Chapter 71. Margarets Morning

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 71. Margaret's Morning

"Right. I shouldn't dwell on the unhappy things. Here, have some more, I'll accompany you," Kalytha replied to her daughter's comforting words.

Margaret flashed her mother a sweet smile and picked up the silver cutleries as she indulged in the delicious breakfast spread once more. After a few morsels, she paused and turned to Kalytha, "Mother, where's Father?" Chart your course back to the origins of this substance at n0v^lbin

"He and your brother are attending to some island affairs. They'll be here soon."

"This early? I'll go get them," Margaret said as she wiped her lips with the napkin. Ignoring her mother's protest, she darted toward the Governor's Office of Whereto.

Traversing through the hallway with dazzling crystal lights, Margaret arrived at the family's garden. Her father's study was on the other side of it.

Not many flower species could adapt to the subterranean environment, but in this place, a vibrant array of precious, rare flowers blossomed, each more beautiful than the last.

The Governor's Residence perched atop the highest peak of the island and overlooked the scattered lights that came from the islanders' homes.

As the third largest island in the Subterranean Sea, Whereto covered a vast area equivalent to half of China's landmass. Despite straining her eyes, Margaret could only vaguely make out the glow of the harbor district when she looked outward from the viewing point.

There's a harbor district on Father's island. Maybe I can send a telegram to invite Mr. Charles over. I will get the chance to see him then. Margaret mused to herself.

A rosy blush crept onto her cheeks as memories of the young man with black irises surfaced in her mind.

Their interactions hadn't been smooth sailing when they were together. He would rather discuss ship cannons and stuff with his talking mouse than pay her any attention.

Occasionally, he would summon her just to help him apply ointment. The thought of that particular memory sparked fury in her. She was a governor's daughter, and he actually treated her like a maidservant.

Despite all that, for some unknown reason, she couldn't help but think of him.

Leaning against the railings, Margaret let out a sigh. She gazed out into the distance, not realizing the time that passed. As she got engrossed in her thoughts, a cocktail of emotions flitted across her face. At times, it was a look of joy and at times an expression of sorrow.

Ten minutes later, a middle-aged man in a well-tailored suit appeared behind the young girl. He bowed deferentially and cautioned, "Young Mistress, it can be dangerous here. Please be careful."

The abrupt voice jolted Margaret out of her thoughts. Flustered, she turned around to realize that it was the family's butler.

She sheepishly poked out her tongue, "I'm sorry, Mr. York. I got a bit distracted."

The next moment, her eyes fell on a couple of photos on the cluttered, disorganized table. Particularly, one of the photos with a sexy and beautiful woman attracted her attention. It wasn't her beauty that captivated Margaret, but rather the all-too-familiar pair of black pupils that were identical to her Mr. Charles.

"Father, who is this lady? She's so pretty," Margaret asked as she picked the photo up.

"That's the new wife of the man who just died. Such a pity. He just wedded such a pretty bride, and he died right after. He probably didn't even get to bed her," a voice echoed from behind Margaret.

A young man who bore a striking resemblance to Daniel entered the room and snatched the photo out of Margaret's hand in one fluid movement.

Daniel shot a warning glare at his own son, "Do you think it's appropriate to say such things in front of your younger sister?"

The young man shrugged, indifferent to his father's fearsome aura. "With that fellow dead, this new widow would be getting half of their family's inheritance."

"It won't be that simple. Pitt is a miser. He would never allow his wealth to land in the hands of an outside islander that easily."

"Father, the marriage law was established by our founding fathers."

"That's for the commoners! Making someone disappear is not that hard for Pitt."

The young man let out a sarcastic chuckle, "That doesn't sound like words that an island's ruler should say."

"Regardless, that's reality."

Margaret sat in silence and confusion as she listened to the conversation between her father and older brother. She had no idea what they were talking about.

Seeing his daughter's befuddled expression, Daniel patted her on the head and said, "Go back first, sweetheart. I'll just have a word with Jack and we'll join you."

"Alright, make it quick." Margaret obediently nodded before she turned and headed toward the door.

The moment Margaret left, Daniel turned toward his son with a grim expression, "How did it go? Did you find them?"

"Yes. It's a gang of pirates who lurk around the Paradise Whirlpool. They are infamous for raiding fishing and cargo ships. Margaret was abducted by them."

"Great, dispatch a Royal Titan. Kill every single one of them. They ought to pay the price for messing with Whereto!"


TL: Seems like Anna is back?