"Bai Ya, you go quickly --"

Bai Ya looks at Xiaoling and tries to block the palm for herself, just like when she helped him bear the burden, which made him extremely moved.

His mouth light Yang, show a gentle smile, gently toward Xiao Ling waved a hand.

Xiao Ling's body can't help but be lifted to the side of a force, Bai cliff is open chest to meet the emperor.

Bai Ya's face was cold and resolute, and his words were sonorous: "I have done good deeds to benefit the people all my life, and I have never done anything harmful to nature. But because I am a demon, no matter how much I have done, I am alien in your eyes. The rules that your heaven has set for us demon clan are to make us your slaves forever. Now, let's get out of this place and never disturb each other

His body flew backward, following the momentum of the attack, and then, at the last moment when the door of the void closed, it was transported away.

As the portal disappears, countless pieces of ice fall into the ocean, which may solidify again into huge glaciers after countless years, or they may begin to melt and return to the sea.

At the moment of Bai Ya's body passing through the portal, Qin Gu returns to his own space-time cabin.

There was no bubble in the void around the hut.

In fact, all the enmity, as long as separate on the line.

While Qingu enters the bathroom to wash the spirit body, Xiao Z has already started the hut, passes through the whirlpool, and returns to the heaven platform.

It took several days to settle down.

The room door of Yue Yao Yao and Luo Feng appeared on the wall of the hut.

Since their door is still there, it means that they have not applied for other cabins, nor have they gone out to become shopkeepers independently.

All the data was transferred to Qingu's property panel. She quickly made up for the "wages" she owed in recent years, and gave a reward twice as much as her salary.

Qin Gu looked at the red signal light on the door, indicating that they were still in the mission world.

I haven't tidied up my own space-time cabin for a long time.

Z2333 space time Cabin:

shopkeeper: Qingu (spirit body IV)

housekeeper: z2333 (VIII level, 50005000)

space time cabin level: V (200200)

virtual space: 2 (managed by yueyaoyao and Luofeng respectively)

defense of spacetime house: Level III 1000

energy reserve: 100%

space time cabin ability: ordinary space transmission, ordinary time Transfer

soul purification warehouse: Level II

skill warehouse: medical skill level II, martial arts level I, congenital Qi refining (primary)

Free attribute point: 11 (currently available)

belief: 36 (24 of which were obtained by Qingu in the task before the turbulent flow of time and space, 64 points to be able to enter the ranks of primary believers)

warehouse: energy stone 12.33 million (Qingu originally had More than 20 million yuan, nearly 10 million yuan was consumed in the turbulent flow of time and space, which made Qin Gu really painful)

spirit source storehouse: 1.21 million soul spirit stone (also in the entrusted task before the turbulent flow of time and space, Qingu hunted countless evil spirits and earned huge merit value...)

Lingyuan warehouse defense: Level I (time and space cabin vitality: 11)

World Mall: opened

mailbox: Level II (besides the spirit source of the client, at least 1000 soul stones are required)

plane ports: α - 13 (opened), β - 201 (opened), other ports to be opened.

the first thing for Qingu is to upgrade The level of the empty cabin.

It's just too dangerous to think about what I've experienced in the turbulent flow of time and space.

The whole cabin is like a boat torn in the torrent, which can be crushed at any time. The level of the cabin is the key to make her truly invincible in the space-time shuttle.

Ding: congratulations to the shopkeeper for successfully upgrading the z2333 time and space cabin to level VI, opening the construction function of defense.

Previously, the defense of the space-time cabin can only be improved through two ways: one is to enhance the strength and level of the cabin board; the other is to accumulate the soul power of the spirit storehouse. Moreover, this can only be used when the external defense of the cabin can't bear it, and it will be useful when it affects the core. Generally, this is the time of life and death.

Now, the defense of the space-time cabin has opened the constructable function, which means that in addition to improving the strength and grade of the cabin's wood, it can also strengthen the defense through foreign objects.

For example, the seed of life mentioned by little Z.

We didn't see any changes in the space-time hut, but a platform bound to the hut was built outside the hut. Around the hut, there was a place for planting seeds of life.

There are two ways to get life seeds. One is to buy them in the world mall, but the price is amazing Qingu looked at it and found that the cheapest bloodthirsty vine is 10 million energy stone.

This is growing up and winding around the cabin, when there are those bubbles close, it will give a certain amount of resistance.But just think, how powerful can a vine be? So the effect is limited.

A little better, such as the tree of life, can attract bubbles to a certain extent, and its bearing capacity is very limited And this price is 50 million!

Qingu can see that there are more than 200000 spirit stones left in his spirit source warehouse, and there are more than 1000 universal stones in the energy stone warehouse.

In any case, buy a seed of bloodthirsty vine first. If a small amount of bubble bloodthirsty vine can still be done, it is better than being trapped in it for several years or even decades every time.

Qingu put a seed like blood rice on the platform, and the blood rice slowly integrated into it, and then began to grow a green leaf from the wall of the hut.

Parthenocissus tricuspidata?

Little Z explained: "this only in the combat state will become red, passive defense."

Qingu put all the upgrades that can be upgraded, the layout of the layout, again back to the living room sofa, feel the whole heart is more stable.

"I thought it would take you at least a hundred years to cultivate yourself to the level of perfection. I didn't expect that it only took 10 years..."

Xiao Z only now talks about the real reason why he was worried about the lack of time. Qingu also thinks that it is really luck, or in other words, conforming to the will of God that he can accomplish such a perfect job this time.

Although he paid a lot to get rid of those bubbles, this time, Qin Gu got a real-time skill wind control because of his practice.

This is a real-time skill that Qin Gu used to think about. With this skill, even if he has just entered the body of the original owner, he has nothing, but it can also be regarded as a means of losing his life.

For example, if someone wants to hurt themselves, a wind will blow the other party all over the ground

Little Z can't help but remind his shopkeeper: "this Although you now have the real-time skill wind control, you still need a carry on space. If you have this skill, you can carry the items that are allowed by the small time and space of the task, which will provide more protection. "

Qin Gu remembered that before, Xiao Z asked her to do a necessary task of carrying space first. Later, because of all kinds of things, she didn't make it.

She was a vigorous person and said, "OK, I'll start now."

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