Chapter 234. Turn of Events

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 234. Turn of Events

Charles visited the church of the Divine Light Order on Hope Island and came face-to-face with the Pope. Charles scrutinized the statue before him before asking, "The technology used to build Swann's mechanical city must have come from Newbound City. At least the power system and those laser weapons must have come from there, am I right?"

"I thought you didn't care about those things? Those aren't directly related to the surface's exit that you seek," the Pope replied.

"Of course, they're related. It is a complete waste to use such a huge mechanical city to conquer islands. Why not give it to me? I'm sure I'll find the exit to the surface world faster using that thing."

The statue of the Pope chuckled. "Haha, do you really think that using such an enormous thing in uncharted waters won't inadvertently awaken those unique existences in the sea?"

Charles went silent at that. Indeed, the seascape contained a vast amount of inscrutable mysteries. Piloting such a massive city on uncharted waters was tantamount to seeking death.

In the eyes of the islanders, the Ronker was an invincible behemoth made out of steel, but if it attracted the attention of the Divinities...

"My child, this is part of the plan. Don't worry, our goals are the same. Your task at the moment is to find the exit to the surface world. As for the rest, I will handle them for you," the Pope said.

However, Charles didn't truly believe the Pope. This guy's definitely lying to me again. He wouldn't have erased the main island on that nautical chart if he really wanted me to find the exit to the surface world. Embark on a quest to the commencement at n0v#lbin★

Just then, the statue of the Pope frowned. The statue's gaze fell on Charles, seemingly puzzled. "What language was that? I've never heard of it. Is it a language from above ground?"

"I just realized that I haven't been using it for quite a while. I'm afraid I'll forget how to speak that language by the time I reach the surface," Charles responded. Of course, it was just an excuse. He was aware that the Pope could read minds, so he deliberately used his mother tongue while thinking so that the Pope wouldn't know that he already knew the location of the Foundation's main island.

"I repeat, you don't have to worry at all. We're allies. Be rest assured and do your job; we'll eventually reach the win-win outcome we've been aiming for. Please believe in me."

Charles nodded at that and walked out. As soon as he emerged from the church, he issued orders opposite to the Pope's wishes. After all, Charles believed in his own navy fleet more than the Pope.

"Your... woman?" Bandages muttered.

"No, but I owe her one, and I don't want to keep on owing others," Charles replied.

Bandages stuffed the photos underneath his yellowed bandages before turning around to leave.

The preparations were going smoothly, but the situation was both delicate and unclear, so Charles had no choice but to postpone his goal of finding the exit to the surface world.

He had to make sure that Hope Island was safe before anything else. Of course, he was also afraid that if he were to go on a voyage, Hope Island would have a new master by the time he returned.

Charles took advantage of the momentary respite to do his job as the Governor of Hope Island by dealing with the island's affairs. It didn't take him long to realize that being a governor was as hard as exploring unknown islands. He was clumsy at his work, but he was getting things done, which was what mattered the most.

At the same time, Charles paid much attention to the upcoming naval battle that would surely be one for the history books. He couldn't go out of Hope Island and watch it for himself, but he could send someone to gather information.

As long as there were any developments, Charles would immediately receive a telegram with details about the events. The governors of the other islands had also made contact with Charles, but the frequency of their telegrams soon decreased; clearly, they were all waiting for something.

Charles was on the same boat as them, and that was when a letter from an unexpected individual was handed over to him.

The letter had come from Anna, and it was accompanied by a photo depicting a haggard-looking Anna showing the middle finger to the camera with a disgruntled expression.

Does this mean that she's mad at me? Why? Charles opened the envelope and started reading the letter.

Ahem, Gao Zhiming, it's me. It's been a while. Have you been missing me? I'm back on the island, and I heard that you came to pick me up? Don't bother; distance makes the heart grow fonder, you know?

You'll miss me a lot if you can only see me a few times a year, and I'm sure you'll soon get tired of me if you were to see me eat people in front of you every day. Anyway, I have a question that I want you to answer. You're looking for the exit to the surface world because you want to reunite with your loved ones on the surface world, is that right?

Then, I want you to answer this: what if you have gained loved ones here in the dark Subterranean Sea? How would you choose then?