Chapter 1126

Unexpectedly, these people began to fight.

The frail alliance formed just now, which has been dealing with the escort agency, suddenly disintegrated,

"give me, of course, it is to me. We got this information first"

"we arrived here first"


Do some people hold down the other three people? The other part directly seizes what Li Fangyuan has in his hands.

But how could Li Fangyuan give them things easily? What I have just used is the most superficial and easy way to sow dissension.

We all know this truth, but even if we know that the other party's purpose is to cause civil strife, we can't escape the reality.

In fact, whether it is now or a moment later, they will fight for what Li Fangyuan has in hand.

So for a while, four groups of people were fighting each other, and the escort agency was fighting with these people again. It was a mess.

The first one to be hurt is the teahouse in the martial arts story.

The broken sound of those tables, chairs and benches all shows the great Xia's extraordinary skill.


Zhi saw this guy rushing to this side in a hurry all the way. Now she is watching the people below fight, and Zhenxing escort agency is involved. However, she relies on a branch to adjust her breath. It seems that she has no intention to help at all.

So he couldn't help but ask, "Gu Gu, you really don't want to go down and set up a hand? You know, the client's father is still in it. With your current means, it's just a bunch of powder things. It won't last long to see the accomplishments of these people... "

Qin Gu said faintly: "don't worry, Li Fang is far from dead..." There is another sentence: he was the most loyal supporter of Shuhao, and later, in order to "flatter" Shuhao, he did his best to match up his daughter and Shuhao. Of course, Shuhao's attitude towards the client is also ambiguous, which makes everyone misunderstand that he likes the client.

"Trifoliate orange" Well, what if the client's father got hurt in the fight? The client will resent you... "

Qin Gu didn't pay attention to him. He only said, "I think you are quite free now. In this case, let me open the attribute bubbles of these people."

The so-called "know yourself and know the other party" can "not let go nor kill wrong".

Zhizhi suddenly felt that he had become a "villain who died of talking too much" unconsciously. He was just groping for each other's temperament step by step and trying to find out

It doesn't work at all. Now it's better to involve myself.

The attribute value bubble is also the attribute value bubble. Although it is not allowed to open every time, but Because they know little about these people's information and need to deduce a lot of information, the more energy they need.

Although he only got the benefits of tens of millions of energy stones last time, but It's a painful thing to take the energy stone out.

Even now, Qingu is constantly adjusting its breath. Whether it is the energy in the food you just ate, or the spiritual power of cultivating the innate Qi refining technique, they are all gathering in the elixir field.

Every extra point she accumulates, she has more confidence.

But this guy always likes to say something It won't distract her, but When a person has a prejudice against another person, they feel that they have ulterior motives when they do anything, and they feel very irritable when they say anything. Therefore, Qingu decisively let the other side out of "blood.".

If so, the sea of knowledge is quiet.

Soon, I saw the people outside the teahouse below continuously bubbling up on their heads, showing their names, ages, merits, accomplishments, schools and so on.

Qin Gu looked at the column of merit value. Generally speaking, most people's merit and virtue value are positive, but they are not very high.

There are still four or five negative, dozens of negative

Qin Gu knew that when he would start to work, which one could let go and which needed to be more leisurely Of course, if the other party takes the initiative to attack itself, she just defends herself and counterattacks, and the sword has no eyes, then she can't blame her.

The battle in the field has entered a white hot stage, and several people have been wounded, all of whom have been stabbed in the back.

At this time, there was a rapid sound of horses' hooves in the forest, and then, like a gust of wind, five or six horses ran past.

And these riders, each carrying a large square box, wrapped in cloth, is what they want in terms of size and shape.

Eh, according to the previous information, didn't that Weiyuan and Changfeng escort agency had already passed through bailing to Feixian Valley two days ago?

Why do you come now

Do you mean

Let's say that the man with the highest cultivation in it jumped up and directly grasped the box behind Li Fangyuan.

With a stab, the cloth on the box was torn off, revealing a black lacquer wooden box Wooden box?

Oh, no, I'm really cheated.

The man exclaimed, "stop all of you We've been cheated. The real box is on the back of the riders. Run after himThe people did not care about revitalizing the escort agency. They rode in a hurry, no matter which one was. When they saw the horse turning over and riding on it, they urged the horse to chase it.

Qin Gu looked at the eye field, leaving only a mess.

The teahouse has been broken by the strong internal force of those people. Two old couples stood quietly in the woods beside the teahouse, their faces full of melancholy.

This is the river and lake. I didn't expect that they would still be affected even though they had already left the lake.

This teahouse is the foundation of their livelihood, and it also took a lot of efforts to build it, as well as broken tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans, which are a lot of money.

Before, they had been open to the villagers nearby, and they didn't have much savings at all little does one think.

When everything calmed down, they began to clear the site before it was dark. They planned to wait for the villagers to come tomorrow and ask them to help build another shed.

Just as he opened a broken table top, a piece of bright silver fell down.

Why, there is a piece of silver here.

The man's wife looked at the silver ingots falling down from her hand In fact, those people in the Jianghu don't often take money with them, and they don't worry about eating wherever they go.

The old woman's frown slowly unfolded, and a smile appeared on her face: "ha ha, I didn't expect that there would be a time when the old lady looked away. As it turns out, it's a real person who doesn't show his face, but who doesn't show up. In fact, she had already seen through all this and expected everything. Therefore, she deliberately left this ingot of silver. This is more than enough for us to rebuild a tea shed... "

The old man came to his senses, "is that what you are talking about The little girl who bought all our cakes? "

Old woman: "what little girl, look here..."

It turned out that there was a shallow mark on one side of the silver ingot, which was a moth.


They looked at each other and laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!