Yan Qing planted his sword tip on the ground, standing upright. His facial features were handsome and refined, but coupled with a pair of blood-colored irises, he looked like an evildoer no matter how they looked at him. Jin Lan stood there in a daze; face filled with disbelief.

The most famous characteristic of Yan Budu back then was his pair of deep red “ghost eyes”. Even among the descendants of the Yan family, not everyone possessed them. It was the ironclad proof of the Yan bloodline.

Yan Qing turned his crimson gaze towards Jin Lan and said, “Ten years ago, you brought me into the Taiheng Sect. Today, I have repaid the debt of gratitude for that act.”

Jin Lan opened his mouth, and his expression was still somewhat blank. “You were only eleven years old that year. How could… You deliberately infiltrated the Taiheng Sect; is it for revenge?”

Worried that Yin Ci might miss out on the big show, Shi Jingzhi explained in a whisper, “Yan Budu was excessively debauched and had many offsprings. During the two years when the righteous martial world besieged the Ling Sect, almost all of the descendants of the Yan family were wiped out. The Taiheng Sect was at the forefront. Ah, we’ve stumbled upon a scene of revenge! Ten years of biding one’s time and enduring setbacks, tsk tsk…”

Yan Qing looked helpless. “Do I look like someone seeking revenge to you?”

Shi Zhongyu didn’t lower her sword. “If you don’t seek revenge, then why did you lurk in my sect for ten years and even secretly learn martial arts?”

“With these ‘ghost eyes’, I can only pretend to be blind. It’s not easy for a blind person to find a job. The Taiheng Sect is a prestigious orthodox sect, with high monthly wages for servants and free food and lodging.”

Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci: “…” This young man is too honest, without a trace of Yan Budu’s wickedness.

Shi Zhongyu’s grip on her sword loosened. “Regarding the matter of secretly learning our techniques—”

“It was wrong of me to learn it secretly, but I just didn’t want to be in this kind of situation.” Yan Qing felt embarrassed. “Senior Shi understands righteousness deeply, and I wanted a chance to be able to explain. If I were to encounter any seniors who are hostile to evil, I would need some confidence to escape.”

An eerie silence fell over the scene.

“Why don’t you become a monk at Jianchen Temple? It’s not a bad choice.” Jin Lan muttered. “Specifically picking the Taiheng Sect, it’s hard to believe you have no ulterior motives…”

“I am indeed quite curious. As the saying goes, ‘Misfortune does not befall one’s wife and children1.’ The Taiheng Sect advocates the doctrine of the golden mean2, and in theory, they wouldn’t do something to such an overkill. During these ten years, I tried to investigate the truth but couldn’t find anything…”

1Idiom implying that even in times of misfortune or danger, one’s family members remain safe and unaffected, and the one at fault takes sole responsibility for their action. || In this context, it means he’s not out to seek revenge against everyone at the Taiheng Sect just because they are simply in the sect and had no involvement with the massacre.

2Middle of the road.

Jin Lan held his breath.

Yan Qing continued, “So I gave up and decided that saving money was more important.”

The members of the Taiheng Sect: “……”

Not far away, the red threads seemed to come alive again, binding the scattered bones together. Just as Yin Ci was about to speak up to warn them, Shi Jingzhi swiftly rushed over.

He covered his shoes with golden fire, firmly stepping on the bones while his eyes remained fixed on the Taiheng Sect.

Yin Ci: “…Shizun, do you really want to watch the show that badly?”

This was the Corpse Explosion Bone Curse, and it was extremely fast. Once it touched flesh and blood, it would explode the entire human body. Unfortunately, it didn’t have a chance to demonstrate, as Shi Jingzhi forcefully crushed it on the ground.

Yin Ci reasonably suspected that surname Shi was afraid that this spectacle would be interrupted by the Bone Curse.

Shi Jingzhi focused intently. “Shh!”

Shi Zhongyu glanced silently in his direction and softly said, “The Taiheng Sect’s hunting order hasn’t been canceled. According to the sect’s rules, anyone from the Yan family is to be killed on sight. Those who steal martial arts shall have their arms severed.”

Yan Qing pursed his lips.

Shi Zhongyu nodded slightly at him and deliberately raised his voice. “We’re now inside the Ghost Tomb and shouldn’t discuss our positions but instead work together. These past few days, you have helped us obtain many treasures, offsetting your previous actions… On behalf of the sect, I hereby expel Yan Qing from Taiheng.”

After saying that, she walked up to Shen Zhu. “Miss Shen, although Yan Qing is a descendent of the Yan family, I can assure you that he has nothing to do with the Ghost Tomb. Please refrain from reporting to the Yueshui Pavilion.”

If this information were to be leaked, aside from those seeking the secrets of the Ghost Tomb, even the remaining enemies of Yan Budu alone would be enough to kill Yan Qing several times over.

Shen Zhu smiled. “It is said that the Green Maiden way is stubborn and rigid, but it seems everyone has been mistaken. Isn’t it too lenient to just ‘expel him from Taiheng’ when it concerns a demonic bloodline?”

Shi Zhongyu responded sincerely, “My sect’s pursuit of the Yan descendants a hundred years ago is nothing to be proud of. Yan Qing entered Taiheng when he was only eleven years old and grew up in the sect without causing any trouble. The servants accompanying us on this trip were randomly selected, and initially, he was unwilling to come…”

At this point, Shi Zhongyu hesitated slightly. Shen Zhu tapped her lips with the tip of her pen. “Continue. I’m still listening.”

Shi Zhongyu: “Um, Yan Qing only learned the basic techniques of a junior disciple, and his skill level is very poor. He has helped me greatly this time, and it’s not righteous to force him into a dead end like this.”

Yan Qing: “…”

Shi Jingzhi: “Oh, I guess that’s where he learned his honesty from.”

Yin Ci rested his chin on his master’s shoulder and lazily nodded, feeling sleepy again.

Shen Zhu rolled her eyes and tore off a page of her notes, crumpling it casually. “Yan Qing’s identity as a younger brother* is not significant, and this news isn’t worth much. If I encounter any difficulties in the future, please keep in mind today’s event, Senior Shi.”

*[Didi] (弟弟).

She casually pointed to the sedan chair in the distance. “But what of them from the Rong Palace…?”

“Don’t worry, they won’t be interested,” Shi Zhongyu said indifferently.

Shi Zhongyu walked toward Shi Jingzhi, who was diligently crushing the bones, gesturing for him to step aside. Just as those bones were struggling to piece themselves back together, Shi Zhongyu swung her sword a few times at their vital points, and they ceased to move.

Seizing the opportunity while everyone was at a distance, Shi Zhongyu whispered, “Yan Qing, you are dexterous, with keen hearing. You will definitely be able to assist Sect Master Shi.”

Shi Jingzhi understood and gladly offered another favor. “Rest assured, Miss Shi.”

With the Buddhist bead obtained, the group resumed their journey. Yan Qing followed at the back of the team, feeling a bit lost. Jin Lan hesitated for a while and finally stamped his foot, handing his own baggage to Yan Qing.

“There’s some drinking water inside, consider it a token of gratitude for earlier. You don’t need to return the sword to me. Keep it for self-defense,” he said stiffly. “Yan Qing, take care of yourself.”

Yan Qing accepted the baggage in silence.

Seizing the opportunity, Shi Jingzhi ran over with Yin Ci on his back and said in a gentle voice, “Brother* Yan, do you want to join the Kushan Sect?”

*[Xiong] (兄) Big brother.

Yan Qing turned his head, somewhat surprised. “Sect Master Shi, don’t you mind my identity?”

“I don’t mind at all, the Kushan Sect is in need of manpower.” Shi Jingzhi smiled warmer. “It’s just me and my discipline. We still haven’t recruited any servants. I’ll provide a monthly allowance of five hundred wen, including room and board. Are you willing?”

A trace of pain appeared on Yan Qing’s face: “……”

‘It seems his monthly allowance has decreased a lot,’ Yin Ci thought. But this kid was quite aware of the situation without honestly mentioning it.

“Okay.” After a while, Yan Qing said sorrowfully, “Fi—Five hundred wen is enough. Thank you, Sect Master Shi, for your hospitality.”

“No need to be downcast. The food at my sect is definitely tastier than that of the Taiheng Sect. Oh, and change into a set of our sect’s attire and put on a mask… The mask is in A’Ci’s bag. You can carry it for him.”

When it was just the two of them, Yin Ci carried the luggage while Shi Jingzhi carried Yin Ci on his back, making the burden quite heavy. When Yan Qing joined, Yin Ci originally thought he would make Yan Qing carry him, but Shi Jingzhi only handed over the luggage.

Following the instructions, Yan Qing put on the sect’s attire and took out another rough Nuo mask, obediently wearing it on his face—there were only two small holes carved for the eyes, perfectly concealing his red irises.

The Kushan Sect now had another masked individual, looking even stranger.

As the only member dressed normally, Yin Ci cleared his throat lightly. “Since we are now family, let’s speak openly. Brother Yan, why were you unwilling to enter the tomb initially?”

Yin Ci now understood the matter with the Faceless Monk—Yan Budu had given special treatment, and his descendants didn’t need to possess high-level martial arts to perceive the clues. But on the flip side, if this bloodline attracted something unpleasant…

Yan Qing: “The divination result wasn’t good.”

Yin Ci was momentarily speechless. This person wasn’t just beyond practical, he was excessively practical.

Yan Qing explained voluntarily. “I have learned a bit of divination, occasionally trying to predict good and bad fortune. Before setting off, I cast a divination*, and the result was truly bizarre.”


Shi Jingzhi’s spirit was stirred. “I’ve also read many books on divination. Come, tell us about your results.”

Yan Qing: “I use apricot stones for divination, one side coated with cinnabar and the other with ink. The outcome is determined by the number of red and black sides. The previous time, all the apricot stones stood upright.”

Shi Jingzhi didn’t catch the allusion and could only express his true feelings. “…Indeed, it’s frightening.”

Yan Qing lowered his head. “The Taiheng Sect’s fortune is auspicious, except in my case. That’s why I faked an accident to withdraw but ended up encountering the two of you… Perhaps this is fate.”

Seeing Shi Jingzhi starting to become suspicious again, Yin Ci calmly interjected, “Brother Yan, no need to worry. Our Sect Master is a traveling healer. I can cook, and you can play the role of a blind fortune teller. If things really become unbearable, we can set up a stall at the street corner together.”

Shi Jingzhi immediately reacted as if his tail had been stepped on. “Nonsense! I can support the two of you!”

Yin Ci chuckled softly, tightening his embrace around Shi Jingzhi’s neck. His cheap master was warm, and there was a faint medicinal scent about him. Perhaps it was from years of consuming medicine, seeping into his being.

Although this person was peculiar and kept some things hidden, his emotions were genuine in every aspect.

Yin Ci didn’t dislike this kind of person.

If the Buddhist beads had no relation to the Shirou, then everything was like fetching water with a bamboo basket*. He might be able to find a way to let this person live a few more years and add some variety to his own dull life.

*Idiom used to describe a futile or fruitless effort, similar to attempting to carry water with a bamboo basket, which would only result in all the water leaking out.

After all, watching fallen flowers turn into mud was always better than watching filth breed maggots.

After walking through the serpent bone maze for several more hours, the group stopped to rest.

Yan Qing rearranged the luggage, then sat down properly, savoring the ham and glutinous rice cake. The anguish on his face from the salary cut eased slightly.

The surroundings were as bright as day, the scenery magnificent, and the presence of monsters abnormally scarce. Shi Jingzhi used his inner force to heat up a pot of tea and sat down with Yin Ci still on his back, creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Yin Ci had a faint sense that something was off.

The Blood Rope had a time limit, and it could only catch up to someone by killing and extracting their blood. Even so, this level was too straightforward, not even resembling a proper challenge. It was less intimidating than the Paper Figures Street. Yin Ci bit into the jerky given by his master and spoke in a muffled voice, “Shizun?”


“Is this level too easy? There aren’t many monsters, and the prayer beads can be abandoned so easily. Is Yan Budu really that accommodating?”

Shi Jingzhi sighed. “Ah, I can’t figure it out either. With his design, every step should be a deadly trap, but the Ascension Hall is quite sloppy. If I were Yan Budu… at the very least, I would wait until the Buddhist beads on this level are collected and focus on attacking those without beads—those people are either lacking in ability or desire, so they’re not easily manipulated.”

As soon as the words fell, the ice surface rumbled and began to slowly tilt.

Yin Ci: “…” Speak of the devil. That person surname Shi has to be a descendant of Yan Budu.

In the next moment, everyone stood up.

Not only was the ice surface tilting, but the entire Ascension Hall began to rotate. In no time, this level would flip upside down.

The survivors would be trapped beneath the ice, destined to plunge into the flesh-devouring lake.

The author has something to say:

Comrade Yan Qing, wanting to avoid overtime, took sick leave but failed to escape, being forced to go on a business trip. In the end, he was laid off when the project was nearing completion, not only losing the bonus but also his salary…

It’s a tragedy, a real tragedy.

Kinky Thoughts:

I debated back and forth between keeping the form of addresses in pinyin or translating them, and ultimately decided to translate them while making a footnote on their pinyin term.

I find that leaving too many terms untranslated would make it confusing and convoluted, especially for readers who are not familiar with the xianxia/wuxia setting (me included, and I have read my fair share of works). Though I have decided to keep the more known form like Shizun, as that’s a pretty common term that most people know.

I may change my mind later down the line if I find the localization too jarring and awkward and will make fixes accordingly.