At this time, some memories of the original owner gradually emerged.

Qingu is clear, so it is.

She said, there is no love or hatred for no reason in this world.

Although joyan's attitude is really uncomfortable, Qin Gu doesn't have the slightest antipathy in her heart, because there is a reason why she looks like this.

One day, a package was delivered to my home with the information of a car accident happened more than 20 years ago. The key is that Qiao Renhua and another woman appear in a slightly blurred picture.

Although the original owner was adopted by his adoptive parents when he was very young, he still saw a picture of his mother, so he immediately recognized that the woman was his own mother.

He couldn't help but wonder, didn't his adoptive parents say they were not familiar with his own parents? Why there are photos together, and the date on the photo is the day of the parents' accident.

Then he received some information, which revealed step by step the affairs of his adoptive parents and his own parents. It turned out that they were not only acquainted with each other, but also had a very deep relationship.

It even involves some things of Hua'an group in those days All of a sudden, he found out that everything was a conspiracy. His adoptive father and his mother were atoning for their kindness.

So he once felt grateful to his adoptive parents, and his feelings for his younger brother and sister were overwhelmed by this sudden hatred. He felt that his adoptive parents were good to him, and this kind of atonement was far from enough.

He felt that his younger brother and sister's feelings towards him were also full of hypocrisy. When he looked at them with hatred, he felt that they were the children of the enemies who had killed their parents, as well as their own enemies.

He wants to revenge for his parents and take back everything that should belong to him.

Qiao Anjie did not disclose the information he had collected secretly, even on the surface, there was nothing wrong.

However, the family changed a lot because of the package. Shu Ping found out that her husband had a relationship with other women.

The point is that my husband once said it didn't matter. Obviously, he lied to him.

She is an absolute emotional purist, and the most important thing is that her husband lied to her, which is unacceptable.

She wanted to take her children abroad, but her son insisted on staying, saying that maybe it was a misunderstanding before The goal is to make parents reconcile.

As a result, Shu Ping takes her daughter joyan to study abroad, and Chengrui stays to live with her father.

That's why the foster mother and sister have been abroad.

Qin Gu thought of the information that had been unlocked before. After returning from abroad, joyan has been targeting the original owner She would have doubted the owner when she came.

Qin Gu doesn't know how many details the other party knows? And from what way?

What's more, who was the package and the person who provided information about the accident and photos of Qiao Renhua and his mother?

What does it have to do with that case?

What's the connection between that incident and this kidnapping?

Qin Gu thought: the original owner's crux to the adoptive father's family is here.

Anyway, let's find out the truth.

Qin Gu understood Qiao Ian's mood very well. The owner of this incident had an unshirkable responsibility. Now, of course, she couldn't quarrel with the little girl.

So he said, "I'm really sorry that Xiao Rui looks like this, but I will prove and make up for all this with practical actions. Mom and Dad, I'll go to the company first... "

Then say hello to the adoptive father and mother and leave.

There are a lot of things to deal with in the company. Qingu has built his own business in his native world, which is no stranger.

In addition to some ordinary documents that need to be signed, the first thing she faced was the former owner's investment in Hang Seng real estate.

It was an unfinished building on the outskirts of the city. The last boss broke the capital chain, so the project was not finished and abandoned there.

Then, a real estate wants to take over, but it needs a large amount of money to restart the project, so it finds Hua'an group and the owner.

The data given by the other party is that more than 20 businesses have already taken a fancy to it, and have signed letters of intent. As long as they are completed, they will settle in.

That is to say, as long as the original owner invests 20 million yuan, then he can become the largest shareholder, and then sit and collect money.

However, when the original owner transferred the account, there were various problems in the project. First, there was a problem with the foundation, then the environmental measurement was not up to standard, and then the original building materials were not good If everything starts all over again, it's a bottomless pit.

At that time, however, the original owner was also obsessed. He was afraid that the project he had promised on the board of directors would turn yellow, and he would be able to handle all these problems. When the funds were in short supply, he could not transfer money through the company, so he borrowed usury from the outside That's how it went.At present, although Qingu has solved Qiao Chengrui's crisis, the original real estate investment projects and usury have not happened.

This is not, Qingu just sat down and got familiar with the situation of the original owner. Mou Zhihai, the senior secretary of the original owner, carried a pile of documents and pushed the door directly in with anxiety on his face.

"Mr. Qiao, you can count it back. You don't know that I've been chased by people from the engineering side these two days. I'm almost out of breath. Hurry up. Now I'll sign these documents..."

As he spoke, he stepped in, pushed the document in front of Qingu, opened the document and pointed to the place where the signature was signed.

"By the way, I think I heard something happened to your brother? What's going on? Are you all right? "

Qin Gu looked up at each other, and fell on his eyes through his black glasses. Mu Zhihai's eyes flickered, but he still maintained his concern.

Qin Gu pretended to be very anxious. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "nothing serious. By the way, what happened to the project? You don't want to tell me that things are not settled over there yet? "

This MOU Zhigao was the one who strongly advised the original owner to invest in the project and recommended him to borrow usury.

It was the alumni and diehard Party of the original owner. Later, after the former owner entered the Qiao group, in his words, he had to have a "own person" around him, so he was asked to be a secretary.

Mou Zhigao habitually pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, a look of exasperation, "Alas, if you have finished, will you still come to see you? You know, the heavy metal measurement there is not up to standard. Before you said that you want to rectify the money is too much, it is better to deal with it directly, but now they They... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!