotic thoughts would cloud his mind and disrupt him. Due to the tentacle's interference, he couldn't manifest anything.


Charles was flung off from the cannon barrel and landed on the ground. The giant metal construct then turned its mouth toward the tentacle that was trying to penetrate 399's head. A red laser dot appeared on the tentacle as the cannon took aim. Ëxpłœrę thë ørîgîn øf thïš ďåtå, ðëëplÿ røøtëd ïn n0v[lb¡n★

But before it could fire, an electric arc struck it. It trembled due to the high voltage coursing through it, and it let out sizzling noises.

The attack had come from Charles. Half of his body was paralyzed, but the other half could still move.

Just as the tentacle was about to successfully burrow itself into 399's gigantic brain, a white hand congealed from the white mist and grabbed the tentacle. In a swift motion, it pulled the tentacle out and flung it to the ground.

Despite being severely injured, Charles reached out and safely caught the gray tentacle in his hands.

The white hand belonged to one of 198's Whitebeasts. Under the relic's command, the beasts were circling like vultures overhead.

"AHHHHH!" 399 let out a screeching roar as his anger reached its peak. "I've had enough! Die!!" Various firearms of all sizes materialized around it; their dark barrels were all aimed directly at Charles' head.

How can I escape this? Thoughts raced through Charles' mind as he tried to come up with a strategy while dragging his half-crippled body away from the line of assault. However, he couldn't come up with anything.

Just as Charles was about to meet his creator from the bullets, a rapid chanting rose from behind 399.

"Ez, ... huul'wah!...Sk'woth'gl yu'ga!!"

The voice belonged to Bandages. Naked, he lay in the center of the filthy magical formation. As the undecipherable words left his lips, a chilling aura descended upon everyone present.


A bone bullet tore through the Whitebeast's arm, leaving 198 to fall helplessly into the churning mass of black tentacles.

The moment 198 disappeared into the mass of darkness, the dozens of Whitebeasts overhead instantly evaporated.

Using up every ounce of their strength, the crew members managed to don their diving suits and pass through the barrier of the purple sphere and back into the sea just before the black tentacles reached them.

However, the black tentacles shattered their expectations. It was slowly devouring the purple barrier itself.

The area, also known as Ecological Zone 4, slowly collapsed inward, creating a vortex that devoured everything around it.

The Narwhale wasn't spared either. The immense suction force was drawing it in, and the vessel was inching closer to the purple sphere.

"Quick! Open the water discharge valves!" Charles commanded

As the water from the ballast tanks was rapidly ejected, the submarine's buoyancy swiftly increased. The crew's hearts pounded rapidly as the submarine gradually ascended and left the dark chasm.


Floating on the dark sea surface, the Narwhale struggled to retract its battered steel plates. Due to the now-mismatched joints, sparks would occasionally fly as the plates rubbed against each other.

The surviving crew members raised their arms and cheered loudly as they stood on the chilly deck and faced the dark waters around them. Joy painted their faces; they had survived yet another catastrophe.

Compared to the ominous depths of the sea they had just escaped, the dark sea surface suddenly felt incredibly safe to them.

However, Charles had no time to join the celebration cheers as Linda immediately wheeled him into the infirmary to undergo surgery. He was in critical condition with most of his left shoulder gone.

Fortunately, it was his left side; otherwise, he would need two prosthetic limbs.

"Though you have strong healing abilities to keep you conscious despite such severe injuries, you've lost too many organs and blood. I'll do my best to keep you alive," Linda said coldly to Charles on the operating table.

"Will this affect my strength?" Charles asked in a weak whisper; even that used up all of his remaining energy.

Linda didn't answer. Instead, she injected a syringe of black liquid into Charles.

Charles' head tilted, and his consciousness plunged into darkness.