Chapter 63. 096s Revenge

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 63. 096's Revenge

Three seconds after the Clown Mask rolled and disappeared into the woods, chaos broke out in the camp.

"Mother of vampires! The captain's mask is actually alive!" Audric cried out in shock.

"Should...Should we turn back?" another sailor voiced out in a whimper.

"Mr. Charles, can I hide in your pocket? I'm a bit scared."

"Quiet!" Charles' voice suppressed the whispers. With his brows pressed together, his gaze scanned across his crew members. "What's the ruckus over? It's just a mask that moves. After all the ordeals you have been through, you are afraid of a mere mask?!"

After the commotion quelled down, Charles looked at his pocket watch with an aloof expression. He then commanded, "Break's over! We move now!"

The silent crew members didn't dare protest and followed after their captain. Despite their silence, their faces were visibly tense as they tightened their grip on their weapons.

As he led the group, Charles was pondering over the same question as them: Why had 096 suddenly come alive? Emerging from n0v@lbin☆, this material harbors clandestine details.

That relic had been with him for a while now, and he had worn it countless times. It had never shown any traces of life.

Could it be this island? Could it be related to something on this island? Charles mused as he peered into the darkness beneath the trees. However, the forest provided no answers.

"In my opinion, I think it's a good thing. This means we're in the right place. The weirder a place is, the more rewards there are. If a place poses no dangers, there are no benefits to be reaped there." Richard's comment interrupted Charles' thoughts.

Charles ignored the voice and turned toward Laesto, who was being supported by Dipp and Frey.

"Doctor, are you feeling alright? How's your wound?"

"Hmph, if you are really concerned about me, you should have let me stay on the ship. When I agreed to your proposition then, you never mentioned anything about needing me to explore islands," Laesto retorted as he took out a metal flask and downed a big mouthful of its contents.

Hearing Laesto's robust voice, Charles was assured that his injuries were nothing serious.

As the party trudged through the woods, their surroundings began to change. The cluttered vines and branches grew sparse, and the towering trees became shorter. The path soon opened up to ruins overrun with thickets of weeds.

Charles had trouble sleeping, so he also took Laesto's medicine and soon entered dreamland.

After what felt like a long time, a strange sound jolted Charles out of his slumber.


The sound reminded him of gas leaking from a canister.


The same sound rang out again. His mind snapped to full alertness as his expression grew tense. He recognized that sound—the wheezing of a severed windpipe.

Charles immediately stood up and spotted a petite figure wielding a rusty blade against James.

Hearing the commotion behind it, the figure turned. Under the flickering firelight, Charles could make out the white mask with its distinctive red nose—it was 096.

Almost instinctively, Charles reached for his revolver and opened fire. He emptied his magazine on 096's host.

The lanky body was knocked back by the impact of the bullets. However, the moment the gunshots ceased, the body scrambled away on all fours like a cheetah into the darkness.

"Dipp! Get Doctor to save him!" Charles kicked the boatswain, who was still scratching his neck. His eyes were bleary, and his mind was still in a daze.

Leaving his instructions, Charles then chased after 096 with his Dark Blade in hand.

Watching the retreating figure, Charles' expression grew solemn. Whatever reason it was that caused 096 to come alive, it clearly held a grudge against them now. He had to get rid of 096, or it would return to cause more havoc.

The two figures sprinted through the weeds-covered ruins. Even the most impossible terrains seemed like flat ground beneath their feet. From the perspective of an outsider, it was akin to watching an impressive performance of parkour.

"Richard, whose body is 096 using now? How can it still run so fast after being shot in the chest?"

"How would I know? That old dude's medicine knocked me out too."

The pair were evenly matched in speed, and none could outrun the other. 096 swiftly ran to the edge of the dense forest and plunged into its darkness without hesitation.

Charles gritted his teeth and followed suit.