Chapter 1404

Qingu went to the counter, the clerk prompted her to put her hands on the table, a white light swept over, the other side from a card slot under the counter pulled out a translucent crystal card and handed it to Qingu.

Qin Gu subconsciously takes the card, and a message is sent to the sea of knowledge: the identity card, which contains all her information and authority in the underworld.

For example, now she is the lowest level ghost in the prefecture. With this card, she can go to the material warehouse to get the corresponding materials.

In addition, the above also includes the production tasks she needs to complete, as well as some precautions.

Qin Gu felt that the efficiency of the local government was too low. It took only two seconds before and after, and there was no communication in the whole process.

Qin Gu didn't have a word to look for Is that all right? "

The other side's voice answered calmly, "that's OK."

Qin Gu stopped and said, "well, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Qingu thought move, the card into the sea, like a crystal monument standing there.

As the mind points, it automatically prompts her the direction she should go.

Well, it's too high-tech, so there's no need to ask and answer questions.

Qingu's next step is to go to the material warehouse under the instruction of the crystal stele, and get the most basic living needs - house and cultivation room.

Purple Mo also followed her.

The lowest configuration of the house can be used for people to rest, in this process will not consume soul power, in short, do not consume soul stone. There are also more advanced houses, not only do not consume soul stone when resting, but also can slowly warm up the soul power - the premise of using the house is to complete the established work. Of course, you can do more if you have the ability.

The junior house can be used without paying rent, and the intermediate house needs to pay a soul stone rent every month.

Whether it is a primary, intermediate or advanced house, you need to complete the basic work of the cultivation room to be qualified. The cultivation room can be used for planting, manufacturing and so on.

Different from the ordinary small world, there are no self metabolic organisms, including plants.

The so-called planting is more similar to the transformation of one material or energy into another that can be used and absorbed by ghost people.

There are many kinds, such as materials for refining Yin utensils and clothes for defending vigorous wind.

It's all in this way.

The ghost people are the most basic production units here. According to some ghost people's opinions, it seems that the ghost people here can't survive drought and flood, but in fact, they can't survive starvation. To put it bluntly, it's like farmers in the real world. There is no shortage of land to eat, but not a lot of money.

The most is to let your soul power not dissipate too fast, as long as possible for some time. We can't save many soul stones, let alone accumulate capital to open up the reincarnation channel to repair the afterlife.

The point is that this kind of life is very boring Even some people who could endure loneliness in the past life could not work here for long. Finally, they either moved to other places, or after slack off, their income could not keep up with the consumption of soul power and exhausted their whole life.

Qin Gu took the intermediate house and the cultivation room, and there were two small packages in his hand.

Purple Mo because the soul stone is not much left, only received the primary house.

Out of the hall, the portal will directly transfer them to the designated area on the crystal tablet - Soul Valley.

New arrival, the first transmission is free and one-step in place.

As Qin Gu is now, she is assigned to the area of Soul Valley, so she is directly transferred to the central transmission array of Soul Valley when passing through the portal.

The transmission array is the highest place in the whole area. From here, you can see an open field.

Taking the transmission array as the center, the surrounding houses are closely "inlaid" around. The main cross road divides the area into four areas.

Qingu has just been sent here, not a moment, is observing the surrounding environment, familiar with the situation.

You can see that there are several more people in the nearby transmission space, both men and women. They skillfully put their crystal cards on the front transparent control panel, and then an ellipsoid shaped cover appears outside the border. On one side of the cover, a movable door slides aside. When the person enters, the sliding door closes again. And then you see a large transparent egg flying over a residential area

Several other people used the crystal card, but did not immediately come to an "egg" to take them away, but waited on the side. It seems that they all know each other and are chatting in a low voice.

"Uncle Zhang, how much will your descendants burn for you this time? But I heard it's your fourth great grandson now, right? It's very hard to remember how to worship our ancestors every new year. "

The man known as Uncle Zhang looks like he is in his 70s. He is in good spirits. His smile and happiness are overflowing on his face. He says happily: "well, they have a heart. But I've been here for a long time. After all, it's been a few generations, and my feelings are very weak. My grandson was still reading when I died. What's more, it's a drag for them to worry about them every time. I'm going to save some soul stones to buy a dream talisman next time By the way, you said you went to the gate of death this time, how about it? "Another middle-aged man sighed and was about to say that he noticed Qin Gu's side.

Eh, "is this a new man from our ghost town? Oh, it seems that there has been no new comer in our district for several years? And there are still two. "

With that person's words, people have to look at Qingu side, very warm to greet her.

Qin Gu quickly responded one by one. The peaceful and friendly atmosphere from the heart made Qin Gu feel very comfortable.

A woman in her thirties came to Qingu and said, "grandma, you haven't chosen a place to live in? Just in time, the aunt next to me just left for the gate of death. Please come to my place. Here, right here... "

The lady pointed to the front, if you really see a dense house, there is a small blank in the middle, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

It's close to the transmission array, and the traffic is very convenient - saving energy.

"Thank you, my name is Qingu..."

"I'll call you granny Gu later. By the way, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Zhao Qing. I can call me Xiao Zhao or Xiao Qing..."

Through chatting, we are familiar with it. A small semitransparent train appears outside the energy cover of the transmission array, and the people who have just scratched the card have stepped up one after another. Qin Gu also drew a card and entered the carriage.

People seem to be willing to deal with older people. Instead, Zimo is ignored. She can't live in the center of the legend array, so she has to choose the side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!