Chapter 1205

Small Z looked at Qingu not even a little circuitous, a face-to-face put all people down, hanging the heart slightly down.

Only "extraordinary" means can get rid of these people.

Qin Gu asked Xiao Z to search out the place where the client's sales contract was placed, as well as the land contract and house contract of the family, and take it in his hand.

However, there is still a process to restore the freedom of the client, and then to change these into his own - to register with the Yamen.

The next day, Fang Liugui wakes up and thinks about what happened last night. Looking at the woman in front of her, she suddenly feels extremely humiliated.

If you come up, you have to pinch Qingu's neck. Qingu takes the opportunity to pop a soul bug into the other's mouth.

Fang Liugui's sight swept over his mother and aunt who were still lying on the ground. His expression was a little struggling, but he was soon pulled away by Qingu.

Although the merits and virtues of these six nobles are already negative and can be killed, controlling the soul of the other party is still not allowed by the law of heaven, and he will be bitten by some.

But if the other party takes the initiative to attack, it is not the same.

Like last night, when he saw the other party coming, he took the opportunity to plant the soul bug into the other party's body, and he controlled it with a wisp of divinity.

It is said that this pill was developed by Qingu in the last small time and space combined with the characteristics of the magic cultivation clan.

In the battle, it can confuse the opponent for a short time, which can be used on ordinary people, and then guide subconsciously with the idea of the drugger.

Then this pill can affect the other party's consciousness and judgment to a certain extent. At this time, if Qingu uses spiritual power to transmit sound, the other party will be like a puppet.

All things involving the soul, even if the other party's merit value is negative, can not be randomly adjusted.

Qin Gu's spiritual power is weak now, so it's only effective to deal with people with weak soul and weak willpower.

Qin Gu didn't pay attention to several people lying on the ground. After a while, they should wake up.

Now it is not the time to really kill them. As for what will happen when they wake up, Qingu is not worried at all.

She came to this small time and space not to save such a family, but to give the client and more women with the same identity as the client, to fight for a third way besides depending on the master and men!

Qin Gu grasped the time, controlled Fang Liugui, took the documents, hired a carriage, and went straight to the Archives Management Office of Yamen.

There are some acquaintances of Fang Liugui in the county. Many of them know that he has married another woman, and they all lament how important it is to have a relative who works in a big family.

But some people who know some inside information are whispering that the woman Fang Liugui married seems not very clean and was given to Fang Liugui by his master.

There are also people pointing to Qingu, sighing that it looks very good, how to offend the master? However, no matter how to say that the six expensive square also got a great bargain.

Along the way, someone asked Fang Liugui where he was going with his new daughter-in-law who had just passed by. Qingu then controlled the other party's body and replied, "I'm sorry Where are you going to do your business... "

In addition to deleting the original slave files of the client, he also handled the marriage contract, house contract and land contract according to the normal procedures.

In this way, she finally changed from a slave without independent rights to an ordinary person.

The administrator was very surprised that Fang Liugui changed suddenly, but the questions and answers were normal. All the documents were complete. In addition, the other party also gave a sum of money in private. These procedures were quickly completed.

After all, it is the first time that the mind controls other people's souls, and it overlooks the rejection of external ideas by the body's life magnetic field.

She wants to separate a wisp of mind to control six expensive, but also the performance of the other side is the same as before, it is simply too tired.

However, the slave contract and household registration records are imminent and must be dealt with first.

Fang Liugui must be present to complete these tasks. If next time, Qin Gu really can't bear to talk to Fang's people. Do they really want to compete with them in order to meet their identity? Of course not.

At this time, although Qin Gu's head was as painful as acupuncture, she gritted her teeth and resisted.

Looking at this hard-earned identity document, I finally feel at ease.

Qin Gu put these important documents in his storage box, so that he would not lose them in any case, and he was not afraid that someone would come to make these documents.

Quickly hired a carriage, will Fang Liugui into the inside, then draw back their own consciousness control.

The body lost the control of mental power and lost the vitality of strangers in an instant. In the process of his own ontological consciousness gradually returning, the body has always been in a state of confusion.

If Fang Liugui's consciousness returns and knows that she has been "controlled" to do these things, she will not give up.

Of course, Qingu will not wait for the other party to wake up and settle accounts with himself. He simply uses drugs to make the other party in a semi comatose state, so as not to make anything on the way back.

Qingu took out the food and water in the storage compartment to replenish energy to the body, and then sat quietly to regulate breath, so that the feeling of body hollowing out was slightly reduced.

If she could see her face now, it must be pale.Back to the Fangs' house outside the city, it was already late in the evening. Several people of the Fang family had already woken up, and the house was almost noisy.

The most depressing thing was that they thought they could watch the new woman shivering in the hall this morning, but when they woke up, they found themselves lying on the ground for no reason.

Today, I didn't see the new wife, and even Liugui was gone. I asked the old man Kuang who was looking at the door. The other party said that Fang LiuYe took the bride out early in the morning.

What, Liu GUI didn't know that woman's origin had a problem? How can you take it out without even setting the rules? Mother in law's tea has not yet been served

That's ridiculous.

Thinking about the things before coma, the bride disappeared again, and she was furious. I will skin her when she comes back!

At this time, they saw that Qin Gu came back with Fang Liugui, and called out "where's my ancestor" with exaggeration. Then they rushed over and called Liugui's name and checked each other's situation.

Qin Gu simply explained: "he took me to the city for a day today. He was tired. You can help him go back to his room and have a rest."

As soon as she opened her mouth, they swore at Qin Gu and directly put on a big cap of Kefu.

Don't say, this hat is not unjust at all.

Qin Guxin said, I not only want to "Ke" Fu, but also kill you all!

Tian holds Fang Liugui back to the bedroom. Fang and Fang Er Niang set rules for Qin Gu.

Qin Gu is really in pain now. When he loses his mental strength, he also takes out a lot of Yuan energy in his body. He has no energy to deal with these two people, so he takes out the powder again.

That's right. Millet put d again.

Qin Gu sighs in the heart, also fortunately has this golden finger, otherwise Rao is she has the day big idea also cannot handle these people drop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!