Ansu made a cut in her hand with a knife. The red blood drops were in the bowl, and the injured people sipped a little.

Miraculous things happened, they felt numb, the black hair and hard wound had returned to the original color again, and had the pain, the skin also became soft

Purifier, if it is purifier!

People were so excited that it seemed that the wounded in the stockade could be saved.

At this time, the ground suddenly came to shake the ground, it was a large number of iron riding towards them.

No, it's the God elect of the dynasty! Listen to at least a thousand.

Mao Yuandong yelled: "protect the holy daughter --"

and then he rushed up with a large group of base guards

Ansu's hands were bound up, and her expression was anxious, but there was a trace of contempt and ease in the depths of her eyes - as if she were convinced that no matter how fierce these battles were, they would not affect her.

The more famous she is, the safer she is.

There is a saying called: rare goods can be found. Maybe that's what it means. Only when her value is greater, can it attract the attention of the high-level officials of the Dynasty and

This battle was more tragic than before. No matter how Mao Yuandong and others resisted it, they were surrounded by these chosen men in the end.

Now, Mao Yuandong knows that it is impossible for them to bring ansu back to Wanjiazhai, and there is a more important mission, the altar.

It is said that the altar is on the pillar of the heart of the world. Only when the saint is sacrificed to heaven and earth, will the world be cleaned up.

So they are going to try their best to make a breakthrough. As long as they send out the saint, they will also contribute to the world.

However, these electors are relatively advanced and have certain thinking, so they are very difficult to deal with.

Watching the brothers around them fall down one by one, I'm afraid they will also


When Mao Yuandong and others felt extremely desperate, there was a commotion outside the encirclement circle, and then there was an opening.

It's Jiming! It was her!

When they saw the Savior coming, their morale soared and they rushed into the regiment with a shout.

The silver armor is made of some special metal, which can't be broken even by the dagger made by Qingu Tiandao platform. Of course, maybe her strength is not enough.

However, with a little bit of magic power, everything is easy to solve. Silver armor is no different from tofu under the holy power.

This is not the time to be stingy with spiritual power. Help.

Therefore, with the blessing of wind control technique, Qingu flies like a spirit between the silver armor. The knife in his hand stabs into the back neck one by one, cutting off the nerve center of the spine.

With Qin Gu, the God of killing, he quickly reversed the situation and ended the battle.

People all feel that they have experienced a death. Besides being happy, they are more shocked by Qingu's powerful means.

At this time, Qingu's body came out of strength. After all, she had not been in this world for a long time, and her strength was limited. Just now, she consumed too much mental and spiritual power, and the original owner's physical foundation was poor.

So at this moment, if she hadn't managed to support her, she would have fallen to the ground.

She can't fall now. She has important things to do.

That's right. Anyway, she's going to take these two disaster attractors away!

After a little rest, some people left to clean up the mess and burn the rotten bodies together.

The other part of the people first took the people who had just drunk ansu's blood back to the stockade The blood of these people also has a therapeutic effect.

"The only way to stop the world from deteriorating is to send her to the altar," Mao said. It's rare that miss an knows the truth and thinks of all the people in the world. "

Qin Gu said, "since I brought them, let me take her there."

Mao Yuandong said: "you can see that the electors of the dynasty are also looking for her. The road must be extremely dangerous. Let me take someone with you."

"Qingu resolutely refused," presumably this time your village also suffered heavy damage, and the next severe winter, they need you more. "

The other side sees Qin Gu's attitude is very firm, say very reasonable. They had to deal with the next severe winter, and the whole base was waiting for them to guard. And she had taken two girls along the way before, proving that she had the ability to escort the virgin. In the end, she had to agree.

Qin Gu looked at Anrou and said, "do you decide to stay or stay with us?"

Anrou certainly wanted to stay. With tears in her eyes, ansu said, "sister, the second sister has left us. Now I have only one relative left in the world. I hate you very much, sobbing I wish our sisters could go back to the past... "

Anrou listens to the other side so say, heart a soft, sigh tone, think sister this is to die.

Although there was some unhappiness between the two before, after so much time, there was only the true love after suffering. In order to steal her life, she didn't even give her sister the last leg. That's not human.So he said to Qin Gu, "I'll be with you..."

Qin Gu looked at her and didn't say anything. No matter what, it's someone else's decision, she reminded me, worthy of my heart.


Qin Gu took a look at ansu's head, and his merit value reached more than 200 points.


Qin Gu knew that he did not have the ability to "protect" this saint.

Just now, I had to deal with dozens of silver armor, and just managed to support it under the condition of sneaking attack. Now the body is empty, even if it is black iron armor, I'm afraid it's a bit too much.

They don't have the ability to "protect", and those people are not.

After so many things, she felt as if she had felt a thread -

in fact, when Qingu knew that ansu was a purifier and could purify the world as long as she was sent to the altar.

Send her directly to restore this small space-time to the way of heaven. It's very simple.

But she quickly overturned this idea. At least from the beginning, ansu did not do anything to anger people. How could she sacrifice her life to save people?

It's like a case of being guilty.

What if she were Qingu? I'm afraid it's hard to accept.

The so-called do not do to others what you do not want, so Qin Gu did not want to send her to sacrifice.

It is only a temporary measure to promise those people in Wanjiazhai just now. If the normal people want to compete with the power of the God elect, there will be only one in the end, so that the normal people who can live in a corner will die one after another on this road of "protecting" the Holy daughter.

This reminds her of a story she once saw. It was about escorting a wonderful Sutra. How many disasters and dead creatures were born along the way , the fastest update of the webnovel!