If you want to subvert the original basic laws of the world, you must establish a set of rules of your own.

Therefore, hezezer forced a space in the secondary plane of the world by his own magic power, and divided the space into two parts, a hell and a heaven.

In this way, most people in the world will be intercepted in its isolated space after death, whether it is hell or heaven.

Different names, in fact, the results are the same.

At the same time, it also gives more support to those with more evil thoughts.

To support this space, we need not only huge energy, but also certain space rules.

The space law understood by Heze Ze is just used to support the space of hell. Before the world is completely subverted, the space isolated from it is not a complete one and cannot exist independently. In short, it can not leave the space of hell, so it can only use its own body to go to the world.

The devil that Qin Gu killed in the basement of Kaliya is a separate body that God made Heze split out and the agent in the world. This agent is about to enter the human world successfully, but he didn't expect

Qin Gu sighed a little. He even offended a Lord God in a war of defense against heaven?! Tut, it's really a headache.

Oh, no, it's not a headache. If you don't attack the world, if you don't kill the envoy, the envoy will let her go? I'm afraid it'll make you happier.

Different camps are destined to be either you die or I live.

Qin Gu's headache is the strength of each other

The other side is the main god of a super world. Last time, in the secondary defense plane of the robot family, the other side was just a projected sub body, and almost lost his own expenses.

If this is really missed by the other party, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous in the future.

As for the last world, although there are still some small demons and evil spirits, there is no hell.

After all, there are a few people who always want to get something for nothing and take advantage of themselves by cursing others. Most of them still stick to their bottom line.

In addition, there are also priests and good people who are willing to protect the world's right path at the cost of their lives. Sooner or later, those evil spirits and evil spirits will be dispelled. Because the world law has returned to the basic law of heaven, without hell as their final shelter, they will be completely exposed to the law of heaven. As long as they are evil spirits, they will be suppressed by the law, They were forced to be quarantined to the soul transfer station.

As for the life of the original owner, Qin Gu has untied the cause and effect of their family and paved the way for their future life. With the diligent and simple character of the original owner, a good life is just around the corner.

Well, about the powers of the Lord Before Qin Gu also explained the situation imperceptibly: because the relationship between the original parents was inexplicable, there was a power, so it was reasonable to disappear because of untiing the knot.

Qin Gu came to the living room in his pajamas. He threw his body into the soft sofa. While pointing out his attribute value panel, he said, "Oh, I didn't expect that I met again..."

"In fact, the contest between the two different laws is inevitable. And the other party can not directly enter the small world, even if they go, they will be limited by the law of small space-time. Otherwise the laws of the world will collapse. Even if he wants to change the rules of the world, it will only need a subversion process like the last derivative channel world. "

Xiao Z's words gave Qingu some comfort, but she still told herself in her heart that she must pay attention to it later.

If you meet again with this Cangwu Lord God related, you must start first! Well, it's soy sauce!

Outside the space-time hut, there are almost no tiny bubbles. A few days later (the time ratio of 10:1, taking more than two months, equivalent to seven or eight days in the past), three or four larger bubbles have been added.

Qingu looked at the properties of these bubbles are similar, and also looked at other brick like space-time cottages, and found that the bubbles on the vines of their life are the same.

Xiaoz did not wait for Qingu to ask, and then automatically explained: "now it should be the attack of the bubble of doomsday flow Well, it's like this every time. There's nothing new about it. "

Qingu: bubble of doomsday flow

Xiao Z: "well, at the beginning of the Tiandao defense war, it is usually a wave of chaotic world attacks. Then, the doomsday stream attack means that the defense war has officially entered a white hot stage. It's almost the same every time. Anyway, it's all in a different tone. It's either a biochemical crisis or the end of life in all kinds of extreme environments. "

Qin Gu said, "well," she sorted out the space-time cabin and her own attribute value panel. The space-time cabin has less energy storage, but it is still within her tolerance range.

However, the spirit source of the storehouse has been increased, and the strength of its own soul has also been improved, and the harvest is fair.

In the explanation of the housekeeper Z, Qingu has opened the world mall, buying daily necessities from it as usual and filling up his personal space.

After several worlds, she realized the importance of having a space to carry around. Sometimes it was even more powerful than martial arts.There is a gap on the short knife purchased before, and the blade is slightly deformed, which is caused by her forcible infusion of spiritual power.

In fact, this kind of ordinary level can only cut apples and so on. It is very difficult to infuse spiritual power into combat. Therefore, combat weapons must be more professional.

On the shelf of the mall that Qin Gu looked at, the Black Dagger marked with 10 million energy stones If you only look at the shape, it's almost the same as her original short knife. It's dark, and it's a foot long, but the price is 10000 times different!

Star sword: primary spirit sword

function: power reserve

Yes, to Qingu, the only difference is that the "dagger" called star sword can reserve certain power in advance.

This means that the combat reaction is faster, and there is no need to infuse the spirit power after the fight has started.

Even a tenth of a second faster can be fatal at critical moments.

Qingu endured a pain in the flesh, closed his eyes and click down. With a heartbroken "crash" sound, there was a lot less energy stone, and then a Black Dagger floated in front of her.

The delivery speed is OK.

Qin Gu reached for the handle of the sword. Suddenly, a string of information was sent to her to know the sea, and bound the information. When she sensed the sword again, she felt a kind of cordial and arm like feeling.

She felt that if she went to the Lord of hell now, she would do better.

Tut Tut, there is a certain reason for the high price.

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