Chapter 1632

Originally, if the character and the little girl lived in a normal way, I'm afraid there would be no intersection between them all their lives.

But it's obvious that this is not the result that the plot king wants. What the plot world wants is not only the intersection between them, but also the deeper Relationship.

The only way is to create conditions without any conditions, such as letting a girl fall into the arms of her rich second generation without any reason, or being thrown to the ground without any reason

And so on.

Then the two characters intersect, and then they force some conflicts to create a plot similar to "no fight, no acquaintance" and "happy enemy".

Before the girl even on the elevator can inexplicably fall, but also fall into the princess hold posture, it is really amazing to say. However, things have happened, and she can't control it, so I don't mention it.

Now this power still wants her to make such a childish move?

What Qin Gu wants to say is: what does a stranger do for no reason?

What does it have to do with yourself to ask people if they work here?

Isn't that too much to eat?

Just now, she didn't have time to control her body, but now she has control of her body. Does the other party want to do the same? you must be dreaming.

At this time, Qingu finally remembered where she was "familiar" with this power: when she was just a primary task maker, she once experienced the feeling of being dominated by inexplicable in a client's body. At that time, this power was in a very ordinary man's body, and then let him guard another woman who had a fiance or even reached the level of marriage. It's also called "brother" and "sister" for their pure feelings Ah, Pooh.

At that time, Qin Gu was able to suppress this force with the perseverance of a primary Tasker. Now, for her, this force is like shaking a tree in front of her.

Don't do that with me: the overbearing president molested the little girl, you come to me to fight and make trouble, but also make feelings, even they are interested in each other, and finally break through the secular shackles for love!

So as soon as Qin Gu found this sign, he did not hesitate to suppress it mercilessly!

Then, according to this picture, Qin Gu wanted to see his brother and walked straight ahead.

The character didn't follow the direction of the plot, but the accident happened.

Behind him came the crisp sound of high-heeled shoe buttons on the ground, rushing towards Qingu.

In fact, it's time to go to work. There are office workers in professional clothes everywhere in the spacious and bright corridor. Who is not in a hurry and who is not busy?

But everyone is in an orderly way. Even if they walk very fast, they are calm. At least they don't have the appearance that the whole corridor is not rowing enough.

So the owner of the running high-heeled shoes was like a drunken little spider waving his hands and feet, shouting "please let me, I'm sorry, please let me..." So she avoided both sides of the place where she passed, making a straight passage for her, and then ran all the way to the back of Qingu.

The force in the body didn't make Qingu make the action of the plot before, but he didn't give up at this time - since you don't move, OK, then stand in the same place and don't move - waiting for the little girl to bump over.

There are two choices for a girl to bump into: one is to pretend to have just turned when the other party bumps into her, just like before in the elevator, and then let the other party plunge into her arms, and then a princess will hold her.

The second is to stand still and let the girl knock you down and fall to the ground Although according to the relationship between mechanics and each other's position, in a normal crash fall, the one in front is usually lying on the ground, and the one behind is pressing on the body or falling beside. But in view of the need to promote the development of the plot, it is impossible to perform according to the normal collision result - so there must be only one result in the collision: as Qingu, her body will fall on her back, and the little girl will pounce on her, and even if she is a step or two behind her, her height will be at least 20 centimeters shorter than Qingu The little girls will not only pounce on her, but also face to face, and touch each other's lips properly and inadvertently

That's right, even if little girls can't control the momentum of forward impact and their own strength even when they walk. But at this moment Even if the previous absurd plots are true, according to such a huge impact, the cheek collision between the two sides will definitely cause a bump or bleeding None of this is there, right, just a little touch of each other's lips.

And then, as expected, because this little bit of intimate skin will definitely make these two bodies freeze on the spot, just like being pressed the pause button, we must let all colleagues see and take photos and then go online, and then suddenly stand up

No, Qin Gu will not let this plot have the slightest chance and sign of development!

So, when she rushed over with her body with a special fragrance behind her, she, like the rest of the people, skilfully dodged to one side.Ah -

pa -

accompanied by a cry of pain and the sound of close contact between the body and the ground, there are countless scenes of paper flying all over the sky.

No one stood in her way, and there were no potholes on the ground However, the little girl fell to the ground without accident.

Holding the folder in his hand, he scattered, and countless papers were flying all over the sky, falling everywhere.

So with the little girl as the center, people have bypassed this area and returned to their jobs.

Including Qingu.

The woman's hands were lying on the ground with red palms. She didn't want to stand up immediately to clean up the scattered documents. Instead, she was lying on the ground looking at her hands and crying.

"Wuwu, it's all the fault of that man, even..."

I thought there would be someone to comfort her, someone to help her, someone to help her pick up the documents, but I didn't.

Seeing that Qingu didn't look at her and left in the crowd, the woman couldn't help looking up and yelling to Qingu, "Hey, you stop --"

almost everyone around subconsciously looked back at the direction of the sound source, and then looked at Qingu strangely. She left in twos and threes with an expression of gossip and not good to whisper face to face.

Yes, the woman not only shouts at Qingu, but also points at Qingu.

But Qingu was not pointed at and yelled at by others. She was willing to cater to other people's ideas. Therefore, she was more indifferent than anyone else, and left with an appearance of "doing my job".

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