Although Qingu is now a princess, such things as dressing and washing all need to be served by a maid, but she is not the client after all, and it is not customary for her to let others help her dress.

Fortunately, Xinyue and Changye are smart and sharp in mind, and have gradually found out the master's temperament after "resurrection from death".

So she just gave Qin Gu a handle, such as a cotton towel, a belt, and so on, while talking about what happened in the palace these days.

Qin Gu's hand of washing face suddenly stopped for a moment and repeated: "what, you say I've been sleeping for seven days? "

Chang Ye nodded: "well, the emperor and the queen have been guarding you all the time. Almost all the imperial doctors in the palace take turns guarding you. If your pulse and complexion do not look normal, I'm afraid..."

I'm afraid it will be like the fake death a month ago.

Long leaf continued: "they just left for a while, did not expect you to wake up, maid horse to tell them the good news?"

Qin Gu said, "well," he was about to be. After all, he had a comfortable sleep, but his parents worried for a long time, and he felt guilty.

When they wake up, they should report immediately so that they can worry less about it.

Qin Gu asked casually: "by the way, where is my brother?"

It seems that ye Changyu didn't say a lot of them just now.

Qingu is confident about his medication before, and his dosage is well controlled. According to the calculation of time, he should have woken up long ago.

In any case, this out of tune Prince is also the trustor's brother. At least, before the conflict over ASU's affairs, this brother has always been very fond of the client.

When he wakes up, he should have a look at her sister.

Did he know that this "sister" killed ASU and took him as a brother, so he hated himself?

Qin Gu was thinking about it. Chang Ye stopped a little and continued to say, "in fact, the eldest prince only wakes up half a day before you, so they all go to see the situation now..."

Qin Gu said, "Oh," so I didn't come to see myself.

But when I think about it, I feel something wrong. I wonder: the medicine I use can only make it sleep for a few days at most, because if it is too long, it will make the body function degenerate.

Qin Gu has a good sense of propriety. Even if he doesn't like such a prince in his heart, he will help others live his life after all. He can't hurt the people close to the client with the identity of the client.

In this case, how can Yu Zhenfeng fall asleep so long?

Seeing the princess's expression, Chang ye said hello and went to report to the emperor and queen.

However, after a while, a large number of people came to the bedroom of Qingu.

Qingu is eating the tonic from the crescent moon At the beginning, she told us to eat the most nourishing food to keep up with the energy consumption of the body.

People looked at the princess really wake up, it's OK, hanging heart finally fell.

After several doctors checked the princess and confirmed that there was no problem with the princess, the rest of them withdrew one after another.

The emperor also told him to leave in a hurry, and he had to clean up the mess on the court Famine in various places and chaos in the border areas are on the rise again The civil and military ministers had nothing to do but make noises there.

Only empress Qi Zhen, holding Qin Gu's hand, refused to let go of her tears.

"My hee, you are awake at last..."

Qin Gu looked at the other side's eyes red and swollen. He was sure that he had not cried less these days, so he comforted him and said, "empress mother, Xi'er feels a little tired this time, so she sleeps a little more. With emperor Kaiyuan's blessing, Xi'er will be fine. "

After that, he went on to say: "by the way, mother, Xi'er seems to be in a bad mood when he looks at his father. But what happened to the court?"

Qin Gu thought in his mind that there was still something to be done about this task. Now he had no clue, so he was not ready to let go of any information.

Qi Zhen said: "Alas, there are two provinces with large areas of waterlogging. Local officials' inaction has caused public resentment. Now there are signs of riots in the places where refugees are taken in."

In fact, every year, the imperial court appropriated money to clean up the river and consolidate the river banks, but there were still floods every year.

Because some of the officials had some connections with the king and even some other forces. The power of the king was too strong at that time, and the court did not dare to do anything to them.

I didn't expect it to explode completely this time

The imperial court sent Imperial Envoys and food supplies to appease them at the first time. However, it was not long before news came that the imperial envoy was dying of illness Then there was the riot of refugees.

If there is no relationship between this and those remaining evils, ghosts will not believe it!

Qin Gu listened and listened, and his heart moved. Was it because this refugee riot would become very serious and even affect the stability of dalukuo?Then I'm afraid that the enemy country which has just ended the war will not miss such a good opportunity

As a result, the client's desire not to be a "Princess of subjugation" will certainly fail.

With this in mind, Qingu made a decision at once!

Now that I have the means now, if I don't make good use of it, I'm sorry for my status as a Tasker!

After a day's rest and a little preparation, he said goodbye to his father, the emperor and the empress and said that he wanted to travel outside.

In fact, before the Commission has not less to go out to play, but are with those princes and princes, and Yu Zhenfeng accompany together, never had anything happened.

Because in the past, those princes were in the layout, and they wanted to take the princesses and princesses askew. Naturally, they were careful to flatter them and protect their safety. They did not dare to let them have any mistakes.

Now the situation is not the same. Although we have pressed down those who have made the king and the forces that are ready to move around with iron and blood, those people are still unscrupulous, and the undercurrent is surging.

Through the information they sent back, they also expected that the refugee riots during this period were also related to those forces.

So it's too dangerous for the princess to travel alone at this time.

They have nearly lost their precious daughter twice in a row. If they do it again Be careful. I can't bear it.

But how can they stop Qingu?

Just in a blink of an eye, Qi Zhen saw a strange handsome little eunuch standing in front of her, and was stunned for a moment Finally, she sighed. It's all right. Her daughter showed her skills in the chaos of Licheng. If you add this kind of face changing technique, you should act carefully, and you should not see any flaws.

The key is that even if she wants to trap Qin Gu in the palace now, she can't do it. Therefore, she has to accomplish it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!