Chapter 1. Captains Diary

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 1. Captain's Diary

June 14, 8th Year of Cross Over, Clear Weather

Lately, the vague murmurs in my ear have returned. Those voices that didn't sound like voices. They were chaotic and chilling. This wretched place is really not meant for humans.

First Mate Old John told me that I should try his method of resolving those sounds by finding the fresh girls at Red Lips Tavern. I admit that the thought did cross my mind, but ultimately, I resisted. I can't afford to waste my hard-earned Echo Coins in that place. For my dream of returning home... I cannot relent. Embark on a quest to the commencement at n0v#lbin★

Humans are a species meant to be living above the ground. The humans in this underground sea are living proof that there is a way back up. I must definitely find it!

I dreamed of my family again yesterday. I miss them... but I'm starting to not remember what they look like...

The sudden rocking of S.S. Mouse interrupted Charles Reed from penning his next words.

The old oil lamp next to the diary illuminated the face of its owner. Charles had the typical Asian appearance with black eyes and black hair. However, his face was so pale that it almost looked transparent, like a vampire in a movie.

According to modern beauty standards, Charles could be considered somewhat handsome. Yet, at this moment, his extreme fatigue was apparent from his heavy and weary expression.

He stood for a brief moment by the window and listened to the sea waves crashing against the steamship's hull. Unable to pinpoint anything unusual, he picked up his pen and continued writing.

I don't need those special services workers. Journaling can also help to alleviate those auditory hallucinations. I've been able to get a good solid 5 hours of sleep lately. It's been a long while since I've had such a peaceful sleep.

Of course, learning from the lessons of my predecessors, I purposely wrote in a language that only I can understand, Chinese.


Charles was interrupted once more by the grating sound of metal from outside of the window. It sounded as though something was constantly scratching the boat's hull with very sharp nails.


With furrowed brows, Charles slammed his diary shut and headed for the circular porthole.

It was precisely at this moment that Charles, with his gaze fixed upon the sea's surface, felt his pupils shrinking to the size of a needle point. Gulping down his saliva with much difficulty, he asked, "That... That beacon... How long have you been looking at it?"

"A few minutes, I reck. Me eyes were on it, not a single move...ment..." Old John's volume gradually lowered toward the end of his sentence and a tinge of terror flashed across his chubby face.

They had sailed for such a long time and had yet to pass this particular beacon. Evidently, that beacon itself was moving at the same speed as the steamship. That was not what it was supposed to do!

With sudden urgency, Charles snapped into action like a tightly wound spring. His hands spun the helm furiously, veering hard to the left.

Accompanied by the creaking sound of metal, the steamship began to change direction. Thankfully, a smaller boat could turn swiftly, and S.S. Mouse started to distance itself from the enigmatic beacon.

But before Charles could even catch his breath, the young lad beside him pointed a trembling finger at the glass window behind them, his eyes wide as though he had seen a ghost.

"Cap... Captain! That thing is closing in on us! It's so fast!! It's catching up!"

"Damn it!" Charles bellowed, his voice tearing through the space, directed at a nearby pipe. "Engine room! Push the boilers to maximum load! Something's chasing us!"

"Aye, Captain!" a sturdy voice resonated from within the iron pipe.

Thick, pitch-black smoke billowed from the ship's smokestack as the steamship's speed began to escalate.

"It's still closing in!! It's too fast! It's almost upon us! My god! What monstrosity is that!"

The young lad's voice soared several octaves higher, his body trembling like a sieve as if he was on the brink of shock.

"Dipp! Close your eyes!!" Charles' nerves were already stretched taut, and he dealt a kick to Dipp's lower limb, sending the latter toppling to the ground.

Nearby, Old John forcefully pressed his hand on Dipp's head, holding it against the ground. His face was flushed as he frantically shouted, "See nothin', hear nothin', think nothin'!! Captain will lead all 'a us back."

Before the echo of his words could fade, a thunderous boom reverberated through the cabin, causing the two on the ground to roll into a tangled heap. Charles only managed not to be thrown overboard by clinging tightly to the helm.

"Captain, it has struck us!"

Charles' face turned an ashen shade, his cheeks slightly bulging from the clenching of his teeth. He brought his mouth close to the pipe and bellowed in a hoarse voice, "Engine room!! Overload the boiler for thirty seconds!!"

"Captain! That won't do! This vessel's too old!! She might explode!"