Chapter 1466

After listening to Qin Gu's words, Huai'an felt relieved and cried out excitedly: "ah, Gu Gu, have you got any plans? Want to expand our influence? "

After all, the influence of the cottage is still too small. Every day, it receives trivial cases, and the money it earns is not enough to buy food for Gu Gu every day.

They came to this small space for two months and made less than ten taels of silver, but the grain they ate had already eaten several tens of Liang silver.

Go down at this speed, even if it is a golden mountain, silver mountain can't stand it!

Qin Gu looked at Huai'an with a smile and said with appreciation, "Huai'an is right. If you don't come up with something, how can I expand the influence of my entrusted bank. Either come to me or Please. But let's wait and see. "

One person and two systems chatted, and Qingu suddenly thought of a question: "by the way, Xiaomu." since he came to this small world, trifoliate orange claimed to be the manager of wood, and Qingu called him Xiaomu. The main reason is that every time trifoliate orange calls are not smooth.

"That tree spirit has practiced for hundreds of years, and has profound magic power. Even if the freedom of movement is limited because of the plants, but It's OK to deal with an ordinary person. Did she mean it? "

For example, when the greedy Inverness wants to get rid of her tree, even if she can't kill people casually, she can still use a magic trick. But in the message, the tree spirit did nothing. Qin Gu thought, is she "Fishing law enforcement"?

"This small time and space is originally a world dominated by human beings. In the vast civilization, human civilization is The fastest growing civilization is also a civilization that can give birth to souls through birth and nurture. Valley has experienced the process of body remodeling. It is not easy to know that a living body wants to have a soul, and it is not easy to have a free body

"And people, even if they have no innate reincarnation, can slowly produce new souls after birth. This process can take as little as a few months, but as many as two or three years. Compared with other civilizations, such as plant civilization, the vast majority of plants in the world do not have soul, let alone independent consciousness. It takes time and opportunity to give birth to a little bit of it. As far as I know, it will take hundreds of years at the shortest time. As for the chance of a soul born, it is even more harsh, and there is no exception to disasters and difficulties. "

Zhihe and Qingu learned a lot about other ethnic civilizations in the small time and space of human prosperity. They were very moved, and they almost matched the growth path of the task force.

The most important thing is that plant spirits, no matter they have the magic power to the sky, as long as they can't cultivate an independent body, they must rely on the tree body to exist. If you leave the tree, you must be attached to a host. It's the same with the Tasker. If the Tasker loses the Tiandao platform and the space-time cabin, then they are similar to ordinary wandering souls. At most, the soul body may be stronger.

Therefore, it is a watershed whether a Tasker cultivates a serious body.

Having a real body means that you can exist in this world on your own!

However, when these civilizations grow up, their strength will be far beyond that of human beings. For example, the Tasker, such as Gu Gu you, just now has the body, and the physical fitness is better than ordinary people, but the real strength Cough, I don't exaggerate to say that you can walk across the world with your hut now. Hehe, of course, my Valley is not so reckless. "

"Well, as I said just now, this is a small time and space for humanity and prosperity. Therefore, for the sake of balance, the way of heaven will suppress other civilizations to a certain extent."

Trifoliate again stressed: "yes, it is suppression. However, there is a rule for other races that coexist with human beings for a small time and space: never harm human beings. Not at all, or you will be punished by the law of heaven. I think it's the same with the cypress spirit. Even if he knows that he was blackmailed by that greedy guy, he can't help it. "

It seems that Qingu hasn't experienced the task of attacking spirits and monsters, but trifoliate says it's only in intermediate and advanced civilization, and she can't get it now.

He couldn't help but say, "if the monster is imprisoned, squeezed, or even abused or killed by human beings Can't you resist? "

"Trifoliate orange" may not. However, there is another situation, just like the cypress spirit, human beings have occupied all her Yuan Li, which is equivalent to that human beings automatically integrate their own spirit and flesh with her

Qin Gu involuntarily put himself into the perspective of Sophora essence, and couldn't help sighing: "the so-called road to the public is only for human beings."

Zhiquan said: "in fact, this is also very easy to understand. Human beings are not those weird opponents at all. If there is no limit, one monster is enough to overthrow a dynasty. I have experienced such a small world before. Tut Tut, because there is a crack in the law, the monster can take advantage of it. In the end, it not only subverts the dynasty, but also collapses the whole small world. Therefore, if we really put other monsters and humans on the same level, the final result may be like that human beings have become chickens, ducks and fish fed by human beings I have encountered such a small time and space. Alas, it's hard to say

Qingu quietly finished a sumptuous dinner, because the words of orange, let her heart touch.It can be seen that even though she has experienced more than a thousand years, she is still somewhat one-sided and people-oriented when looking at some things.

There is still a long way to go in the future!


When the deadline of the contract came, the tree spirit sucked the soul of the contractor without hesitation.

After this catastrophe, she found that her essence not only did not decrease, but also increased.

Break and then stand, is this the so-called unbreakable?!

While waiting for the cypress to savor the mystery of "rebirth", she suddenly found herself covered in a golden bell made of gold wire mesh.

At the same time, outside the golden bell, it was like four demons coming out of thin air, with their hands pinching and their mouths buzzing with incantations.

In the golden light, these people are like a layer of golden light, holy and full of lingran killing!

With these people's incantations, the golden bell immediately produced countless sharp knives, which were flying wildly and cutting her body wildly. Every time they cut, they took away a part of essence.

The spirit of the tree howled bitterly: it turned out that these people had been lying in ambush here for a long time, waiting for her to come.

She burst out laughing again: "ha ha, I didn't expect that you just people who defend the way by killing demons say that you are helping the world and helping justice in the world. Since you have laid a trap for me, why do you wait until I have collected the soul of that person? If you really want to save that person, you can activate the array when I enter this range. It's really hypocritical - ha ha -- "

several people looked dignified. With the struggle of the tree spirit, they found that even the suppression of the magic weapon was very difficult. , the fastest update of the webnovel!