Chapter 137. Anna

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 137. Anna

Martha placed the newspaper onto a nearby table and returned to her task of massaging Anna's shoulders.

"Mistress, may I ask what your plans are?" Martha asked.

"I don't really like the design of this place. I'm trying to see if I can mold this world into what I like. Yes. Right, that's what I want to do at this point. I should stop pondering my existence over those disorienting false memories."

At this, Anna rose languidly from the couch and asked, "How much longer until we dock?"

"According to a sailor's previous report, the next stop would be World's Crown. We would be arriving in another hour or two," Martha responded.

"Great. Get the others in the cargo hold to get ready. I'll go grab a bite, and we all disembark later." Emerging from n0v@lbin☆, this material harbors clandestine details.

The cabin door swung open, and Anna stepped out into the corridor. Her svelte figure was accentuated by a tight-fitting black gown with frill laces.

To prevent unwanted attention, she wore a semi-transparent veil over her visage, but it added an enigmatic allure to her rather than diminishing her charm.

Anna gazed into the dark expanse ahead. She stretched her arms into the air and slightly arched her back as she did so. Her voluptuous silhouette attracted the attention of several men in the corridor. And soon enough, one of them put his bravery into action.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The polished man-heels of a middle-aged in a crisp suit echoed in the hallway as he strode toward Anna with overflowing confidence. The thin mustache adorning his upper lips moved as he spoke, "Excuse me, my fair lady. May I have the honor of inviting you to the masquerade ball this evening? If you were to grace the ball with your presence, you would undoubtedly be crowned the Belle of the Ball."

Anna cast a glance at the man and sized him up and down before shaking her head gracefully. "I would really love to go, but it's not wise for me to be in the public spotlight lately." With that, Anna then turned and headed into another hallway.

Undeterred, the man hurriedly followed after her. He continued asking with a radiant smile on his face, "Where might you be headed? I'm familiar with this vessel and can guide you around."

"I'm going to the lower decks," Anna responded as her black heels clicked melodically against the vessel's wooden planks.

Hearing her words, the man's expression turned sour, and he tried to dissuade her. "Why would someone of your status venture there? That place is for the lower class. For someone as beautiful as yourself to be there would be akin to casting a priceless jewel into the gutter."

Anna let out a light chuckle.

"World's Crown."

"Really? Mommy and I are heading there, too!"

"Oh? And why are both of you traveling there?"

"Because those at sea said that the governor of the World's Crown is very generous. If you travel there, he will give you a plot of land. With that plot of land, we will then be able to grow our own ryegrass and need not spend money to buy bread anymore," the girl explained earnestly.

Anna turned toward the girl's mother and said, "That place is hardly hospitable. Do you really want to take your daughter to such a place?"

A rueful smile broke out on the woman's countenance. "Her father went out to sea and didn't return. We don't have many options. No matter what, at the very least, we would be able to survive there."

Anna gently cradled the girl's face and stared into her large eyes, brimming with innocence. For a brief moment, Anna contemplated something.

"Miss, why are you headed to the World's Crown? Are you going there to farm as well?"

Hearing the bluntness of her daughter's words, she hurriedly pulled the girl back and explained in an embarrassed tone, "I apologize for her. She's young and doesn't think before she speaks."

Anna shook her head with a soft smile to show that she hadn't taken any offense.

Just then, a rustle was heard, and the sea of people parted as an emaciated, balding old man walked forward. "My name is Charles. Are you looking for me?"

Upon laying eyes on the man and overlapping it with the image of Charles in her head, Anna covered her mouth with a hand and let out a hearty laugh. Her laugh echoed in the cabin while everyone else exchanged confused glances.

"Hahaha!! Gao Zhiming, will you have such a terrible demeanor once you grow old?” Anna remarked.

Her laughter went on for a few more seconds before it subsided. Anna crouched down once more and gently embraced the young girl. She turned to the girl’s mother and advised, “Once you’ve reached the World's Crown, just return to where you came from. The place is hardly fit for the living, and it will be chaotic there soon."

With that, Anna turned and ascended the flight of stairs.

The old man named Charles remained confused as he returned to where he was seated.

The stifling atmosphere was alive with whispers once more as everyone speculated about the appearance of the veiled lady.

Totally tensed up, the girl sidled into her mother's embrace and whispered, "Mommy, look." She cautiously opened her tiny palm to reveal a dazzling diamond-encrusted earring.