Chapter 3.1

Name:Shadow Ruler Author:
Chapter 3.1

I was given a cane by a man named Grandfather? I was given a blue-colored wooden cane by a man named Kenjya, who gave it to me.

Who is he?

I have to give it back to him.

MasterI know how you feel, but the wise man gave it away because he didnt need it anymore. There is no need to return it. And by wise man, I mean a hero who is very good at magic and famous all over the world. A hero is someone who has helped a lot of people.


By the way, Mr. Bird, whats this girl called?

I was thinking about the question of whom the wise man is and how you have to give it back to the wise man because its his staff.

Oh Im so glad you made that decision shes so cute

There you go. Im sure youll be able to find a way to get him back.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)


Oh, no, I know what youre thinking, but thats not it.


The cat seemed to respond to the cat part of the cat-pawning, and he turned his head to look at me. The cat seemed to respond to the cat part of the cat-pawning, and when the cat tilted its head, Zell-san said, Meow.

The cat responded with something like, Oh, I see.

So, Id love to have a naming meeting, but can I check out that cane for a minute?

I was about to hand Mr. Cane to Dan-san.


Pow! I was popped with a Pow! sound.

Dan What are you doing?

I got popped! I knew it.

Whats written on it?

Oh, theres no letter-like address The sender is Family name only toile.


You know that bird?

toile is the family name of Masters mothers family.

What? What is it?

Oh, oh. Okay, Ill just read it as it is.



Its me!


Who wants to tell me their name?

Im the mother of the daughter of the Lord of the Birds and the Cats.

This letter is a special permission from heaven to send.

Yay! Isnt that great!

They said they would only send me one Letter in honor of my achievements while I was alive.

Well, I blackmailed him half the time.

But the only condition was that I had to go through the old mans cane.

Who would send an important Letter to an old man?

But hes also my little, cute, adorable, super cute! He gave me that cane because he was worried about his beloved daughter. Nice grandpa!

I got a chance! I sent it to him at the right time.