Chapter 109. Conflict

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 109. Conflict

Within the dimly lit confines of the Narwhale, Dipp and Lily stealthily made their way to the captain's quarters.

"What do you think Mr. Charles is doing? Why has he cooped himself up in his room ever since he got on board?" Lily asked in a quiet whisper.

"You are usually the one closest to Captain. How would I know if even you don't know?" Dipp replied with a hint of annoyance.

"He doesn't allow me to share a room with him these days, so how would I know? And shhhh... Mr. Charles has sharp ears; be quiet, or he’ll hear us."

As they approached the captain's quarters, they could hear muffled voices from within. They pressed their ears on the solid, wooden door and tried to decipher the fragmented conversation they heard.

"Why did you... so rash! From now on, the body's control... to me!"

"Why should I? Just because you're.... you're right every time!"

"Isn't this all... you! Don't you have... can't you think before you...!"

"Fine, I don't have a brain. But I am... If I don't... you..."

"Do you think... nothing to you?"

"Sure, you have your ways. Kill me, then! See... who... whom! Do you think I'm...?"

Hearing the muffled argument from within the room, Lily and Dipp turned to look at each other with confused expressions.

Lily muttered in a hushed whisper, "Seems like Mr. Charles is quarreling with himself again."

"Has he always been like that?" Dipp asked as he subconsciously traced his fingers over the Clown Mask in his chest pocket.

Charles' abnormal mental state was an open secret on the Narwhale. Charles hadn't addressed the issue, but the entire crew found out that there was another person living in the captain's head based on their daily interactions.

However, Charles had always tried to maintain a normal front before them, so the crew had collectively decided not to mention it. Embark on a quest to the commencement at n0v#lbin★

Lily shook her head. "No, he does mumble to himself from time to time, but a full-blown argument like this is the first."

"What should we do? Should we intervene?" Dipp's voice was laced with hesitation.

"How? They’re both Mr. Charles, no? Who should we help?"

Everyone was united when they were fleeing from the wretched island.

Now that the crisis was over, dissent had erupted.

"What's going on?" Charles' arrival brought an instant halt to the chaos.

A muscular man standing at a height of 2.2 meters stood up.

He thumped furiously at his chest, which was covered in dark hair.

"How can I only get so little water considering my size? Does she think she's feeding cats?"

"The rationing was my decision. That's the only way to ensure none of us die of thirst. Do you have a problem with my instructions?" Charles looked at the towering man with an icy glare.

The giant hesitated for a brief moment and took a half step in retreat. He was well aware of Charles' strength. However, the weight of his comrades' expectant gazes from behind him spurred him to reaffirm his stance.

"Charles, I'm not saying I'll defy your orders. However, humans need water. You have to ensure my survival. We are all captains, and we should be flexible about this thing. My previous ship was much larger than yours."

"Oh? And who were you before this?" Charles asked as he supported Linda up on her feet.

Charles’ gaze darkened upon seeing the fresh bruises on her skin.

They clearly wanted more than just water.

The giant grinned smugly and boasted, "I was a pirate, but we managed to escape together, so we’re all comrades now. Don’t worry, I won't harm you."

"Are they your crew members?" Charles questioned as his gaze scanned the group of men standing behind the giant with defiant expressions.

"Not exactly, but they listen to me now," the giant answered with a smirk.

"Great," Charles commented and pointed to the inky expanse outside the ship. "Jump."

"Wh-what?" The giant's arrogant expression instantly froze in disbelief.

"I said jump!" Charles commanded, and the Narwhale's crew standing behind him collectively took a step forward. A heavy silence weighed down oppressively on the ship.

A flash of panic appeared on the giant's face, and he waved his hands frantically. "No, no, no, Mr. Charles. There’s a misunderstanding here. I have no intention to challenge your authority. I-I just wanted another cup of water."


Charles sent a bullet into the giant's chest. Under everyone’s gazes, Charles dragged the lifeless corpse and hurled it overboard before turning to look at the remaining men.