Qin Gu's mobile phone vibrates, it is Jun Jun Jun's call.

Because her part ended ahead of schedule, she had to come back three days later according to the schedule. She asked Jun Jun and Guo Tao to stay there to deal with some follow-up matters, and deliberately kept it from the outside world, and came back early.

She just expected that she had become a real "public" figure, no matter what she did, it was difficult to have her own private space.

Therefore, we should first deal with the affairs of the client's mother, so as to avoid the worries in the future.

Then I will deal with the affairs of the Li Chengjia.

As for those "accidents" encountered by the crew, Qingu is also under investigation, but even with the deduction of Xiao Z, there is no clue.

As long as the information she knows is too little, all of Xiao Z's inferences are based on known information. Without any information, he can't deduce.

This matter can only be put aside temporarily. Fortunately, after several accidents, the other party has no follow-up actions. Of course, Qin Gu has raised his vigilance by 120 points no matter what he does.

Qin Gu's line of sight was taken back from the two people, avoiding the pedestrian on the road and connecting the phone.

Inside came the urgent voice of the monarch Where are you now, sister Shu Yun? Manager Jin is looking for you now. Let you go back to the company right now. Sister Shu Yun, what's going on there? Brother Tao and I are heading back... "

Qin Gu replied: "things have been dealt with here. Do you know what manager Kim is looking for? "

Jun Jun was about to say, next to Guo Tao's voice: "it seems to be about what interview, very important, you go quickly."

Qin Gu frowned slightly and said, "you haven't come back yet. How can he ask me to go immediately?"

The implication is how manager Jin knew she had come back early.

Jun Jun: "we don't know. We are here all the time..."

Two people said a few words, Qin Gu hung up the phone, swept a bicycle, followed up.

If you want to take a taxi, your goal is too big. The key is that you don't know where the other party stops. If you ask the driver to stop and go, the other party will think you are JC, which is easy to attract attention.

Although the bike is slow, she can find it if she doesn't lose it or leave the city.

The wretched middle-aged man took Li Chengjia around the corner, changed taxis and buses, then turned two blocks, and finally got into an alley.

Qingu is at another corner. If you look around, you can see that it is near the edge of the city. On one side, there are high-rise buildings, and on the other side, there are low-rise old buildings and narrow roads. You can see the obvious dividing line between prosperity and desolation.

Of course, there will be no monitoring in this place.

Qin Gu said in his consciousness, "this is not the place for underground banks. What are they doing here?"

Small Z's powerful data link can be calculated out of a crack even in the turbulent flow of time and space, but here, he thinks it's still the most difficult to predict people's hearts. Who knows what they're doing here.

Now in broad daylight, Qingu sees two people enter. Although there are few people on the road and in the community, they seem to be idle people, squatting on the roadside or leaning against the corner of the wall.

Qin Gu didn't know the details of this place. But one thing can be sure that the Chengjia Li has been caught in the trap of others. Those people are not good at picking on each other. Since the other party has brought him here, I'm afraid this place is not a good place.

What if all these people are related to that group?

Although Qingu seems to be a bit cautious, but there is no big mistake in being careful.

Besides, what can she do with her in broad daylight? Even if there is no monitoring, but there are a lot of eyes. If you really want to make something, she can't wash it clean.


At this time, the mobile phone in the pocket again came shaking, Qingu took it out, it was manager Jin calling.

It took a little while to get through. The tone was lazy, as if it was still in the bed Manager Jin, what can I do for you? Oh, well, I'll be right here... "

Manager Jin hung up the phone, a pair of angry, disdainful to the next to the main thing said: "the Cut, who's this? He's gone before he's red. What's the big deal... "

Director Zhao waved impatiently: "OK, it's settled. Let her partner Tan Yuzhi enter the film team immediately."

"Well, it must be. The agreement is there. She dares not to go." Manager Kim kept his word.


As soon as Qingu got into manager Jin's office, the other side threw over an agreement: "you sign this agreement first. I'll ask assistant Zhou to take you to the film team tomorrow..."

Qin Gu did not answer, directly picked up the contract and looked at it carefully.

This is a variety contract called "my best friend and I".

Now all kinds of variety shows are overflowing. I've dug up all kinds of troupes. Finally, I've got to deal with this girl.

The topic of girlfriends has always been in a hot state, so this variety show is just rubbing against the heat. I believe that the public is still very curious about the relationship between the friends of the stars in the circle.It's just something in the entertainment industry. Who wants to show the other side? Even if there is something between the girlfriends, they are not willing to be taken out of hand.

So it's not that we didn't expect this stem, but that no artist was willing to accept it.

This time, she was asked to partner with Tan Yuzhi, because they were very young in a community, and the similar family environment made them naturally cherish each other.

Although they were not in the same class when they were studying, they were all in the same school. Before Qin Gu also said that their relationship was like their predecessors and their friends, so it was reasonable for the program group to go to both of them.

Qin Gu feels a trace of conspiracy - the other side wants to borrow her to come back.

Qin Gu was relieved after a little thought. In fact, she had never really contacted Tan Yuzhi in the past few months when she entered the client's body.

The reason why she had a preconceived feeling that the other party "stepped on" her was because of the donation to the charity party.

From her current perspective, in fact, each star represents not her own individual, but a team, or an interest body.

It is not so much that Tan Yuzhi wants to return, but rather that she represents the interests of the body in urgent search for her comeback opportunities.

After all, she is a real big star. Many people point to her for cooking.

From this point of view, it may not be her intention to insert a pledge card into that bone hole Emmm, even if it is her own will, this circle is like this.

Even if Qingu was to promise the "sincere" words at the party, she has no room to refuse now - well, since you say you are your best friends and she is your guide, then prove it to everyone.

It's just that she has to change the terms of the agreement.

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