Men take "this is to respect the mother's arrangement to take care of their mother's marriage" as an excuse, completely take his wife as a servant.

Still think oneself how noble: look, even if I look down on you, also did not leave you to her mother's home, enough to give you face.

And then he sleeps with another woman and says that this is true love

As a result, the true love is still in the month, so I give up and leave.

Such a person who has always been disorganized, selfish and has different opinions even criticizes others. He has become a great critic of the times, and there are so many people to pursue. It's ironic.

Xiao Fang said here and paused for a moment But Yuxiu, don't say, that woman's stomach is really a little ink. It is said that she wrote a Book during her illness, and someone from the publishing house specially drove to the town and published her book... "

"When Zheng Binggen came back two days ago, he took the woman away and said he wanted to take her back to the city for treatment."

Qin Gu said "Oh", and the ending was raised a little.

I didn't expect Yue Shiqin had some means. She left the place by her own way, which made her have a little admiration.

Now, the fourth of the Zheng family is left with an old woman No one served her, so she took turns to eat at her three sons' house. No one was as obedient to her as the client did. After several months of torment, she also stopped eating.

Qin Gu left Xiao Fang's house and visited the second sister-in-law and the third sister-in-law.

Qingu brought some cakes and caramel bought from the market town, which can be regarded as the gift before.

The two sister-in-law were very moved to see that Qin Gu was now ruddy and not as humble as before.

- doing household chores in obscurity and paying for the family. When a man is shining brightly, he is still the humblest one in the shadow.

Now I'm good at last, and I'm out of that humble shadow.

It seems that the old four family has finally made a start. Wrong, now that they have left, how can they be regarded as the old four's.

Qin Gu politely exchanged greetings with them, and then said by the way that this year is not very good. Maybe there will be continuous drought in the future, so we should prepare for water storage and other issues.

In any case, their own mind to, the other side is not interested in, adopt or not is someone else's business.

Qin Gu walked straight past the client's house. Zheng Lin stood on the edge of the street, leaning on crutches, bent his quilt, and looked at Qin Gu eagerly.

"Yuxiu, Yuxiu, you're back..." From a tearful old population, low voice shouts such words, good pitiful appearance.

Qin Gu's sight swept over her Do not live in sin!

Qin Gu came out of the Zheng family and returned to the Zhong family at night.

Mother Zhong talked about the fact that a grain collector came to the county today.

The mother of Zhong only gave a general idea, but Qin Gu thought it was a bit strange. Now the Zhong family is not a big family in the village, and it's not very impressive. Why do you take them first?

The key point is that the grain harvest this time is so much more than before. Is it necessary to live?

If the farmers really don't have enough food, they will become refugees, even bandits Then

Thinking of this, Qin Gu suddenly felt a chill

No wonder he has now left the Zheng family and helped the client get freedom again.

Also let the child become cheerful and able to speak, but has not sensed that the task has completed the sign.

Is there a catastrophe waiting?

With this in mind, Qin Gu immediately went to the uncle's house after dinner.

Uncle is also very worried now. He is discussing with his family what to do. However, the officers and soldiers need to collect food and recruit people. What can they do?

When everyone was in a dilemma, Qingu arrived.

Seeing Qingu, I don't know why, just like suddenly having a backbone, looking at her one after another.

Qin Gu understood the reason. She thought in two aspects.

First of all, the reason why those people took the Zhong family's knife first was because of the single moth that Hou's family had done behind their back.

Qin Gu didn't expect that he had some taboos before and didn't kill them directly. Now he takes Zhong's family for an operation.

It seems that I can't keep it!

Second, there are also problems with grain expediting officers Because the share of grain harvest this time is too large.

There has been a phenomenon of exploitation layer by layer before. The above policy may be only two or three percent, but it will be 50 percent or even 60 percent when it comes to farmers.

What is more in the middle will be stripped by layers of territory.

Now it's 80%!

I'm afraid these people have misunderstandings about the figures. They only know 56% to 80%, but they don't know what it means for farmers.

50% means half of the income. Even if every family cultivates a lot of land, it is located in the hilly area, which is very barren and depends on heaven.

In a good year, the remaining 50% are barely enough to eat and feed.When the year is not good, it basically takes a few months to be half full.

Now they open their mouths and 80% of them What a sick man!

This year's grain production has been reduced, and the eight achievements are equivalent to all the grain. Do the farmers want to live?! Who will grow food for them without farmers?

After understanding the situation, Qingu immediately launched the action.

My martial arts and medical skills are not used at this time.

First of all, I went straight to the market town.

This market town is a market town of more than 20 villages nearby. It gathers every five days. However, it is relatively lively because it is connected with many places and is a transportation hub.

There are all kinds of restaurants, teahouses and kilns in the town.

The grain collector lived in the inn in the town However, Qin Gu went to the Inn and found no one.

Finally, my eyes purr Laugh at yourself for being smart and confused for a while. Since these people are the generation of Yin worship and Yang disobey, and they have left three days, they just want to use these three days to have fun here.

How can you live in a cold and quiet Inn? Of course, you can enjoy yourself in a kiln.

If it's true, Qingu will catch up as soon as it goes.

Qingu medicine confused two patrol room, find the room where the grain officer is, inside Guozhen came a faint teasing voice.

A voice came: "Dawei, you say Can we get more grain this time? "

The other continued: "yes, I heard that the weather is not good this year, and the production has been reduced. I'm afraid that I really worried about those mud legs, and it's still very troublesome."

A voice with some coarseness said: "cut, what if you are in a hurry? Mud legs are mud legs. Can they be turned to the sky? The task given to us is 60%. If we only accept 60%, we will drink from the north and the West? What else can I do for you? "

"But In Fengshui County, it seems that... "

The second: "yes, I heard that there was a civil commotion in Fengshui County, which was finally suppressed. If here We're going to be pushed out as a shield

The leading grain collector spat and scolded: "I'm sorry, we're working hard outside. Those people always know how to talk on paper all day long. In fact, what they do Hum, if you dare to push us out as a shield, the labor and capital will expose the affairs of those people, and they will all die together! "

A few women hurried to persuade wine and food, and then there was a burst of panting and laughing voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!