Chapter 263. The Albion Isles

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 263. The Albion Isles

November 7, 12th Year of Crossing Over

My mind has been in turmoil due to the issue with Elizabeth. However, I feel that I shouldn't be wasting time on a complicated relationship which I don't even know how it started. I need to focus on the task at hand. This trip wasn't for leisure, after all.

We're close to reaching the Albion Isles. I visited this place five years ago. However, Doctor said that the island had undergone massive changes in the meantime. I'm curious about the changes, and I hope that they are positive ones.

I wonder where Anna is now. I'm a little worried. Next time we meet, I plan to get her to keep me informed of her movements. At least I can provide her assistance in case of any emergencies.

Of course, I'll try to persuade her to stay on land instead. But knowing her character, that would be a tough task.

Just as Charles wanted to write the next line, a flash of light from outside the porthole caught his attention. He hurriedly wrapped up his journal entry for the day and walked over to the window.

Peering out, he saw a white beam of light cutting through the inky dark expanse—it was the glow from the Albion Isles' lighthouse.

"Mr. Charles, have we arrived?" Lily questioned as she scurried up his leg.

Under their watchful gazes, the silhouette of a brightly lit island slowly came into sight.

Known as the most famous island in the Northern Seas, the land size of Albion Isles made all other islands pale in comparison. Charles almost thought he had laid his eyes on a new continent. Embark on a quest to the commencement at n0v#lbin★

The first impression Charles had of the island was the island's smokestacks billowing black smoke. He seriously wondered if the area of the cavern overhead Albion Isles had turned completely black from the soot.

As his fleet drew closer to the island, he could distinctly smell the pungent mix of sea brine and acrid smoke in the air.

"I don't remember there being this many smokestacks when I was last here..." Charles muttered to himself as he gazed at the distant island.

The most striking difference between Albion Isles and the other islands was the seemingly inexhaustible electricity supply. Even the noisy, chaotic port area was adorned with numerous yellowed light bulbs.

The yellow of the bulbs below and the black of the billowing smoke above were the main color schemes of the Albion Isles.

While Charles was observing the features of the island, a sound akin to an air raid siren suddenly echoed from the Albion Isles.

With the sounding of the siren, several battleships armed with high-caliber cannons headed toward them. Swiftly responding to the situation, the Hope Island fleet also sent a speedboat forward to meet them.

Charles had thought that their fleet might be held at the open seas and be denied from parking at the docks. However, they were surprisingly allowed entry.

Charles signaled to stop the car.

"Can we go in there?" Charles asked.

The driver nodded. "Of course, this is Mr. Jim's factory. His business has many dealings with Hope Island. I believe he won't object if he knows that you, Governor Charles, want to have a tour of his factory."

Charles stepped out of the car and walked toward the factory gates. Entering the compound, he found everything eerily familiar. The space and every component of the factory reminded him of the factories on the surface world.

It's so noisy. That was Charles' first impression as he entered the workshop. Enormous machinery, assembled from gears and pumps, sprawled across the center like a monstrous beast.

It seemed to be some sort of power machine, tirelessly driving a press that pounded relentlessly.

Despite being from the surface, Charles had never seen a machine like this, so everyone else from his party had also never seen such a spectacle. Expressions of surprise appeared on their faces.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Workers rapidly inserted gear parts into the machine's cavities for stamping.

Charles deduced that they were manufacturing parts for some machinery.

Observing the workers' weary faces and dark circles under their eyes, Charles was convinced that they were severely sleep-deprived.

Am I witnessing the horrors of the Industrial Revolution? Charles mused.

Seeing the exhausted workers, Charles was certain that the press had undoubtedly crushed many fingers.

"Wow!" Standing next to Charles, Lily wagged her tail in amazement as she took in the sights around her with wide-eyed wonder.

Just as she curiously observed her surroundings, something from under the machinery began to slowly creep toward her.

Suddenly, a shriveled little dark-skinned hand reached out from beneath the machine and grabbed Lily.


The moment Charles heard Lily's scream, he tensed up. As he turned around, a sharp black blade had already appeared in his hand.


With a flash of cold light, the blade sliced through the air and severed the hand at the wrist. Crimson blood spurted out of the wound.

By the time Charles rescued the frightened Lily from the grasp of the unknown hand, the little mouse was in extreme shock. She clung to Charles' finger and couldn't stop crying.