Dillock has mentioned clearly that if Xu Nan doesn't show up, he will go directly to the "retreat stronghold".

In that case, he would have no chance to send that very important information.

"It seems that intelligence is the key."

"What is the intelligence that can make such a powerful legendary wizard and the captain of the fleet of gods attach so much importance to?"

"Is information from 5000 years ago still useful? Or, in the projection world, with our help, can this information really be transmitted? "

Xu Nan fell into deep thinking.

Mr. Smith said slowly:

"there is actually another way."

Xu Nan couldn't help rolling her eyes.

But he can understand that he is not good at mathematics. After all, he is just a squirrel.

"That's sitting at nothing and waiting patiently for help."

He is boring to polish his nails with the expensive Ruby on Xu Nan's robe:

"according to the news just received from my wife, Luo mang has asked a very powerful role to help break the game."

"It's a bit of a bit of a caution, but considering the level of your opponent, occasionally counseling development is the best strategy."

"For such a big event as the aurora celebration, Ms. ansuli will not be unprepared. On the one hand, they use you as bait to deal with the magic goddess Allan; on the other hand, they don't really want to eat your bait

Xu Nan skimmed her mouth.

This guy's words are not good, but the truth should be very correct.

Since the projection world has already involved the action of the goddess of magic against Stephenson, it is beyond the level of its own operation. Before that, the God descending body against the goddess of ice and snow has been so hard. What's more, this time it's Allan who has lost her temper.

Xu Nan doesn't think that he can easily catch an Lun's part in the Aurora World and kill her.

It's too hard.

As a spellcaster, Xu Nan is very aware of the power of magic; anlon has been in charge of magic net for thousands of years, and her understanding of magic must exceed that of most people in the world. Even the top legendary wizard may not have her understanding. After all, most of the witches do not have her long life.

Magic must have been played in her hands for a long time. Maybe pinching a fireball can give them these rising stars seconds - of course, this may be a bit exaggerated, but Xu Nan is very alert to Anlun.

After the Frost Giant's bedchamber incident, he knew more about the gods and became more vigilant.

Any deity, even if it is only a separate body and projection, can not be despised.

Therefore, this information has been sealed in the dust of history.

To this day.

"In that case, dillock must have got the information about the traitor after the crew went to sleep."

"Why did he receive such information when he was driving the new asterisk alone?"

"When he said that traitor, his expression was very strange. Who was it?"

Xu Nan has more doubts in mind.

Unfortunately, he was not familiar with the formation of the new asterisk, and he did not know which big men were at the top of the fleet of gods.

"I need to go to the warehouse and check the supplies."

"Let's go and have a look?"

Dillock said suddenly.

Xu Nan nods.

In fact, since boarding the new star, Xu Nan has been observing every corner of the ship.

He is salivating at the black technology of arcane empire!

Although Liuhuo has mastered a lot of theoretical knowledge, on the one hand, it lacks the support of industrial system; on the other hand, it lacks the support of technical personnel. Everything is just a castle in the air.

She once told Xu Nan that with the existing level of magic industry in the unknown city, at the current development rate, it would be impossible to independently make even the weakest cloud climbing ship in 10000 years The cabin.

So many times Xu Nan also knows that it's useless to ask about the current fire. There has to be a corresponding industrial system.

The reason why the arcane empire is so developed has a lot to do with its huge number of industrial mages.

"In other words, brother Junyi's occupation is an industrial mage..."

"I don't know how he is now."

Thinking so, he followed dillock into warehouse nine.

Warehouse nine is big and clean.

Here is a neat list of a large number of angular metalwork, such as the accessories of the cloudboat.

Of course, Xu Nan doesn't know most things.

He followed dillock and searched the warehouse.

Not long ago, the deep warehouse, suddenly came a "Ding bell" sound!

It's like, phone calls.


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