Chapter 86. Torment

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 86. Torment

Within the damp labyrinth, a grim-faced Charles led his crew in a mad sprint.

"Mr. Charles! My friends can't keep up!" Lily cried out anxiously as she stood on Charles' shoulder.

"Get them to climb onto James! Quick!" Charles ordered.

The brown mice rapidly scurried up the back of the giant James. Despite his figure gradually shrinking back to normal, the large number of mice on his broad back looked as though he were draped in a cloak of darkness.




The pained screams ahead grew increasingly louder as they echoed through the twisted passages. However, they did nothing to slow Charles down.

If Bandages' words were true and he indeed saw the island had already sunk below the surface from the outside, they would all sink into the abyss with the island if they didn't escape in time.

Regardless of what lay below at the seabed, the deep waters were definitely not a place humans could tread.

An oppressive atmosphere loomed over the wet air, and anxiety was painted on everyone's faces. However, with Charles leading the way and their core resolve unshaken, none of them panicked.

Following the guidance of Bandages, the crew darted to and fro within the maze. The screams of agony grew nearer and nearer. Suddenly, as Charles turned a corner, the scene of torment was revealed before them. Emerging from n0v@lbin☆, this material harbors clandestine details.

The area ahead was unexpectedly illuminated with light. However, the events that unfolded within the light were truly hair-standing.

The expanse that measured the size of a football field, was filled with naked humans—men, women, old and young. They were clutching their throats as they let out agonized howls and wails and writhed in mud. Their pained expressions mirrored the graffiti the crew had seen earlier on the wall.

The humans were surrounded by a dense number of palm-sized black insects that resembled centipedes with spider legs.

Like water spiders, these creatures stood on the water as they circled the humans. Their bodies quivered rhythmically with the volume of the scream, seemingly enjoying the humans' suffering.

Seeing the scene before that, a realization dawned on Charles. These creatures were Torments. Scarface had been truthful, this was the creatures' lair.

When Charles laid his eyes on the Torments, the creatures had seen him as well.

Just then, the doodle of Bandages disappeared once more as his real figure poked out from a hole in the mud nearby.

"Captain... here!"

Under the mud, a flickering, hazy white light shone next to Bandages. It was the spotlight of the Narwhale. The exit was just right there!

Charles squeezed through the muddy hole, and he was instantly enveloped by the bone-chilling seawater as the water washed away the filth covering him.

Surveying his surroundings, Charles realized that the flat-topped island was now several meters beneath the sea's surface.

He didn't surface immediately but waited at the exit. He did a headcount of his crew members as they emerged from the hole.

Lily, Conor, Dipp... One after another, the crew members exited from the hole and swam to the surface.

But very soon, Charles realized that he was missing one man. His Chief Engineer, James, had yet to crawl out.

Charles rushed back in to find James rooted to the spot with a bitter expression.

"What's the matter? Hurry up!" Charles shouted.

"Captain, I'm too huge, I can't get in." Despair was apparent on James' face.

A pang of fear struck Charles' heart. It was only then that he realized James' body had yet to shrink to its original size. Standing at a height of three meters, there was no way James could fit into the hole.

Trembling, James presented the Purple Pyramid before Charles. His voice cracked as he said, "Captain, please tell my wife that I... I love her forever."

Seeing the sight of James being like a man imparting his last words, Charles slapped the hand holding the purple crystal before him back at James.

"Tell her that yourself. How much longer before you return to normal?"

"I... I estimate another five minutes. Captain, we don't have that much time," James lamented.

"Then, we'll wait five minutes. Calm down, I'll be with you." Charles fished out the pocket watch from his coat and waited.

Time ticked away slowly. With each passing second, more and more seawater poured in through the hole. As the mud started to float upon the water, Charles finally understood how the marshland was formed.

Just when James had shrunk back to two and a half meters, Charles noticed that the edges of the bizarre exit were twitching and undulating. The exit was starting to close!

"We can't wait any longer. Move now!" Charles shouted and pushed James' large figure toward the exit.

But as expected, James got stuck. The edges of the exit contracted and caved in on his skin.