Luo Yu was, in fact, not in the living room. She had dragged Luo Xin to the balcony on the second floor to discuss countermeasures.

“Why don’t we discuss it with eldest brother?” Lu Xin proposed.

“How can you say that!” Luo Yu glared at him.

“Why are you angry at me! Can’t we even trust eldest brother?”

“It’s not that we can’t trust him—I’m worried what if eldest uncle and aunt find out.” Luo Yu muttered in a low voice, “They only have money in their eyes.” Pei Shixiao was their biggest client; how could the eldest aunt allow others to stir up trouble against him? She would skin them alive.

“How can a man just change his mind like this? Pei Shixiao’s heart is really cruel. After so many years of being together, he cheats on her right before marriage. If my sister knew that every time he broke an appointment with her, it was because of that woman, won’t she be saddened to death?”

Luo Xin kept silent, not knowing how to respond to Luo Yu.

He wanted to smoke, but just as he took out the cigarette case, Luo Yu snatched it away.

“I’m already this angry and you still want me to inhale second-hand smoke!” Luo Yu put the snatched cigarette in her mouth, “Give me a lighter!”

“… what are you doing?” Lu Xing asked, staring at his twin blankly.

“Smoking firsthand!” 

She needed to numb her nerves; but she had never smoked before, and she choked dreadfully after only two puffs. Luo Yu stubbed the cigarette out in a furious gesture, there was nowhere to vent the anger in her heart.

“Do you think it is possible that Pei Shixiao will take the initiative to break up with Cui Peng? If he breaks up with her, I will let it go. For the sake of my sister, I will forgive him this once.” 

Even as Luo Yu said it, she felt angered again.

“Do you think it is possible?” Lu Xin asked

Luo Yu took a long breath. “Cui Peng is such a bitch, and she has tricks, and Pei Shixiao is also cheap, so he won’t be able to break it off easily.”

Luo Xin looked at his younger sister, “He didn’t restrain himself before getting married. You expect Pei Shixiao to turn over a new leaf after marriage? I’ll tell you something you won’t like to hear: Cui Peng won’t be the last one.”

Luo Yu opened her mouth, but made no sound.

Luo Xin resisted the need to smoke and instead took a piece of mooncake to eat, “It’s not like you don’t know how Cui Peng is, she has such a character. She will never give up until she achieves her goal, and if she fails to achieve her goal, she will not stand by and allow others to live better than her. Even if you don’t tell elder sister, Cui Peng will try every means to let her know, and then she will have to carry this for the rest of her life.”

Luo Yu was rubbing the cigarette, breaking the thin paper, and the shredded tobacco fell all over her hand.

The reason why she was able to discover her brother-in-law’s affair was entirely due to Cui Peng.

Since March of this year, Cui Peng had been posting to Moments every now and then, either pictures of gifts or meals. The captions of the photos were always ambiguous, designed to make people think.

The photos were coded and secretive, but as if she was afraid that others would not be able to guess who the man was, so she always ‘forgot’ to hide some details.

Cui Peng was an employee of Pei Shixiao’s company. Pei Shixiao celebrated his birthday in March and invited Luo Yu and her twin Heartless to have fun. Many employees of Huanheng Capital were there and Cui Peng was among them.

When Cui Peng learned that she was the younger cousin of Pei Shixiao’s fiancée, she was very enthusiastic about her, even taking the initiative to add her on WeChat.

Luo Yu didn’t think much about it at the time, thinking that Cui Peng was the kind of person in the workplace who would wink and flatter.

Thinking about it now, everything was premeditated. Cui Peng’s postings in her circle of friends were probably visible to her alone, and she deliberately let her find out that something was wrong so she would tell her cousin.

“I’ll go to Shanghai with you the day after tomorrow. Pei Shixiao came back early,” Luo Yu said.

Lu Xing paused, “Sister told you?”

“No. The green tea whore posted it on Moments.”

Cui Peng took a selfie at Newark Airport, deliberately blurring the people around her when taking the photo, but the outline of that face was Pei Shixiao.

… … Seventh Year of My Secret Love for you translated by Maela @

On the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, Luo Qi returned to Beijing.

Luo Yu originally agreed to go back with her, but she got her ticket temporarily refunded.

The eldest cousin had given her an apartment in Shanghai, and Luo Yu pretended that she couldn’t wait to see the place. “Sister, you know I’m like this, and I can’t wait for even one more minute.”

The reason for accepting the house given by the eldest cousin was that if she didn’t accept it, Luo Qi wouldn’t accept it either. The house was expensive. She will stay there for a few years, and then return it to her eldest cousin.

The joy of receiving the house was sorely diluted by Pei Shixiao’s cheating. She couldn’t imagine how painful it would be when her cousin found out that Pei Shixiao liked someone else.

Until the high-speed train entered Shanghai, Luo Yu was still struggling whether to expose this matter. Once the veil was pierced, there would be no turning back.

All of her cousin’s happiness would be shattered.

[Sister, think about what I should do. A college classmate of mine, I bumped into her boyfriend with another woman, do you think I should tell her? I am so worried.]

Luo Qi replied: [If it was me, I would like someone to tell me. Cheating cannot be forgiven. Better to stop the loss early.]

Not to talk about cheating, but Pei Shixiao was deliberately distancing himself from her, and Luo Qi couldn’t stand it. For him, she could endure the contempt from his parents and all the difficulties they had made for her, but she could never tolerate his wanton trampling on her sincerity.

Luo Yu: [I’ll think about it again.]