Chapter 185: The greater the power, the more things

Liu Ziping said sternly: "This is what I will say next. There are still some problems with the points system, the most obvious one is taxation. Players are not stupid. Except for a few people, other players will lower the price when trading. Below 100, so as to avoid the 1% tax, this system, I think, we should change it.”

"Then do you have any ideas?" Wen Baifei said in a murmur.

Liu Ziping said: "Our points team discussed it and thought that the previous one hundred tax collection was very problematic. After the discussion, I felt that it is more reasonable to calculate on a daily basis. As long as the transaction points in one day exceed 200 points, the tax will be collected. The tax rate is still 1%.”

Zhang Juncai had already privately told Chen Chen about this news, and the other elders should have done the same. Chen Chen immediately said: "I agree, after changing to 200 collections, it is actually beneficial to most bottom players, and collection is also convenient."

Others had no opinion, and after a vote, the motion was passed by all.

Xu An started again, "Okay, let's move on to the next item, resource reserve and talent training within the alliance."

He continued: "The resources belonging to the alliance are increasing every day, I think we need to make use of them and conquer some projects that can produce benefits. In addition, the members of the points team and the battle team work hard every day, and they should also be properly Some people have been added. If you have any ideas, you can share them."

Wen Baifei took the lead: "I think it is necessary for us to set up a temporary ghost research team to gather players who have the ability to deal with ghosts, often hold meetings to discuss, experiment with various materials, and try to find the best way to deal with ghosts. "

Everyone nodded, except for Chen Chen, there is no good way to deal with ghosts.

In the end, Wen Baifei, as the leader of the ghost research team, took Tang Shan and others to study together.

Wen Baifei suddenly looked over and said to Chen Chen, "You must participate. We don't have a way to control ghosts. After the research is done, the results are difficult to confirm."

Chen Chen had bees around, and he could have participated in some work such as the combat team, but he refused.

Wen Baifei waited for a long time, and seeing that he hadn't said anything, he named him to join.

Although there are points to get for participating in various jobs, Chen Chen really does not lack these things now. He can make a lot of money just by relying on the flesh and fruit tree every day, so he is too lazy to get these things.

After thinking about it, Chen Chen replied directly: "Damn, can't you conquer the ghosts with your own will? Why can't you do it? Of course I also want to contribute, but I'm too busy with various things to get rid of. Get off."

Wen Baifei said: "I was suppressing it. It's possible to use it directly, but it can't be finely controlled. You have to come to the specific experiment."

"Let's do it, we'll come up with something when it's time. I'm looking for you. Just open a video to help us verify it. It doesn't take half an hour a day, so let's do it at the head office."

He has already said this, what else can Chen Chen say, but he can only agree: "Well, let's talk about it for half an hour..."

Later, Chu Yu also made a rare request, "I also want to build a plant research team. Together with our wood-type players, maybe the energy conversion efficiency of the flesh and fruit tree can be improved."


"Okay, no problem, it's long overdue to break through it, including the production and preservation of various grains. Only after it can be preserved can our animal husbandry develop."

Ke Yexue said: "Agree, Li Yan in my area used to be a master of science graduate student, and now he is still a wood-related person, so he should be able to help."

Chen Chen also said: "Fang Yonglin in my area is also a graduate student in agronomy, and his ability is to cultivate evolutionary plants, so it is very suitable for him to participate."

For the cultivation of crops, everyone agreed and recommended those they recognized.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yu looked over and said: "This group still needs you to participate. Your ability to distinguish plants with medicinal perception is particularly accurate. With your help, our progress will be very fast."

Chen Chen felt that his head was getting bigger. He was going to use the remaining days of the week to attack his career. He had no time or interest in doing these things, so why did he have to participate by himself.

Chen Chen said seriously: "I really have a lot of things to do in the back, and this can't help, you can work hard."

Chu Yu seemed to want to say something, but she was a little introverted and finally said, "Then... that's fine."

"It's just for you to verify the medicinal properties. It won't take much time. You help Chu Yu, she is a top beauty after all." Ke Yexue said for the only girl in the field besides herself.

There are only two girls in the Presbyterian Church, so they have a good relationship in private.

Wen Baifei looked like he didn't think it was a big deal, and said, "That's right, during the battle yesterday, your slap-sized bee should be quite powerful, right? You were not allowed to join the battle team to test the medicinal properties. It's drizzling for my brother."

Chen Chen glanced at the other party and wanted to refute, but when he saw that Chu Yu's face was blushing, he really couldn't say anything about refusal Immediately said: "Okay, okay! Then I will advance in advance. Say yes, send it to me after finishing it every day, I will identify it, don't interrupt me at any time."

"Yeah." Chu Yu nodded.

After some discussion, Chu Yu was finally appointed as the leader of the planting research team, Fang Yonglin was the deputy leader, and there were a lot of members with the Awakening Wood attribute left.

Because the abnormal world absorbs the wood attribute world and the ghost world, players who are related to these two aspects can easily accumulate advantages, and the number of wood attribute superpowers is also the largest.

For example, Wen Baifei just happened to take this express train. He goes out every day to hunt ghosts, and then he can improve his strength by overtaking it, and his ability grows very rapidly.

After Chen Feng spoke, Chen Chen had a bad feeling in his heart. Fortunately, Chen Feng had signed an oath with him, and he thought that the other party would not say anything inappropriate.

Chen Feng really glanced over here, then got up and said, "My ability is to integrate and quickly breed animals. Yesterday, after Brother Chen's advice, I realized the correct way to use this ability. I think I should study it and start aquaculture. There is a lot to do... that is, I have made a oath with Brother Chen, he will provide me with resources, and the research results will be divided into half."

"I can't come with other players. After all, we can't let Brother Chen pay for the positions of other players. We can only do it ourselves, so we can't contribute to the alliance..."

Chen Feng talked a lot, and Chen Chen could hear it later.

This kid wants to use this opportunity to put pressure on himself, first praise himself, and then turn his head and hint that the speed of research and development will be affected, because he is serving Chen Chen alone...

I just want others to put pressure on me to dissolve my relationship with Chen Chen, and then eat the alliance allowance to breed animals.