As for the old man, he occasionally sells cherry blossoms and some dry materials. Although he can't support his family, he can save a few money.

However, all his money was saved and intended to be used as Qiu Xiang's dowry in the future, but now this happened. Qiu Xiang is afraid it's not easy to get married. The master knows his heart, but it's hard to say. Although the old man's family is poor, he has absolutely no tendency to favor men over women, but he loves this granddaughter very much, Try every means to solve the matter.

After the old man was sure that Qiuxiang would not want to die again, he went to rest at ease. Chu Xi and Chu Pan'er asked him to guard at the door. He took Qiuxiang to his room.

Qiuxiang's room is just a small room, with a simple bed and a simple dresser. There are washed white quilts on the bed, and the quilts look very old, but they are very clean. It seems that this family loves cleanliness very much.

"Girl, thank you for today's business. If it weren't for fear, I would have gone to see the Lord of hell at this time!"

Chu Pan'er smiled and waved his hand. "It's nothing to mention this little thing. I've met the old man a few times. It's also some fate. Therefore, it's not good to die."

"Anyway, thank you very much. If it weren't for your words, wake me up, I would really be an unfilial person. I won't have the courage to see my parents when I go down!"

Then the woman burst into tears.

Taking out a brocade handkerchief, Chu Pan'er wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and gently comforted the woman: "the girl doesn't have to be so uncomfortable. The girl just said that she was willing to tell what happened..."

Hearing this, the woman stopped crying and gently bit the corner of her lip. Loudi was scared and nervous.

Chu Pan'er reached out and grasped each other's hands, gave him some power, and the woman came slowly.

"It happened there. On my grandfather's birthday, that night, I got some silver money from my master and went to prepare some delicious food for Grandpa. Grandpa likes drinking. After three rounds of drinking, he went to bed drunk. There was no abnormality at that time, but at midnight, I heard a noise outside the door and thought it was grandpa who got up at night. I was worried that Grandpa's eyes were bad and was afraid of an accident, So I started to have a look. As a result, I was unconscious as soon as I opened the door. "

"Slowly, I entered a dream. In the dream, I entered a forest. In the forest, I met a big man wearing a big coat, a felt hat and a beard. When he saw me, he flirted. I wanted to escape, but he grabbed me and pressed me in the grass..."

The voice behind the woman gradually trembled and felt the woman's weakness. Chu Pan'er sighed and stretched out his hand to give him a little strength, and the woman continued: "At that time, I remember that the big man chewed and bit me, and... He did that dirty thing to me. When I woke up after struggling, I found that my whole body was sore and uncomfortable, but my whole body was clean without any damage."

That nightmare lasted for half a month. Later, that day, I took a rest and went out to sell cherry blossoms with my grandfather. As a result, I fainted to the ground. When I woke up, I learned that I was pregnant. This is what surprised me.

I have never experienced anything, and all that is a dream. After waking up, I am still in my home. I asked my grandfather if there was any abnormal situation, but my grandfather said no.

I was very worried. After knowing this, the first thing I thought of was suicide, but my grandfather persuaded me,

Fortunately, the employer was kind-hearted. After learning that I was pregnant, he hid it for me and gave me a sum of money to go home and raise my baby, but it was finally known. I heard other people's comments and was still rubbing grandpa's backbone, which made me unbearable, so I thought

Would think of that. In fact, I also know that life is precious. How can I bear to die so early? "

When Qiu Xiang said this, there was also a trace of grievance in her tone. Chu Pan'er certainly understood that this is the truth that people can be afraid of.

"In fact, your grandfather is your relative. You just need to think about your grandfather's ideas. It's very strange. Haven't you thought about reporting to the official?"

Secretly thinking about what Qiu Xiang said, although it may sound too mysterious to others, Chu Pan'er understands that there is a kind of medicine in the world that can make people do things they can't imagine when they are awake, and after waking up, memory becomes another kind.

But that kind of medicine is just a legend. Can't that kind of medicine appear again?

"By the way, you just said that you started this dream on Grandpa's birthday?"

Qiuxiang solemnly nodded. Of course, he will always remember what happened. If he didn't open the door that day, I'm afraid there would be no such result.

"According to what I said, you should be in a nightmare!"

"Nightmare, what's that?"

Qiu Xiang has never heard of these terms. Naturally, it is unclear. Chu Pan'er looks serious. He slowly says to Qiu Xiang: "nightmare is colorless and tasteless. As long as people smell it, they will fall to the ground and stay awake, just like sleeping in a dream. What he has experienced in reality will also be introduced into the dream and become another form."

"So, it's similar to me. Then... Who would do that?"

Qiuxiang looked very nervous and scared. Unexpectedly, she didn't realize that she was taken this medicine. What should he do?

"Do you remember what the man in your dream looks like?"

Qiuxiang thought carefully. He rubbed his head and felt a headache. Finally, it flashed in his mind that the man's ferocious appearance in his dream made his face very ugly.

Stabilize Qiuxiang, Chu Pan'er secretly lost some internal power in his body.

"Miss Qiuxiang, don't think about it. If you don't want to tell me, don't say it, lest you have a headache and fear!"

Qiuxiang bit her teeth in pain and shook her head: "I clearly want to get the man's look, but why can't I say it? I'm really powerless!"

Helplessly knocked her head with her hand. Qiu Xiang was very uncomfortable. Seeing him like this, Chu Pan'er also felt helpless. He kept patting Qiu Xiang's hand and comforted: "then take your time and see what kind of fluctuations are in your mind. Listen to me. First close your eyes, then take a calm deep breath, and tell me when your mood stabilizes."

Qiu Xiang did as he said. After a few rounds, his mood was not so intense. He slowly opened his eyes. There was a panic between his eyebrows and eyes: "I remember, I remember, there was at least a long scar on the man's chest from his waist to his left shoulder!"