Not out of Qingu's expectation, almost just after her side had treated all the wounded, the horn of the emergency battle of Fengbao sounded again.

This time, the tide of beasts is no longer a wave of attacks, but all the hordes of beasts surrounding the windcastle are rushing towards the windcastle.

Yes, it's all.

The fierce beasts are like an endless wave, and the wind castle is a leaf in the ocean.

The surging tide swept towards this thin leaf with overwhelming momentum.

Even if people are already prepared, even if they have experienced many animal tides before, even if

However, such a situation still exceeded their expectations and exceeded the endurance limit of the wind castle.

Huo Ping knows that all this must have been done by the orcs, but they have now shrunk to the center of the "beast tide". Even if they know the truth of "catching the thief first, capturing the king", they have nothing to do.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the city wall was hit by hundreds of variation mammoths, and there were many openings.

In addition to the frontal attack, on the other side of the wind castle, it was also attacked by fierce beasts.

Besieged on all sides, the defense was overwhelmed.

Huo Ping knew This time it's really about Did you lose?

He had observed the water line again before: it was lower than their water line.

That is to say, the lowest water intake position they have set up can no longer get water.

But fortunately, he has made people reserve enough water ahead of time, which can cope with at least half a month to a month, so no one should have noticed that the water level has dropped to the water intake line.

The "barometer" of the water line means that they have abandoned the city, which is about to be inundated by an animal tide!

Looking at the guards who are still following him, we can see that there are so many residents who are looking forward to in the rear.

He knew that the decision was extremely dangerous, or that he would die. He still decided to take a group of elite to pull out the orc command center.

Because these fierce beasts are very powerful, if there is no more powerful and powerful control, they will naturally fight each other and collapse.

They have experienced the baptism of the end of the world, and their wisdom is indeed higher than before, but they have not reached the level of being able to understand the combination of horizontal and vertical.

Huo Ping with three hundred sharp, like a sharp knife, stabbed into the black beast tide army and tore open a hole.

However, compared with the huge beast tide army, it is only a small "gap", and in the face of strong resistance, they can no longer move forward.

And his "sharp knife" is being eroded by the ferocious and powerful orcs. He fought hard, but it is still relatively insignificant.

Although they failed to rush to the orc command center and kill the command center, they also attracted a great deal of vitality of the beast tide and alleviated the crisis of part of the wall.

However, this is not a long-term plan after all, and they have a strong sense of despair.

It was at this time that they noticed some commotion ahead.

Then, the tight horde of animals that were besieging them became loose and flustered.

The fierce beasts in the periphery scattered around one after another, while those in the center of the battle also retreated in fear, but were blocked by the fierce beasts on the periphery.

Because the high and fierce herds of animals blocked people's sight, they couldn't see the outside situation, and they didn't know what happened. However, this kind of situation was the best time for them to counterattack, so everyone's fighting spirit rose suddenly, and their infinite potential broke out.

Qin Gu was very glad that he was greedy and accumulated more spiritual power.

These orcs are more powerful than she expected. The rest of the core forces basically have the power of "fighting spirit", but they can cope with it.

The orc command center is finished. There are no heads. The assembled beast tide shows signs of breaking up.

The main reason is that the resistance of Fengbao is too strong these days. How can we not be afraid of the mountains of ORC corpses still lying there?

Qin Gu can't get rid of all the broken beasts, but he can do something about it.

Yes, she's poisoned again.

It can inhibit the development of their population to a certain extent.

Animal protection in her ontological world was put forward when human beings had already occupied the absolute control and discourse power, and the speed of animal extinction almost brought the whole ecological chain to the brink of collapse. Even more than a hundred years after the proposal of animal protection was put forward, at that time, human beings were still in the pioneering stage. In those remote areas, wild animals were often harassed, and the incidents of wild animals eating human beings emerged in an endless stream. People also regarded the killing of fierce animals as a feat and regarded them as heroes.

"Protection" refers to the "almsgiving" of "high position" to "status".

Instead of a race that is still "food" to say "I want to protect you" to the "Hunter" race.

So, let's wait until humanity really takes over the dominance of the planet.

The destruction of the orc command center means the end of the beast tide and the victory of windcastle.The guards and bodyguards of the wind castle took advantage of the situation to pursue those fleeing fierce beasts and expand the battle results.

Three days later, all the personnel returned and sorted out the battle results.

The total number of corpses of all kinds of fierce beasts is more than 20000. Even if it is the whole Fengbao national action, it will take about half a month to sort out all the bodies.

In addition to cutting meat into dried meat, there are various materials.

It can be made into armor, weapons, or something else.

After the tide of beasts was over, many caravans stranded in the wind castle were ready to set off, and by the way, they bought some materials for fierce beasts.

Qin Gu received the escort mission before, and it is still valid now.

She couldn't wait half a month for all the fighting results to be sorted out before leaving. It was too much time-consuming.

After this animal tide, the sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger.

Human beings are still struggling to survive in this world, but other races have entered a period of rapid development, and she must speed up her own pace.

Huo Ping converted her reward to nearly 200000 yuan!

This is a conservative estimate, he said.

What Huo Ping is most happy about now is not that the animal tide has won a complete victory and is rich in booty, but that the water level has been restored, even higher than before.

This means that the vitality of the land is gradually recovering.

He and the whole Fengbao people are grateful for Qingu, promising that Fengbao is her home and welcome back anytime. And after that, if qunfanggu has anything to do with him.

Qingu also repeatedly expressed thanks and said, "you are so polite, master of the castle"

she is polite and sincere. She feels happy to fight with people who are united and love like Fengbao.

Of course, I was also very satisfied with the "number" proposed by the other party. , the fastest update of the webnovel!