Qin Gu has been busy collecting wheat and farming these days. He has no time and opportunity to settle accounts with this man. Now he has the face to curse and pour cold water on him?

I really think that now the Zhong family is in decline, they can ride on other people's necks and wantonly act wild?!

For this kind of fly like disgusting people, Qin Gu felt that there was no need to be polite.

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth!

If you can't protect your relatives and justice, what can you do with all your abilities!

So a small stone on the hand "whew" to fly out, accurately hit its back waist on a acupoint.

Qin Gu thinks that sometimes powerful medical skills are more powerful than martial arts. Life and death are all in one thought.

The key is to kill people invisible.

As soon as the weather clears up, the weather is relatively hot. The men's houses are basically bare, so it is not difficult to hit the acupoints.

It's obvious that Qin Gu has a good command of accuracy and strength, so Hou Jiagui doesn't feel pain. In addition, the light is not strong in the evening, so others don't notice.

But when Hou Jiagui went back in the evening, he felt as if he had been squeezed several times by his wife in the kiln.

The key is that I haven't been to the kiln for several days. I feel that I have a lot of energy in my body and I have no place to vent. How can my waist suddenly You can't?

In the evening, the woman was rubbed by him. He yelled at him directly and then turned his back to sleep.

But the next day, when his mother-in-law called for breakfast, he found that his waist was as heavy as a stone. He couldn't even get up.

Just lying in bed humming.

She came to see him and found that he had nothing on him.

I'm very depressed. Maybe I went to the kiln to have a bad time.

Otherwise, how can I be indifferent to myself? I can't even get up now.

He mumbled a few words in his mouth for a reprimand.

If in normal times, if she dared to mumble like this, her fist would fall on her.

But now hou Jiagui can't even get up. It's impossible to fight.

Can only scold two words, let the mother-in-law quickly help him up, bring the rice to come over.

I don't know how. I was angry just now and forced to twist my body. I felt that the sour place on my waist became more obvious.

Oh, no, there must be something wrong with your waist. It can't be done. The waist is a major event in life and must be cured immediately.

The mother-in-law is usually beaten and scolded. Although the man can't get up and beat her now, she still quickly holds Hou Jiagui against the head of the bed, and then goes to bring the white rice and scrambled eggs specially made for him.

Then he was scolded to ask the doctor to see Hou Jiagui.


Let's talk about the Zhong family. This time, they held back their strength. In a daze, they harvested the wheat all night.

Then a large family fought hard for a whole day. Finally, they threshed the wheat and dried it out.

There are also several families following the Zhong family, and they have basically harvested the wheat.

The rest of the people saw that the next day was really a fine day, so they began to harvest wheat.

At this time, the Zhong family and almost others had already begun to dry, and Qingu was constantly borrowing cattle to plow the land and start the next round of farming.

Generally speaking, after busy farming, they will take a rest for half a month The main reason is that it takes so much time to harvest wheat before turning over the land and drying it for a period of time.

However, Qingu always felt that this time could not wait. He had to race against time and plant as many crops as possible when the climate was not extremely deteriorated.

As long as the fertilizer can keep up, the rain is abundant and the temperature is suitable, it can be planted for two seasons. It's just that people are very tired.

Sweet potato and some melons and beans can be planted in this season.

Therefore, Qingu first opened up a piece of land beside the house, planted the germinated sweet potato, irrigated it with farm manure, and raised seedlings.

Then, we will not let go of the front house or even the edge of the ground. We will plant all the melon and bean seeds collected by our mother Zhong in the previous season, and then apply fertilizer or transplant after emergence.

When Qin Gu was busy with these things, patriotic always followed her and kept asking questions.

Qingu likes children to ask themselves like this, which shows that the other side has opened his heart and his temperament has become cheerful. This is a good thing.

And she can also share her life experience and several life experiences with each other.

So no matter what patriot asked, Qin Gu answered patiently, and taught him how to treat different seeds, when to sow and when to harvest different crops.

Although the people of the Zhong family don't know why Qin Gu is so eager to do these things, they see that after a few days of sunshine, they are more and more admirable and convinced of Qingu. Instead of stopping her, they let several other cousins and nephews help Qingu do it together.The rest of them are responsible for drying wheat, cooking and delivering food every day.

Three days later, Qingu planted all the crops that could be planted, and the wheat was basically received in the warehouse.

On the morning of the fourth day, as soon as people got up, the sky was overcast and it began to rain.

It's just the same time as Tiangu Sanqing.

Only a small part of the Zhong's wheat had not been completely dried. Qingu looked at the sky and said, "the rest of the wheat will be ground first, and the Kang will become dry cakes, which can be kept for a month or two."

Just now she asked Xiao Z about the weather conditions in the next few days, and found that it was cloudy or sunny at most, one or two days at most, and then it rained for another day and a half.

In this way, the water vapor on the wheat has just been dried, and it will rain before harvest So it's very rare to have a few sunny days in a row.

People looked at the sky was once again occupied by the intermittent rain, and they were convinced of Qingu.

Look at this day, I'm afraid it's hard to have a few consecutive sunny days.

Since the wheat can't be dried in the sun, it's bound to be moldy and rotten if it's piled up there. If it's simply ground, it's the same with the Kang as a dry cake.

The families that followed the Zhong family basically brought back the wheat, and they were glad.

Later, the following families, now the wheat harvest back, just threshing, now in the rain, can only pile up there, looking at the sky worried.

After five or six days in a row, it was such intermittent rainy days. I had no choice but to learn from the Zhong family.

Instead of letting the wheat rot and sprout, it's better to get it out and reduce the loss.

Moreover, Qingu looked at the rainy day as if hanging a thin curtain with water vapor between heaven and earth.

A question suddenly occurred to her She remembered that there was a mission entrusted by the "Saint" before. If there is a drought, there will be a flood. If there is a drought, there will be a drought.

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