Chapter 269. A Loop

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 269. A Loop

Charles was moved to see the hopeful demeanor of the bespectacled young woman before him. It seemed Swann was taking education more seriously than he had expected. Now, the Albion Isles' rapid development made sense. Hope Island could learn from the Albion Isles' example.

"What are the subjects being taught at your school?" Charles asked curiously while chewing on his noodles.

"There are many majors—materials engineering, electrical engineering, electromagnetism, and radio technology. Of course, there are many more subjects than what I had just mentioned," the bespectacled young woman replied.

"They're all useful, but what are you going to do after graduation?" Charles asked.

The bespectacled young woman hesitated. She lowered her head and looked down at her feet before saying, "Actually, I really want to work at my school's research department. My time there has been the happiest time I've ever had in my life.

"I was able to study anything interesting every day without worrying about anything else. I love it, and I think I can stay there until I die."

The bespectacled young woman stopped talking, but her eyes lit up in excitement the next second. She leaned closer to Charles as she said excitedly, "Sir, I have something interesting to tell you. I heard the school has recruited a mysterious mage from the Western Seas to be a professor. Embark on a quest to the commencement at n0v#lbin★

"It's interesting, right? Once we've thoroughly understood magic, perhaps we might be able to use it akin to how we've harnessed the power of lightning in the form of electricity."

Charles' fork stopped midway to his mouth. "Do you think it's possible?"

"Why not? Fire, steam, and electricity are all manifestations of energy. We can even convert them to one another. I'm sure we can do the same with magic under the condition that we have a complete understanding of it."

"What about relics? Aren't relics magical enough? Do you not want to research them?" Charles asked.

The bespectacled young woman stuck her tongue out and said, "I'm not really sure about this, but I heard there's a research department on the west part of the island dedicated to researching relics.

"Well, I have no plans on researching relics. Research about relics is a very niche field, and if I were to join that research department, I'd be worried every day about the possibility of the department getting disbanded at any time.

"I'm also going to have a difficult time finding a new job if I were to go that route, as my experience won't align with what's popular and what research is producing results."

The bespectacled young woman's words made Charles recall what he had seen on that tablet. It seemed that humanity's curiosity about the unknown was truly infinite.

"Is that so?" Charles' gaze crept up to the taxi driver's face, and his pupils constricted. The terrifying graffiti that was stuck to him had moved onto the taxi driver's face.


A grotesque noise echoed as the taxi driver's neck twisted. The taxi driver died with his face frozen while his eyes were filled with immense terror.

The taxi driver was dead, so the taxi swayed left and right on the street, prompting Charles to hurriedly step on the brake.

"Damn it! What the hell are you doing?!" Charles yelled at 372.

The tires screeched as Charles stepped on the brakes, and the taxi was soon brought to a complete stop.

Charles alighted from the car, and he saw 372 on the rooftop of a building across the street. 372 was just a thin layer of graffiti, but the way it hovered in mid-air while depicting such horrifying graffiti made the scene look extremely terrifying.

"What's wrong with it?" Charles voiced out, sounding perplexed. Just then, a loud cracking noise reverberated, and someone whose body had been twisted like a pretzel fell from the rooftop.

Seeing that, Charles realized that 372 had possessed someone capable of going invisible. Soon, 372 hovered in mid-air inside a dark alley, and every muscle in Charles' body stretched taut because the scene meant only one thing: there were multiple attackers going after him.

We're in the middle of the streets on the Albion Isles! Who's daring enough to make a move against me here? Charles didn't have the luxury to think about it.

He placed one foot on a nearby wall and sprang up to the building's rooftop in one mighty jump. Then, he started sprinting toward the docks.

Regardless of his assailants' identities, he had to enter his fleet's attack range first before anything else. Power could solve everything, after all. With that in mind, Charles picked up the pace as he jumped onto rooftops after rooftops.

Just then, he felt something coming from his right. Charles turned and saw that the incoming object was a red paper crane. It flapped its wings and sent a cloud of red powder toward Charles.


The red paper crane was torn apart by the bullet that had come from Charles' gun, and Charles decisively leaped onto another rooftop upon confirming the kill.


Charles' body suddenly went motionless and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. A ray that was almost transparent had wrapped him in a cocoon. Charles looked up and saw blurry figures approaching him in the distance through the translucent ray.