Juan even said, "just move out. I told you that people like that don't spit out their bones. By the way, the tape is more than eight years old now. I'll be in grade three next semester. I know a director of the second primary school. I'll help you with it. "

Unexpectedly, Qin Gu has been worried about how to find a relationship. As soon as he mentioned it, the other side was full of answers. He was really a friend.

Qin Gu said again: "by the way, An'an, I want to change my daughter's name. It's always called with tape. People think it's something. Do you have a relationship in this respect? "

Qingu checked before. It's very troublesome to change the name of a child. It needs a lot of procedures. But if there are acquaintances, it will be handled quickly.

Anyway, I'm in trouble. I just want to say it at one time.

Juan even said, "cut, now you know that the tape is not good to hear? What did you say to me at the beginning? That's what foreigners call it. I have a sister. Her husband works in the household registration department. I'll just say hello to her

The two talked about something else, so that Qin Gu had a rough understanding of Yuan Ying's life and interpersonal relationship before.

Next, Qingu transferred the children to school, changed their names, and finally managed it.

It's no longer a tape, it's yuan Annie.

Annie seemed very happy. After more than a month's recovery, she had gradually walked out of the shadow before and went to school happily.

Qingu through this period of observation, keen insight, smell a trace of business opportunities - online business.

She saw that many people like to order takeout, even if it is only one street away, they also like to wait for the delivery brother to deliver it to her door.

Maybe there is more room for development.

If you rent a shop, you need to guard it. You also need high rent, daily maintenance, overstock of goods, etc.

And network business just need to contact the manufacturer before, when need direct delivery.

However, Qingu has no funds now. Please consult Qiu An'an.

"I just shut down the fast food restaurant. Alas, is it really human who did it?" she said It's always checking here and there. I'm bored. I think that's a good idea. Let's go into partnership. You can say what you want to do

In fact, Qingu's original life, this kind of network sales has been very developed, but here, it seems that it has not yet risen.

But this is definitely the trend of social development in the future. I may use this advantage to become the founder of online business.

Qin Gu put forward his own ideas. Qiu An'an is worthy of Lei Li's courage. Now he invested 100000 yuan to find someone to do the website, register and publicize.

Qingu is to say what he knew before, and he took 30% of the shares.

Qin Gu couldn't help but think that even if he didn't open this precedent, this one would rise soon, and that person must be Qiu An'an.

At the beginning, there must have been many setbacks. First of all, the capital chain. Qingu has no money. All of it is invested by Qiu An'an, which has cost millions before and after.

But it seems that the response is not very good, we are full of suspicion and distrust of this new thing.

After all, the network is illusory, if it is not useful to buy or simply inferior products how to do?

The second is the connection with the merchants. At the beginning, there was no credibility basis and the quantity was not large. Therefore, the price given by the manufacturer was similar to that of the outside world. With the freight, etc., there was no profit at all.

Then there is transportation.

Anyway, step by step, start your local business.

In addition to the technical personnel for server maintenance, web page update and daily maintenance, there are also people who contact businesses and customers.

Qin Gu and Qiu an an are busy like a top every day.

Qiu An'an needs to establish a good relationship with the local ZF departments and provide various proofs, so as not to check and rectify shenmadi from time to time.

Qingu felt that he had to set up a transport team by himself. He contacted the local transport teams one by one, from the cost of transportation to the time and carrying capacity required.

Qin Gu learned that Fu'an district's fee had run through transportation, helped others run, and earned some hard work. Because of something happened once, I almost lost all my pants.

In the end, I just wanted to be a security guard.

Qin Gu thought that the young man was very nice and easy-going. When she paid back the money, she carried a bag of fruit. By the way, she planned to recruit a transport team of her own.

Fei Chao heard about Lou's family in the community before, and thought it was incredible.

In his impression, Yuan's sister-in-law is very soft and implicit. Besides, the Lou family also said that they were very good to their daughter-in-law. Did they have a good relationship?

How can you make a knife with my father-in-law and move the house empty?

No matter what, it's someone else's housework. If there is a better platform to break in, who wants to be a security guard at a young age?

Half a year later, Anxin shopping network is on the right track.

From the beginning of non-stop investment, gradually lost less, to now, basically can be flat, is a good omen.The new year is approaching. It is destined that this year will not be so peaceful.

Lou Baogui always wanted to take "Yuan Ying" back, and even knelt down to her in front of the public for many times to beg her forgiveness. As long as he went back to live a good life with him, he would listen to her.

Now in Yuan Ying's body, it is not the woman who was eaten by others, but a woman who has gone through the vicissitudes of life and has become a fine "old thing".

There is a saying that dogs can't change their eating shit.

The other party did all this because he was unable to cope with it and needed to find someone to take responsibility for him. The other party's purpose was to let her go back.

Once you go back, you give the other party enough conditions to relax, but you are just entering the next abyss again.

These operations made Lou precious circle powder countless, and a large number of enthusiastic people began to blame "Yuan Ying", a woman who was too "terrible". People said that her teeth and tongue were so good, and when she bit her, her family would inevitably have some bumps.

Even if there was something wrong with my father-in-law before, didn't you already move the knife with them? Didn't you empty your house? It's time to get rid of this anger.

Now, a big man kneels down in front of so many people. What else do you want?

One side advised Qingu: it's almost over.

One side murmured: do not look at the mirror, where on earth the courage to play. If it's really a divorce, she's a middle-aged yellow faced woman, and then bring a grease bottle, who wants it?

Qin Gu devoted all his energy to his career with Qiu An'an and took care of his children, so he didn't have time to discuss with these people who were standing and talking without backache: why do men have to "want" to prove the value of women.

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