Chapter 6277


The sharp sword energy streaked across the sky, bringing a long and sharp howling sound that made the eardrums sting.

The guard's complexion changed drastically. He, who intended to besiege Yi Song, had to switch from attack to defense in the face of this sword energy, forming a defensive shield.

But when the sword energy struck, it instantly tore through his defensive shield and fell on him, not only knocking him flying, but also leaving a deep bone-deep sword wound on his chest.

"Ah!" The man screamed, attracting the attention of Prince Qi and Yun Qianji. They all turned their heads to look, only to see Lin Baifei rushing towards him, and the blue sword intent covering the sky behind him was like a blooming lotus.

"Lin Bai is here?" Yun Qianji turned pale with shock, "Isn't he dealing with warriors from the Northern Territory? Why did he come here suddenly?"

Yun Qianji was startled when he saw Lin Bai, and then looked away, but he couldn't find any trace of the Northern Territory warrior.

"Has he cleaned up all the warriors in the Northern Territory?" The prince of Qi also exclaimed, and cursed at the same time, "The Northern Territory is really a bunch of waste, so unbeatable?"

"It seems that the disciples of the prosperous sect are nothing more than that!"

Seeing Lin Bai attacking with Qinglian's sword intent, Yun Qianji instantly lost his sense of control, "What should we do now? Dealing with Yi Song alone is already difficult enough, and now Lin Bai is still here."

Prince Qi narrowed his eyes, feeling a little at a loss.

Up to now, the prince of Qi has fully understood that warriors in the Eastern Region are not soft persimmons, and they are not so easy to pinch.

And no matter it is Lin Bai, Yi Song, or Huang Qingyun, their strength and methods are all superior to them, and they still have life-saving objects prepared by their respective sects in their hands. It is not so easy to kill them!

The Crown Prince of Qi looked at the holy son of Corpse Refining Sect, and saw that he was still attacking the fireball of Fire Phoenix Nirvana.

"When is it, and you still care about the fireball?" The prince of Qi cursed angrily, and said to the holy son of the Corpse Refining Sect: "Son of the Corpse Refining Sect, all the warriors in the Northern Region have been killed by Lin Bai! , you still care about that fireball?"

The prince of Qi State wanted to use this to attract the attention of the holy son of the Corpse Refining Sect, but he didn't expect that the holy son of the Corpse Refining Sect would go away thinking about the fireball regardless of asking.

The life and death of a Northern Territory warrior has nothing to do with him.

"Grass! The wind and snow in the Northern Territory are very indifferent, and the hearts of warriors in the Northern Territory are even more indifferent!" Prince Qi couldn't help but cursed again.

The appearance of the holy son of Corpse Refining Sect obviously used them as cannon fodder, completely disregarding their life or death.

Whether it's them or the warriors of the Northern Territory, in the eyes of the Holy Son of Corpse Refining Sect, they are all the same, they are all cannon fodder.

"Since the Holy Son of Corpse Refining Sect doesn't care about us, then we don't care either!" Prince Qi smashed the jar and shouted at Lin Bai who rushed over:

"Master Wolf, just listen to us!"

The Crown Prince of Qi hurriedly called Lin Bai to stop, "We were also instigated by the Holy Son of Corpse Refining Sect, and we had no choice but to deal with you!"

"The friendship between the Western Regions and the Eastern Regions has always been good, and there is not much friction on the frontier. Please, Lord Wolf, see that the Eastern Regions and the Western Regions have good relations for generations, and don't kill them all!"

The prince of Qi State hurriedly said: "As long as Lord Wolf returns me the precious fan of Qi State, I will take people away immediately, and I will never participate in this matter again!"

Seeing that the Crown Prince of Qi had given in, Yun Qianji did not hesitate, and hurriedly said: "Master Wolf, this is all the meaning of the Holy Son of the Corpse Refining Sect, who instigated me to win over the southern and western regions outside the volcano. Deal with you!"

"If Marquis Wolf wants revenge, go find the Son of Corpse Refining Sect, it has nothing to do with us!"

Only then did Lin Bai fully understand that when they were outside the volcano, they had already made a plan for him!

These sincere words not only failed to get Lin Bai's forgiveness, but made Lin Bai angry?


Just now you have a large number of people, and you seem to want to cut me into pieces.

Seeing that the battle situation is not good for you now? And immediately put on an instigated innocent posture in an attempt to win sympathy?

What a shame!

"Isn't it too late to beg for mercy?" Lin Bai snorted coldly, and the four flying swords rushed forward, attacking Yun Qianji and the Crown Prince of Qi.

The flying sword came fiercely, as fast as lightning, and it was in front of him in an instant.

Their guards were extraordinarily loyal, and hurriedly flew forward to block Feijian's attack for their master, and both of them were seriously injured by Feijian.

Lin Bai suddenly intervened in the battle, and Yi Song's pressure was reduced a lot. He looked back and saw no trace of the warriors from the Northern Territory, so he said with a smile: "Brother Lin, you are so fast, you have already taken over all the warriors from the Northern Territory ?”

When Yi Song spoke, although he had a smile on his face, his face was pale and his breathing was unsteady, which was obviously due to the consumption of too much spiritual power and vitality.

It is indeed difficult for Yi Song to fight against six with one.

"Master Wolf." The Crown Prince of Qi roared through gritted teeth, "As long as you return the treasures of Qi, I will leave immediately."

The prince of Qi also thought that the deal he proposed was more reasonable, but he didn't seem to see clearly that Lin Bai had the upper hand in the current battle situation.

If you had made this request just now, perhaps Lin Bai would have agreed to you, but now... the situation has taken a turn for the worse, and you are no longer even qualified to make the request.

"I still say the same thing, if you want treasures, then you can get them yourself." Lin Bai raised his eyebrows, his face was full of hostility, the demon sword slashed down angrily, and the unstoppable sword light slashed at the prince of Qi.

The prince of Qi and the two guards resisted with all their strength, but Lin Bai's sword smashed all the defenses, and retreated again and again, spitting blood at the mouth.

"Damn it!" The Crown Prince of Qi yelled again and again, he had already seen that Lin Bai did not want to reconcile, and he also missed the best chance for reconciliation.

Moreover, Lin Bai's strength is far superior to his. If he continues to fight, he will probably be killed by Lin Bai on the spot!

After figuring out the pros and cons, the prince of Qi left two guards behind him, and he used the escape method, took out the life-saving magic weapon, and fled away from the volcano.

As for the precious fan of his country of Qi, he can only find a way to get it back later.

On the other side, Yi Song also attacked Yun Qianji and the two guards.

With one against six, Yi Song might have a hard time.

But with one against three, Yi Song was obviously very relaxed.

The thunder method of Tianxianzong was like Tianwei, and blasted towards Yun Qianji and the two guards.

Yun Qianji saw that the prince of Qi had left two guards and fled, so he imitated immediately, and he also left two guards, and fled for his own life.

The four guards were more loyal, and after telling them to stay, they really did.

The result was no surprise, Lin Bai and Yi Song joined forces and beheaded the four guards under the sword, but at this moment the prince of Qi and Yun Qianji also escaped without a trace.

"It's a pity, let them run away." Yi Song seemed to regret that he failed to kill Yun Qianji and the Crown Prince of Qi.

"Yun Qianji's strength is mediocre, and the prince of Qi's strength is also much weaker without the high-ranking Taiyi Divine Soldier." Lin Bai said coldly: "With their strength, even if they escape, they will still be able to escape. I can't afford to turn over such a big wave!"

Lin Bai did not go to pursue, but looked into Huang Qingyun's battlefield.

(end of this chapter)

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