Chapter 1635: Accept disciples

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In the void, a palace stands among the stars with four figures sitting cross-legged.

These four people are all supreme, three of them are strong in the late supreme stage, and the other is a strong in the supreme peak.

Nancheng City Lord is one of them.

The other three are the City Lord of East City, City Lord of West City, and the great elders among the rebellious.

Among the god-against camp, Wang Feng, the heaven-against, is the respect, and the second only to him is the great elder, a pinnacle supreme.

Under the Great Elder, it is the city owner of the three cities of East City, West City and South City.

Then came the elders and protectors.

The elders of the **** rebellious are the mid-term of the supreme, and the guardian is the beginning of the supreme. They are the ultimate decision-makers of the rebellious.


"South City City Lord, East City City Lord, West City City Lord, how are your three academies doing? How many people have each recruited?" the senior elder sitting in the top position asked.

Nancheng City Lord said quickly: "Great Elder, our Nancheng College has already recruited students. There are ten people in total, and four of them are most likely to be promoted to the Supreme."

"Oh, four people?" The great elder showed a hint of surprise: "I know that there are three great arrogances in the Southern Territory, and they are all half-step supreme extreme powerhouses. How can there be a fourth person?"

"Hehe, maybe it's the little guy who used to practice in seclusion. It's the first time I've seen him. The strength of this kid is probably still higher than them." Nancheng City Lord said with a smile.

"That's good, one more supreme will help us more." The elder smiled and nodded.

At this time, the city lord of Dongcheng and the city lord of Xicheng also reported the number of students in their college, which were seven and five respectively.

The reason why the number of students in these two colleges is smaller than that of Nancheng College is because of the geographical location of Nanyu.

The north and the south are facing each other. Because they have to face the invasion of the North City at all times, the Southern Region has the most powerful men and the most geniuses born.

The other two domains are relatively poor.

"Well, the three of you will focus on cultivating these little guys. Before the final battle arrives, we must add a few more Supremes."

After the elder said, he directly broke the space and left here.

The three major city owners also left.


In the dark corridor, there is silence.

The nine fireman princes are all earnestly comprehending the battle reliefs on the walls on both sides, and all of them are full of excitement and excitement. Seeing the fighting of the supreme powers with their own eyes is very exciting to them.

However, Ye Tian just took a look and lost interest.

The highest battle relief in it only records the battle scenes of the strong late-stage supreme, and Ye Tian's strength is already comparable to the peak supreme, even stronger than the general peak supreme, these battle reliefs are naturally useless for him.

Right now, Ye Tian directly sat down cross-legged and continued to practice.

There are still nine rays of light that have not merged. He wants to take the opportunity to merge them to see how much his body and soul can be strengthened by then.

Moreover, the 108 nine-color lights are a whole. Ye Tian wanted to see what kind of effect it would produce once he merged the 108 nine-color lights.

There is no Jiazi in the mountains, and I don’t know how long the cold is.

One epoch after another has passed. Outside, Ye Tian spent three hundred epochs to combine the remaining nine rays of light.

In addition to the one hundred nine-color lights he had merged before, a total of 108 nine-color lights have been completely integrated into his body and soul.

Ye Tian can feel that his soul has reached a limit at this time, the limit of the supreme peak, as long as he takes one step forward, it is supreme Dzogchen.

And his divine body has reached a limit, and one step forward is the Supreme Dzogchen.

Even Ye Tian's cultivation level has reached the limit of the late supreme, and it is very close to the supreme peak.

"It is worthy of the power of the Lord of the Universe. If I did not comprehend the laws of time and space, and without the help of the Imprint of the Emperor, I am afraid it would be impossible to integrate these nine-color lights."

Ye Tian sighed secretly.

This kind of nine-color light, I am afraid that only he can integrate, and even if it is another person, even Wang Feng can't do it.

Without the laws of time and space, it is difficult to control these nine-color lights.


Just as Ye Tian sighed, two completely different knife-path auras came next to him, which surprised him slightly.

Ye Tian couldn't help turning his head to look, and saw that among the nine people sitting cross-legged not far away, a man in a black robe gradually revealed two powerful swords, which were completely different and opposed to each other.

Ye Tian knew this person, and he was Bei Mingyuan, one of the three great arrogances of the Southern Territory, but he didn't expect this person to be in the same vein as a sword.

Moreover, Ye Tian, ​​as the powerful supreme of the ultimate sword, can clearly sense the two swords that Bei Mingyuan comprehends, one is the dark sword and the other is the light sword.

These are two diametrically opposite, opposite sword paths.

Darkness and light, then if water and fire oppose each other.

Therefore, at this moment, Bei Mingyuan is in the stage of becoming enchanted. The two swords in his body are constantly impacting, almost causing his divine body to explode.

In the past, Bei Mingyuan could rely on his own strong will to forcefully suppress these two sword paths.

But now, because of watching these battle reliefs, these two swords in his body have been enhanced. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is because his strength has increased.

The bad thing is that he has begun to be unable to suppress these two powerful swords.

You have to know that whether it is a dark knife path or a bright knife path, it is the top knife path in the knife path. They collide with each other, and of course it is not easy to suppress.

Ye Tian, ​​as a powerful supreme who comprehend the ultimate sword path, of course immediately saw the situation in Bei Mingyuan's body, and he couldn't help but move slightly.

"This kid has a great talent for swordsmanship. He even understood these two powerful swordsmanships at the same time. If he can integrate these two swordsmanships, then he can not only be promoted to the Supreme Realm, but even among the Supremes is a powerful one. "Ye Tian thought secretly, and at the same time, he had an idea in his mind.


Ye Tian flashed, appeared directly beside Bei Mingyuan, and then pointed a finger on his brow.

At this moment, Bei Mingyuan was constantly impacting the two swords in his body. He felt that his soul and body were about to explode, and a series of cold sweats flowed down his forehead.

However, at this moment, a more powerful and terrifying sword path descended from him, and immediately helped him suppress the dark and light sword paths.

Bei Mingyuan was shocked, then opened his eyes, and immediately saw Ye Tian close at hand.

" saved me." Bei Mingyuan was a little surprised.

"Would you like to worship me as a teacher?" Ye Tian looked at Bei Mingyuan and smiled.

Bei Mingyuan was taken aback. (To be continued.)

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