Chapter 162 - Character Recap+

Not a chapter but since I have many characters and considering I can't keep their names straight = A quick rough character recap of everyone that is significant to the story.


Lena Shen (FL) - 23

Shen Mao (Dad)

Shen Milli (Mom)

Grandpa and Grandma Shen

Henry Han (Dad's Secretary) - 28

Diane (FL's Secretary)

Elizabeth Liu (Henry's GF) - 27

James (Bodyguard #1)

Noah (Bodyguard #2)

Kye (Bodyguard #3, Deceased)


Andy Yang - 26

Drew Yang (Dad)

Madam Yang (Mom)

Eva Wu (Fiance)

Gary Chen (Half-brother from Mom's side) - 24

Hazel Yang (FL BestFriend, Cousin) - 24

Daniel Yang (Brother of Drew, Deceased)

Uncle Sam (Son of Daniel)

- Kid #1

- Kid #2

- Kid #3

Sophia (Andy's Secretary)


Kris Li - 26

Li Jun (Dad, Deceased)

Madam Li (Mom - From Wang Family)

"Li Mistress (Nanny?, Deceased)

Collin (Kris' Secretary)


>>The other weirdo club

Doctor Tye



Keso (Kris' Bodyguard)


Ming Zhao - 25

Mike Zhao (half-brother from dad's side)

Zhao Lin (Dad)

Madam Zhao (She's Italian)

Elder Zhao (Grandpa)

Old Madam Zhao (Grandma)

Arnold (Ming's head scientist)

Tim (Ming's Secretary)

Sophia (Mike's fling)

** Same name as Andy's secretary but different people. Don't worry tho.. we won't see this girl again so there should be no more confusion


Angel Reynolds (LUX Representative)

Ben (Elevator man)

Stella Feng (FL therapist)


Bai Wentao (Mayor of City A)

- Son #1 - 24

- Son #2

Bai Wei (Running for President, Older Brother of Bai Wentao)

- Daughter #1

- Son


Huang Family:

Young Master Huang (Hazel's next target)

Younger Master Huang??? (Younger bro_)