Chapter 319: National attention

Name:Seven Crowns Author:Clever
Ralph’s worries are too much for Lu Wenbin to control, nor can the Chinese reporters, nor the Chinese fans.

All the Chinese who care about Lu Wenbin and the national football record are waiting eagerly for Lu Wenbin's national team debut.

Chinese media reporters even took the posture of live broadcasting, reporting Lu Wenbin's whereabouts to China every day since the end of the 12th round of the Bundesliga between Hoffenheim and Wolfsburg.

Some news websites can even send out news about Lu Wenbin's whereabouts several times a day.

On the second day of the game, on November 8, Lu Wenbin accompanied Kate back to Dietford. Four or five news cars and more than a dozen Chinese reporters followed up and reported, making Lu Wenbin quite helpless.

But he also knows that domestic fans and fans are eagerly waiting for all the news from him, and his future commercial value depends to a large extent on the support of huge Chinese fans.

Therefore, even if he is a bit depressed by the reporter's tracking and reporting of losing privacy, Lu Wenbin can only let the reporters follow him and report his whereabouts to domestic fans.

This is a problem that a star will inevitably face after becoming famous, especially in the special football situation of China.

After sending Kate home, on November 9th, Lu Wenbin set off from Frankfurt to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

The first national team game that Lu Wenbin participated in was the third round of the 15th Asian Cup qualifier Group D where China played away against Lebanon.

When Lu Wenbin's flight took off, the domestic media reported the news as heavy news.

No matter how many people hate or hate the national football, it is undeniable that football is still the world's No. 1 sport, or the sport with the most Chinese fans.

From the beginning of live football TV to the 21st century, how many new and old fans have accumulated in China?

In the 2004 Asian Cup final, China VS Japan, CCTV's simultaneous ratings reached an astonishing 18.5%, the market share reached 47%, and the viewership population reached more than 200 million.

This is not only the highest-rated game among all sports events broadcasted by CCTV in the past ten years, it is even higher than the average audience rating of the news network in the past ten years.

Of course, the second highest ratings are also football matches, the 2002 World Cup China VS Brazil match, which is also higher than the average ratings of the news network.

As for TV dramas, the difference is even further. Those with a ratings of 3% are all hits.

The base of Chinese fans can be seen.

Because of the poor performance of the national team, there are many people who dislike football and few people talk about it. Many people regard it as a shame to talk about football, but it does not mean that the number of Chinese fans is also small.

Even if many people shout that they will never watch the national football team from now on, once the national football team has any good news about winning, they will still search and watch with relish.

When there was a key battle for the national football team, everyone screamed that they would never watch the national football game anymore, but the countless examples of simultaneous ratings wins in the national football game tell everyone that the vast majority of Chinese fans are very sincere.

It is the mentality of the vast majority of Chinese football fans to hate iron but not steel, while cursing while looking forward to one day Chinese football will become prosperous.

The appearance of Lu Wenbin has filled the wishes of all Chinese football fans and made everyone have expectations of Chinese football.

In the past, Sun Jihai and Yang Chen were able to play in the five major leagues, and they were all sought after by fans across the country. What's more, a European golden boot and triple crown winner like Lu Wenbin?

Since the Chinese Football Association announced that Lu Wenbin has decided to join the national football team, become the new core and new captain of the national football team, and will soon lead his team in the Asian Cup qualifiers, the enthusiasm of domestic fans has been completely ignited.

In recent games, Lu Wenbin's continuous scoring performance in the Bundesliga and the Champions League has helped to increase such a heated discussion, making fans look forward to Lu Wenbin's national team debut.

Even if the players of the Chinese team are not as strong as Hoffenheim, they can’t give Lu Wenbin too much support, but with Lu Wenbin’s outstanding strength, it should be alright to lead the national football team to cut melons and vegetables in Asia and enter the World Cup finals. ?

Just as Drogba led Côte d’Ivoire and Shepchenko led Ukraine to the World Cup finals, it is obvious that a superstar figure with outstanding strength plays a leading role in the national team.

Among other things, just Lu Wenbin's free kick skills and perfect penalty shots, how many goals can he bring to the national team?

What's more, Lu Wenbin's off-the-ball running, physique, and shooting accuracy are the best in football, and there is definitely no shortage of goals in sports.

Set-kick and sports goals are so versatile, Lu Wenbin will definitely bring a lot of victories to the national team.

Even if your teammates are not strong, as long as you can make another World Cup, you can score a goal in the World Cup, score a point, or even win a goal. Don’t lose a goal, score no points, or win a game like in 2002. It's fine to go back home in a slippery way.

Of course, the 2010 South Africa World Cup qualifiers have been eliminated The Brazil World Cup qualifiers have not yet started.

Now everyone should look at the 2011 Asian Cup qualifiers first, and first look at Lu Wenbin's national team debut.

See if he can lead the Chinese team to qualify for the 2011 Qatar Asian Cup with a goal like he did in Europe and at Hoffenheim.

The huge demand of domestic fans is the mission of the reporters, and Lu Wenbin's every move will naturally not escape the fate of being tracked and reported.

You can’t escape on the plane, and the same is true when you get off the plane.

Even when Beirut got off the plane, not only reporters but also hundreds of fans picked up the plane.

There are still a few days before the Lebanon VS Chinese team game, but there are already rich and busy domestic fans who can't wait to rush to Lebanon to greet Lu Wenbin with the local Chinese and overseas Chinese.

They held several banners and wrote slogans supporting Lu Wenbin to welcome Lu Wenbin's arrival.

Of course, seeing the fans, Lu Wenbin's mood is much better than just seeing the reporter.

Under the **** of airport security, Lu Wenbin signed several names to fans who were close to him while accepting interviews with reporters.

However, I didn't dare to sign too many.

Lu Wenbin's current fame is extraordinary. Not only will he not sign all the fans for too long, but it will attract more people to watch, and it will be bad if he is completely blocked in the end.

Escorted by the airport security, Lu Wenbin quickly boarded the car that the national team came to pick up the plane and went to the hotel where the national football team was staying.

The Chinese national team led by Gao Hongbo had arrived in Beirut the day before. Because Lu Wenbin was in Europe, he didn't need to go back to the country again, so he flew directly from Germany to Lebanon.

Lu Wenbin is about to meet his national team coach and teammates.