If it is useless to the devil's cone, aren't they going to be people's heads?

If you go around from the other side, although the journey is a little longer, you can contact more demons and learn more about the devil. Accumulate more wealth and acquire more means.

Five days later, Qingu and Xing Ming entered the boundary of Zhongying state, where there was a spire that appeared suddenly with the birth of the first evil spirit a thousand years ago.

It covers an area of ninety-nine acres.

If you put evil spirits or evil spirits into them, you can refine them thoroughly, so it is also called jingling tower.

Later, people gradually built a town around the tower and gradually became the center of this small space-time world.

The pure spirit bottle of the devil hunter is the refined pure bottle. Put on the top of the tower, the jingling tower will become a pure spirit bottle after being kept warm for seven to forty-nine days. It has the same effect as the jingling tower. Of course, the premise is that you can collect the evil spirits.

Of course, it's not easy to climb to the top of the jingling pagoda. In addition to paying a certain fee to the outside managers, you also need the corresponding strength. At least you have to finish the cultivation of elixir period to barely climb up. Basically, all your spiritual power will be consumed So it also breaks some demon hunters' intention to make money.

Let's stop gossiping. Besides the invisible wealth of merit and virtue, some people not only express gratitude, but also offer some food or silver as rewards.

The living standard of the two people has been improved linearly. Qingu keeps practicing every day, and his accomplishments are constantly climbing up to the foundation period.

On this day, Qin Gu and Qin Gu had just helped a family to kill an entangled ghost. They were preparing to go to the jingling pagoda. They came to yishanliangzi and saw that there was a awning. They were going to eat something and add some dry food and water.

Just sat down for a while, the clear sky suddenly made a big cloud, the black cloud cover like a black pot cover in the top of the head, people oppressed breathless.

The owner of the arbor is an old couple. It seems that they have been very experienced and used to it. They serve the guests pancakes and serve tea in an orderly manner.

A group of people fumbled to come. It was a couple of parents with three children. The youngest was still in their infancy, one was four or five years old, and the other was about seven or eight years old.

They went to the arbor as if they had finally found a shelter and looked back in fear.

All of a sudden, the four or five-year-old boy's face suddenly showed a strange smile, and then a burst of black gas rushed at the passer-by who was resting.

I didn't expect that the evil spirit was so rampant that he even committed murder in such a popular place. Just as she was about to put an end to the evil spirit of taking advantage of it, the old lady who was rolling dough raised her hand and smashed the rolling pin in one direction.

Suddenly, there was a sharp howl in the air. In other people's eyes, the old woman might not like what she saw and threw her things casually. However, Qingu saw it clearly, and the evil spirit attached to the child's back dissipated on the spot.

The experts are in the folk, so I'm not deceived.

Soon, the dark clouds in the sky cleared away, and Qingu noticed that there were several energy with strong blood evil breath gathering towards the distance.

Her eyes fell on the other side of the mountain, and she couldn't help asking the old woman: "excuse me, mother-in-law, what's the place over there?"

The old woman slowly went to pick up the rolling pin that she had thrown out. She passed by the child and said, "well, it's hard to be a parent. What's your hunger like? Leave the last bite to the child..."

The child had been scattered because of the evil spirit, and gradually regained consciousness, and then sat down at the table with his parents and brother.

When the old woman heard Qin Gu's inquiry, she swept her eyes around him and said, "that's Wangjiazhuang. Alas..."

The old lady sighed and began to tell her story: "listen to the old generation, once there was a wonderful demon subduer in the Wang family, who was also said to have participated in the construction of Jingling city. Wang's hermit didn't think about it again They are still being watched by those evil spirits, and they are going to be driven to death.

Qin Gu should say: "Oh, so it is."

Qin Gu noticed that there was not only a gathering of evil spirits, but also a strong and healthy spirit.

This is the reason why they are targeted by those evil spirits. If they are upright, they can't be rampant.

Another business.

Xing Ming saw the meaning of Qingu and didn't say anything about it. It seemed that Qingu was the dominant one.

They drank tea, ate pancakes, and packed some, then rushed to.

Recently, I found that the evil spirits here are not the same as those in other places.

There are a lot of ghosts and demons who have already possessed the magic body to fight!

So, these ghosts are protecting the house from evil.

But ordinary ghosts are no match for evil spirits It's like a child facing an adult wearing armor and holding a big knife. Moreover, evil spirits can devour and improve themselves. These ordinary ghosts are their food.But ordinary ghosts can't bite even if they want to.

Therefore, although these ghosts are also very fierce, they gradually fall behind, and are torn off an arm or a foot by those demons

The people in the room only heard the strong wind outside, making a sharp whine, and rattling the house.

Qin Gu and Xing Ming made a move at the same time.

Xing Ming had already refined the magic cone and threw it at the nearest demon.

All of a sudden, the body of the evil devil, which was originally just an energy body, was like an entity. The magic cone pierced into the body.

The magic subduing cone trembled slightly, and gradually sent out a golden light, just like the essence, stabbed the evil devil's body into a sieve.

Just at the moment when the evil spirit's body broke up, the golden light was suddenly collected again. It was actually that the evil spirit was shrunk into a small ball, which was suddenly put into the demon subduing cone.

The magic subduing cone flies back to Xing Ming's hand and drops a ball about the size of an egg from the bottom of the cone, which is the demon that has been temporarily subdued.

Xing Ming quickly wrapped it up with a talisman and put it in the yellow cloth pocket on his waist.

Qingu looks more rough and direct. It flies up and grabs with both hands and an evil spirit in one hand. It has great spiritual power, and then kneads it into a ball and puts it into his mouth.

The master and the apprentice soon got rid of the evil spirits outside the house, leaving only the ghost whimpering.

These ghosts were floating in the air. After a long time, they fell in front of Qin Gu and Qin Gu.

They gradually showed themselves as they were.

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