Chapter 58. Dealing Once More

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 58. Dealing Once More

The ship's horn sounded as the larger steamboat approached the Narwhale.

Spotting the white triangle emblem on the ship's hull, Charles had no doubt of the identity of the newcomers.

Not long after, a wooden plank was set between both ships. Kord scampered across the wooden plank with a tense expression on his face.

"Where's the nautical chart? Did you find it!" Kord asked, his voice held a hint of anticipation.

A crazed look of joy blossomed on his face the moment he saw Charles nod in affirmation.

"All glory to the Sun God. We finally found the Land of Light after so many years! Quick! Let me have a look."

Charles remained silent as he stared at the agitated old man before him. He had no intention of retrieving the nautical chart.

"Captain Charles! What are you doing standing there? Hurry and bring the sea chart!" Kord's voice wavered with growing urgency.

"What rights do you have to look at it?" Charles snapped. "Your men didn't act that night and that was why Jerald failed that quickly. Actually, you lied, didn't you? Your plan all along was to have us risk our lives for you. If we succeeded, great. If we failed, you'd lose nothing as well. How scheming."

Kord's expression flickered between a few emotions before he let out a defeated sigh. "I really sent my men. You've got to believe me."

"Do I look like a fool to you? One of my men happened to be a vampire, and I especially instructed him to morph into a bat that day and keep an eye on Sottom from up above that day. Even up till the end of the operation, he saw no Divine Light Order followers!"

Disdain filled Charles' eyes as he glared at Kord. He had considered the off chance that Jerald might back out of the plan. But to his surprise, it was Jerald who fought till his death, and Kord had chosen inaction. He should have known better than to trust this religious hypocrite. Emerging from n0v@lbin☆, this material harbors clandestine details.

"Are you going to give the map to me or not!" Kord's amicable facade disappeared and was replaced with a fierce snarl.

"Hah. Are you gonna fight me for it?" Charles raised an index finger. His helmsman Bandages saw the signal and immediately sounded the horn. The entire crew of the Narwhale emerged with their weapons brandished.

The atmosphere was instantly thick with tension. The gunners on both ships immediately swiveled their cannons toward the other vessel while the Divine Light Order followers also drew their weapons in response.

"Don't just stand there. Come over and help me to apply this ointment," Charles instructed.

Hearing Charles' words, Margaret shakily moved toward him. When she saw the extensive wound stretching across his back, she gasped aloud.

Blood was seeping from the wound, forcefully riveted together with metal rivets. The criss-cross pattern of gashes and rivets covered almost his whole back in a hideous sight.

Margaret couldn't fathom the level of pain Charles had to deal with from these serious injuries. She felt that even if just one of them were inflicted on her body, she would surely die of the pain.

"Don't just stand there in a daze. Clean the blood first, then apply the ointment along the sides of the wound," Charles said as he pushed the bottle of medication into Margaret's hands.

Actually, the task belonged to Laesto, but Charles couldn't expect any gentleness from his metal hand. Every time Laesto applied medication to him, he felt like he was going through a new round of torture.

As her hand traced the firm muscles on Charles' back, Margaret's face grew a deeper shade of red, and her heart beat frantically against her ribcage.

"How did the daughter of the Whereto's governor end up in the hands of the pirates?" Charles asked.

Margaret's hand trembled, and she answered, "I read some novels... They said adventures at sea were fun and exciting. So I sneaked out, but it was all lies..."

"Your life was what others dreamed of. Yet, you decided to abandon it."

"I realize that now. The sea is too dangerous. After I return, I will never venture into the sea again. Every man at sea is bad! Sir, I don't mean you. You're a good person."

A bitter smile appeared on Charles' visage, "Yeah, you are right. Every man at sea is bad. Don't return. Continue applying the ointment."

Time at sea flew past. By the time Charles and his crew arrived at the Coral Archipelago, a month had already passed. By then, Charles' wounds had healed significantly. At least he no longer bled at the slightest movement.

The same sight greeted them at the port district of the Coral Archipelago. It was still chaotic and dark. As they walked through the muddy and fishy-smelling street, Margaret instinctively stuck close to Charles.

With her soft body and curves pressing onto his arm, Charles couldn't deny that he was wavered. However, weighing it against five million Echo, he felt that the latter was much more appealing.

After Charles had Margaret settled down in the room next to his in the tavern, he returned to his room. He had barely sat down before he heard a knock on the door.

It was Laesto standing outside the door. His hideous visage was devoid of his usual crazed and wildly animated expression. Instead, his lips were pursed together in apparent anxiety as he held the dead smartphone in his hands.