Chapter 1477

Qin Gu humbly bowed his hand and said, "you must have come here for the missing event a few days ago? I don't know if you're coming to me to set up a crime or do you want to know about the situation? "

In fact, people have not recovered from the shock.

In fact, on their way, they have anticipated many scenes of meeting with the shopkeeper of this cottage.

But when they came, they politely invited them into the room, and frankly pointed to the theme, which made them not know how to speak for a while.

With their accomplishments, they can't see the origin of each other. They don't have the aura of great merits and virtues, and there is no evil breath of many evils. It's just a peaceful and moderate atmosphere.

If this cabin is as it is said, it looks ordinary outside, but there is something else inside.

Some people say that the outside of the cabin is ordinary, and the inside is also dilapidated and small; some people say that the inside is actually very spacious and beautifully decorated; now, the layout to meet them is a very formal reception room.

It seems that the appearance of the cottage varies from person to person.

Only this point, we know that the cottage is not simple, and the innkeeper is not simple.

With the manager's peaceful voice, people's thoughts slowly returned to the divine court, and their eyes gradually focused on the woman in front of her.

If according to this small time and space to women's aesthetic point of view, can only be considered elegant, absolutely not that kind of a million years of beautiful appearance.

But it is precisely because of this upright and elegant, even if it looks very young, but it shows a calm and peaceful temperament.

How to say it, it feels like an old man who has seen all kinds of life and gone through the vicissitudes of life, but with a young face.

This is the first impression Qingu left to Hong Zhenxin and other practitioners.

All of them returned to their senses. Hong Zhenxin saluted Qingu and said, "I didn't expect that the legendary shopkeeper Gu was so young that he had such a good fortune. I'm very happy. To be honest, we are here for the last ten colleagues. We want to know... "

Because they have subconsciously regarded Qin Gu as a person with great background and profound strength, they speak tactfully and fluently, for fear of provoking each other by improper wording.

Qin Gu understood their mood very well. A soft smile appeared in the corner of his mouth and waved his hand, which filled the center of the hall with a cloud of smoke.

All of them were shocked, and Qin Gu explained: "you are not flustered. Since you want to know the situation at that time, I think I can show you the situation at that time. Do you think what I have done is not proper. "

And then there's a haze coming out of the middle of the room, just like the curtain. Then, the ten people also appeared in the scene

Looking at the whole process, the people looked at each other, but if it was those people who were carrying the name of the demon girl to find the door.

It's just It's too cruel.

In any case, such people can't be so cruel in a school like them.

They wanted to say something, but they only sighed.

Just now, the other party has fully demonstrated its strength. So politely invite them into the room, have tea, and take the initiative to show the situation at that time with magic to solve the misunderstanding. Why should we blame the other party for neglecting human life? Do you still use secular morality to kidnap the other party and say, "even if people want to kill you, you can't say kill them. You are so high that you can avoid and control each other completely. There is no need to kill someone... "

They have heard these words, and at this time they are also hovering in their minds, but they still do not say them.

It's just a good guy who hasn't done it to himself yet.

Why should you kill a strong opponent?

If the strength of the other side is weaker than you, will he be killed in the name of justice?

…… The reception hall was silent for a long time. Whether it was out of deterrence to Qingu's strength, or the matter itself was just self-defense, it came to an end.

When Hong Zhenxin and others left the cottage, they unconsciously faded their previous memories, just like a normal visit to verify.

As soon as he got out of the woods, he received a secret letter from the Tianshi Department of Daliu kingdom.

Since 70 years ago, a man who claimed to be the great master of heaven helped the Daliu kingdom to calm down the war and support the new ruling system, the Tianshi department was established.

The Tianshi department maintains the imperial power and also helps the whole political system of the country. Its headquarters are set up on Tiantai Mountain near the imperial capital.

Under the jurisdiction of the city and county, the local clan maintained human justice.

If there are evil spirits that can't be solved in any place, the Heavenly Master's department will send someone to help. On the contrary, if there is an accident in the Tianshi department, the local government will rush to support.

An accident in the Tianshi department means something happened to the imperial court.

When he received the secret letter, his expression changed very solemnly.

Without it, this note is unusual. It is made with special techniques. It contains the spirit of the maker to ensure that the secret can reach the designated person and be completely destroyed when intercepted by others.No one is so stupid to consume his own spirit to make a note unless it's important.

When Hong Zhenxin's idea moved, he took out a wisp of spirit and wrapped it on the secret letter. In a moment, the phonetic symbol turned into a little star light and dissipated in the air, and the information was integrated into his consciousness.

His actions made the people beside him look dignified and asked, "master Hong, but something happened to the Heavenly Master's department?"

Hong Zhenxin nodded. He also used a lot of determination to suppress the tumultuous thoughts in his mind. The information in the letter was too shocking.

Even if he could not persuade himself to believe it, he had to believe the truth of the secret letter because of the prestige of the sender and the spirit of the other party.

He calmed his mind a little, then organized the language and said, "it's really a letter from the Heavenly Master's office. Huangdu, something happened..."

People looked at each other, one of them blurted out: "is it because of this incident of the beautiful girl entering the palace?"

Hong Zhenxin looked at the man and said, "maybe, so I may go to the Heavenly Master's office. How about you?"

There are only three people here who cut the demon gate, and the rest are other sects or freedom defenders.

The others looked at each other, and finally said, "we defenders of Taoism are under the leadership of the Ministry of heavenly masters to have such a position, and to help the righteous path of the world. If something goes wrong with the Heavenly Master's Department, we will certainly become scattered sand. Go. "

Hong Zhenxin also briefly described the general content of the letter. He didn't tell the truth about some more private and secret things. After all, there were people who didn't belong to his family. Even if they are like-minded people, some things should be avoided.

Because the future is uncertain, but certainly not good, so everyone went back to discuss and prepare.

Two days later, the team changed from a small team of about ten people to a team of 30 or more defenders. , the fastest update of the webnovel!