Chapter 1550

However, after countless times of time reset and extravagant life, he got up one Monday morning and had an accident.

On Monday morning, he would take out his money to have a good meal and buy some lottery tickets somewhere.

It's only on Tuesday that he'll be really rich, and in the next few days he'll be able to enjoy himself -

but now he's woken up by his wife's grumpy voice - it's so bad on the first morning of every reset. After countless extravagant and crazy lives, he increasingly felt that the woman around him was vulgar, totally without the gentleness and understanding that a woman should have. Every time I wake him up so rudely, I prepare the same breakfast as bread, eggs and milk

What makes him even more angry with this woman is that he finally knows why he has been married for four years and has no children. It's because this woman, in order to become the general manager of the sales department, is afraid that pregnancy and birth will become a stumbling block in her promotion. She has been secretly contraception! Let him in recent years has been not self-confident in his own that aspect, was urged by his parents, was ridiculed by colleagues.

It's all the woman's fault!

Mad, he swore in his heart. If it wasn't for a week's reset time, he didn't want to spend his precious time with this woman. He really wanted to kick her off.

As he thought about it, he turned over impatiently and yelled, "I want you to take care of it --"

his wife's voice stopped a little, then the sound of high heels going away and slamming the door.

Oh, LZ is going to be a multimillionaire. Do you want to step on my head? no way. What kind of woman won't have money?

As for what kind of dog work, he still needs to see the faces of those guys when he has money? Bah -

he stayed in bed for a while and looked at the time when the first opportunity was coming.

He finally decided to get up. Suddenly, he found that his simple action of getting out of bed became Work hard.

Even when he got out of bed, he accidentally knocked his forehead. He subconsciously touched his forehead and blood.

What scares him more than blood is that he finds his hand My hand became like the hand of an old man.

It's like covering a layer of dried orange peel on a dry bone. The most important thing is that there are many eye-catching age spots on the back of the hand.

Ah -

his body trembled, looked at his hands, arms, and lifted up his pajamas He stumbled to the sink again.

In the mirror, he suddenly turned into an eighty year old man. The wound on his forehead turned outward and his face was covered with blood.

He twisted the wrinkles on his face like crazy, and some part of his body He became a real old man.

Ah -

he scratched his face like crazy and knocked everything on the washstand to the ground.

However, this is the fact that he has become a very strange and terrible existence.

Because you can't see the changes of body and spirit after one or two resets, but after ten, one hundred or one thousand resets?

He found himself very haggard and old However, what scares him more than his old age is that he finds that he has become like this. However, his wife seems to have not seen it. She is still the same as before. At the same time, she is normal in the company, just like he is.

Are these people blind?

Are these people Are they all NPCs in the game? They don't have their own thinking and discrimination, they just follow orders.

What about yourself? What should I do?

…… Yao Yao and Luo Feng were just passing by. Unexpectedly, they were disturbed by an accident and involved in the repetition again and again.

The final solution is to find the one who breaks the rules, and then Erase the memory of each other's reincarnation. It is equivalent to making up for the small bug in this space-time.

According to Yao Yao, when they fell into that world at that time, it seemed that the time period was repeated, but in fact, in their constant way of heaven, the time line was still straight.

It took them a long time to find the man and erase his memory before they finally solved the problem.

However, when Qin Gu asked about the man's return to the normal time track, Yao Yao sighed. This is the terrible thing about this kind of reincarnation. For ordinary people, even if the time returns to the normal track, it has no effect. It's just to continue to live.

For the man who thought he had mastered the bug, his extravagant week of infinite repetition actually extended in a straight line in his life.

In other words, those seemingly repetitive times do not come back in his life. Not only that, Goldfinger also brings strong side effects. What he gets with bug is to overdraw his future life and his soul force.

When he woke up that morning and saw his own appearance, it was the real condition of his soul force, but others didn't notice that he was different, because what people saw was still the body of his youth. After all, ordinary people can't see other people's soul and life force.At that time, Qin Gu was still feeling that it was not necessarily a good thing for an ordinary person to suddenly master a huge golden finger. Just like people who have been poor for a long time but suddenly won the big prize, not to mention this bug is even more terrifying than winning the big prize, and gradually lose themselves.

………… Qingu takes back her thoughts. Now she suspects that she has fallen into reincarnation, but it's not reincarnation of time, but reincarnation of space.

If that's the case, then she must find the ordinary person who has mastered the bug, erase the memory of the other person, and repair the space-time fragment bug.

The only thing she knows now is this crazy car. To tell you the truth, if he hadn't seen this car, Qin Gu hadn't thought about reincarnation. It can be seen that reincarnation is much more powerful than those maze illusions.

Oh, by the way, Qin Gu vaguely remembers that the last time the car passed by, a woman said, "they've been here, and they're a little familiar with this place." is that woman the bug of this world fragment?

Just as Qin Gu was thinking, the car had already come at a high speed. Just like the last time, it made a sharp bend when it was close to the subgrade on this side of Qin Gu, and the wheel bumped violently on the stone before it reached the middle of the road.

People laughed and scolded wildly from the car, and the man stuck his head out of the window, and then met the ghost who was wearing the leather headgear next to the car.

The familiar female voice came again I really think we've been to this place... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!