Chapter 1108

Li e died with hatred, unwilling, resentful She asked the sky and the earth over and over again, who did she invite and who she provoked, and why she was asked to be the stepping stone of others again and again?

No, if I said she had some feelings for Shuhao, she really didn't care about him at all. She just wanted to stay away from him But in the end, why is it still like this?!

The fourth generation: li'e activated the memory earlier. Since it was just not enough, it was completely away from it. She didn't want to dominate the world and revive the escort agency. She left the escort agency decisively.

However, her village was targeted by a group of robbers. She fought hard and was still taken captive. Unfortunately, she was rescued by Li Fangyuan, who was "passing by"

When li'e saw Shu Hao again, she felt the whole heart and soul tremble with fear and resistance.

She thought, since can't escape, then - kill him!

She tried every means she could think of to kill him, sneak attack, assassinate, lower du However, she was defused so skillfully every time. At the same time, she also had the reputation of "enchantress", "snake and scorpion woman" and "ungrateful". Originally, people are kind enough to save you, but you are deliberately trying to kill people It's just a dog's heart.

In this life, she came to a good end. Because I was thinking about how to kill Shuhao. Therefore, there is not much merit value accumulated, only one lost that was accumulated before.

In the fifth world, li'e activated her memory later. At that time, she had been taken by the plot and became a broken family and a dead man.

With so many failures, she finally summed up a truth - stay away from the golden couple.

Thinking about the last time, because she didn't have enough merit, she almost annihilated her soul. So she tried her best to do good deeds. Finally, when she knew that her "deadline" was coming, she could not resist, so she simply used this picture to save a villager who was attacked by bandits, and all of them died.

In this life, she still can not escape the fate of the arrangement, but as far as possible to earn merit.

She tried everything she could to escape her fate.

The sixth generation When she returned as like as two peas, she saw the same environment.

………… Qin Gu looked at the reincarnation of this life after another, and felt that his thoughts fell into the magic circle with the entruster's explanation.

I met those two people every time. Li'e was a female Xia who was happy with her kindness and hatred, and she was also a demon head who revenged the kindness with the vengeance

But no matter how she changes her fate, she will still be related to them and become their cannon fodder.

Qin Gu's heart also became extremely heavy, this entrustment She felt very hot.

However, this is a special commission, which is entrusted by the trustor with the soul stone and the source of his soul, which he has to accept.

Qin Gu closed his eyes and let his mind slow down. Then he said to the bamboo leaves on the ground without looking back: "help me connect with the client. I want to see her..."

Trifoliate slightly pause, bamboo leaves gently waved, Qingu will appear in front of a three-dimensional projection.

Li'e also saw Qingu, and a wry smile appeared on her face. She said, "I have read your declaration: as long as you work hard, you can succeed, and you can reproduce it infinitely..."

I don't know why. At this time, Qin Gu heard this sentence again and felt that it was a little Harsh.

When she first entered the soul transfer station, how "extraordinary". Later, with more experience in life, I realized that effort is only a factor of success, a basic element, and more importantly, chance. In short, luck.

Now, when someone said that again, she suddenly felt her cheek hot, and her face crackled.

Qin Gu quickly adjusted his mind, with a proper smile, and sincerely said: "this is just my feeling at that time, let you laugh. However, although hard work can't represent everything, I still insist that if you work hard, you will surely get something. "

At this time, Qin Gu is facing a soul who has experienced six generations, and can also accumulate rich soul stones in such a complex environment. It can be seen that the other side is not simple.

Li'e didn't go on pestering with the topic just now. She turned to the front of the story and said, "well As you can see, no matter how hard you try, face or escape, you can't escape the entanglement of fate. I really can't do it now Maybe your taskers will have a better way to deal with it. So I put my commission on the task list, and it has been a long time since no one has received it. I can only use this method Even if I Abandon their own soul, also do not want to become the cannon fodder in other people's life. I don't want to have any more entanglement with them. That's my greatest wish

Qin Gu pauses, "that You know, this time at the cost of the source of the soul, which means In this world, you may No longer exist... "

From the heart of Qin Gu, she appreciates the indomitable heart of the other side after several generations, and the other side is also a person with great merit and virtue She didn't want such a tough soul to disappear from the world.However, the other party has pledged the source of soul to her. In fact, whether the other party's soul can continue to exist depends on her.

Qin Gu knew that the later client had the right to see her past "cases". If she returned the source of soul to the other party this time, would the future client feel that: in any case, with the entrustment of the source of soul, the Tasker had to accept it, but in the end, the other party would return the source of soul to himself. It was too simple to exchange soul stone for an arduous counterattack Single. If you don't give it back, you'll complain.

The voice of Poncirus aurantii came to me There are too many unfair things in the world. If you hold such a heart, it is not enough to distribute all your wealth to them. Rules are rules. Since she is willing to give up all of them, why do you have to worry about it? "

Qin Gu glanced at the bamboo leaves on the ground, did not speak, but had made a decision in his heart.

Looking at Qin Gu's calm face, the other side's thoughts are not as active and outward as before, and they can't feel what the other side thinks.

He is also very tangled at the moment, saying that this guy is really too difficult to handle.

At the beginning, it was fair to say that he didn't get caught up with each other, but later he not only let himself suffer heavy damage, but also let Cang Wu be expelled from the original system of heaven.

And on the way back, he really helped her out of the world Is he supposed to have her trust? , the fastest update of the webnovel!