Finally, it is the third defense sequence. In fact, it is very good to be able to form the third defense.

Qingu learned from Xinyou that Tiandao was invaded by another system tens of thousands of years ago. The other side contributed a small world in countless planes in a very short time. The small space-time in countless planes either collapsed or was assimilated by the other system. Almost destroyed the way of heaven.

So in that time, before the once-in-a-thousand-year-old defense war, Tiandao launched an emergency defense measure -- defensive warfare.

However, the space-time hut, which was able to participate in the formation of the defense layer, was not even enough to defend the first layer.

And the alien invasion is extremely crazy, almost in the first impact, it almost scattered the weak defense.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the axis system of the heavenly way came forward and released a large number of basic elements in an instant, thus stabilizing the situation.

In the war tens of thousands of years ago, Qingu could hardly imagine the tragedy at that time, but she noticed that there was a word in the message: basic element.

What is yuan? Or is it launched by Tiandao axis system? Is it related to housekeeper like Xiao Z?

And the way of heaven system mentioned by little Z before is not as simple as it looks on the surface. The projection of the game world's general defense layer, NPC

All of this makes Qingu full of countless questions, but also full of motivation. All the secrets are only qualified to know more when the strength is improved and standing at a higher position.

Taking back his thoughts, Qingu received a notice from the main system again:

manager z2333, you are qualified to participate in the Tiandao defense war. Agree, please go to the third layer of defense. If you refuse, please return to your own platform partition.

Yes, of course.

As the idea of Qingu passed on, her space-time cottage and the surrounding small squares were arranged one by one, forming the third defensive layer.

Now, a new control panel appears in front of Qingu.

She found that in her consciousness, she was the little square, a brick on the huge wall.

She felt some basic data information coming from her top, bottom, left and right.

Such as the opponent's basic defense and attack power and so on.

Qingu saw that there was also a button in the control panel: energy sharing.

She thought of her last portable space mission, which consisted of peripheral defenses composed of systems and NPCs, so that they could share energy.

However, this is different from the game world after all.

Moreover, even if every Tasker has the same belief, it is hard for even a good friend to give his energy to others for nothing.

It's impossible to give others for nothing. It's OK to help each other.

Qin Gu finally understood that Xiao Z once said that if he could cultivate a manager who was completely in the same line with himself, as now, he would be "his own man" from all over the world. If he cooperated with each other, his strength would be doubled!

The cottage on the third floor failed to form a complete defense layer, but there were already two layers of high-level space-time cabins in front of them. The fish that escaped to them in the end were very few, which was not a big problem.

The war began without warning.

There was no shock.

If there is a supreme eye, you can see that outside this shining ball, countless large and small colorful bubbles are surging.

Soon, the ball was submerged in a sea of bubbles.

Each bubble represents a small time and space, either unstable and about to collapse, or has a firm alien belief

If absorbed by such a small space-time, it will either be destroyed by the collapse of the world inside, or be assimilated by the alien beliefs inside.

This is the battle of heaven.

It is similar to the situation that Qingu encountered in the space turbulence before.

However, what she encountered at that time were all pieces of small time and space, that is, a world with a complete system was torn up by the turbulence of time and space, and turned into a small space-time with only one or several broken plots.

It contains less energy. You can use the energy of your own space-time cabin to directly fight with each other. You can also use strategies to balance the unstable factors inside.

The first defense layer intercepts the bubbles in the big world, drops some of them by the way, and then puts some of them between the first layer and the second layer So less than a quarter of these released bubbles pass through the energy maze between them.

The second layer of defense leaves a part of this quarter Therefore, there are only a few scattered bubbles in the third layer of defense.

In fact, the first wave of attacks can be intercepted by the first layer of defense.

But in order to save strength, strive for a shorter time to complete the first wave of attack, in order to better prepare for the next round of challenges.

And put the past small bubbles can also let other low-level task players practice.…… After several red bubbles pass through the energy maze between the second and third layers, the defense outside the bubbles is very weak, and they are slowly drifting towards the small square in Qingu.

The vines bought by Qingu before were completely covered with bricks, so as soon as these bubbles came, they were intercepted by the vines.

So a message appears on the control panel of Qingu:

z2333 intercepts alien small spacetime 6, which requires 120 million energy

Qingu is sure that he didn't read the wrong words. Yes, it's just six small bubbles. If you use the energy of the space-time cabin directly, it will take 120 million energy to get rid of it!

Think of the past, in the turbulent flow of time and space, those fragments Compared with this, it's nothing.

This is the difference between space-time debris and a complete law of small space-time.

Fortunately, there were not many bubbles escaping to the third layer, which were quickly divided by the surrounding bricks.

In addition to intercepting, the life vine can temporarily resist and absorb the attack from the bubble. Therefore, Qingu spent a lot of money before, and now it can finally see the effect.

When you have time, Qingu pulls one of the bubbles in and puts it into one of the rooms of the virtual world. The opening time ratio is 100:1

this is the ratio of virtual world time to real time when Qingu opened the virtual world.

In other words, a hundred days in the virtual world, only one day in reality.

Of course, if the level is high enough, the proportion can be increased.

But now this ratio is the maximum that Qingu space-time cabin can bear.

This is the advantage of home combat, Qingu introduced this bubble small world into his own space-time cabin, opened the time ratio, and prepared for the strategy.

Either be annihilated and assimilated by the other party, or reverse the law of the other party. This is the strategy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!