In the twinkling of an eye, the Spring Festival is approaching.

Chen Feng and an ruohua have finished their work and are ready to have a good rest for a few days.

On Chen Feng's side, the preparatory work of the troupe of "wandering earth" has been completed, waiting for the official start-up after the Spring Festival.

In Tailang entertainment, Chen Feng went to help her write two pieces for the competition, hoping that they can get good results in the next competition.

As for Zhang Yiwen, Lin Yuan, Lin zhehua and song Xiao, these famous singers have been able to develop very steadily with the help of the company, and Chen Feng doesn't need to worry any more.

Moreover, Lin Yuan and song Xiao have their own creative ability, and Tailang entertainment has also signed up with several other well-known music producers in the industry. In terms of creation, they have no worries at all.

Next year, both Zhang Yiwen and Lin zhehua will release their new albums.

Especially Zhang Yiwen, this will be her second solo album. Tailang entertainment attaches great importance to it and does not hesitate to invest a lot of money in production.

Moreover, Chen Feng will also create two new songs for her again. Although Chen Feng does not arrange all the songs this time, now Zhang Yiwen has a great reputation. Coupled with the strong strength of Tailang entertainment, the quality of the album will not be much worse.

Lin zhehua's situation is similar, and he will be even busier next year. He not only has to release a music album, but also has reserved three film works, which can be said to be very productive.

Because of the popularity of Infernal Affairs, Lin zhehua has become a first-line star. Although his acting skills in the film are not as good as Chen Hui, he is handsome. Now as long as he stands on the stage in a suit, the audience will scream wildly, especially the female fans, who are very happy. Even recently, fans have begun to block the company's door.

Tailang entertainment can only reluctantly strengthen the security work.

Who would have thought that Lin zhehua, who was in his thirties and couldn't see the future, had such a drastic change in his life?

Even Chen Feng and Xu Tailang underestimated the speed of his development.

However, in Chen Feng's view, if Lin zhehua can always maintain his excellent qualities, there will be no problem for another 20 years.


Compared with Chen Feng, an ruohua is much more relaxed. Ping An investment is running in an orderly way. At present, the art film invested is also being shot in other places. The only trouble is to clear up the accounts at the end of the year.

Chen Feng made money quickly, but the speed of spending money was not slow. Now the box office of Infernal Affairs has not been settled. Relying on the first bucket of money earned by crazy stone, Ping An investment not only won the share of Shushan cinema, but also invested in wandering earth. These are huge expenses.

However, an ruohua also believes in Chen Feng's vision. Although she spends more money, she will surely earn more in the future. She has never doubted Chen Feng about this.

In addition to these, the music works that Chen Feng had written before also had nearly 10 million share of copyright. Although they earned a little less than making movies, this kind of continuous income still makes people feel very happy.

What surprised Chen Feng and an ruohua most was that the Longtan brothers had already started to make profits, and the first dividend at the end of the year was about 1 million.

This really surprised Chen Feng.

After all, it's not a long time for the Longtan brothers to build factories and expand production scale. How can they start to make money so soon?

It seems that everyone underestimated the brand effect of Longtan brothers.

So far, the influence of Longtan brothers has been very large on the Internet. Their video content, video quality, number of fans and fan activity are among the top in the industry.

Moreover, many people are imitating their style, and even a few of them have made a lot of money by virtue of the reputation of Longtan brothers.

In fact, the most important thing is that the reputation of the direct online shop launched by Longtan brothers in the later period is better. No matter the quality of goods or after-sales service, there has never been any mistake. Most of the users who have bought things here have become repeat customers.

Slowly, Longtan brothers has built their own brand into a complete industrial chain integrating production, processing, sales, marketing and publicity. This mode can not be copied by others.

On the basis of such an industrial chain, because of the influence of the brand, it has led to the popularity of the sales end, so it has also led to the production and processing of products, thus affecting the local economic development of Longtan town.

In fact, in the process of operation, Longtan brothers gave more benefits to the upstream supply of raw materials, so in the end, their profits were less, which was Zhao Tan's original intention.

Of course, this approach also makes Zhao Tan and his Longtan brothers brand get more local policy support, and the development prospect of the company is very good.

Now for the Longtan brothers, the only problem is that with the passage of time, the local video themes in Longtan town are almost exhausted. After all, with only one mu of land, all the interesting things will be finished. When there is no new material, how can the Longtan brothers continue to maintain their enthusiasm?Therefore, Zhao Tan began to actively develop some interesting materials from other places. He has set up several teams to search for more interesting shooting content around the country.

In fact, they have done similar things before. At that time, they went to the south to help some orchards sell all kinds of fruits, and they also went to some coastal areas to help fishermen shoot some fishing videos. But at that time, they helped occasionally, and there was no formal development of these projects.

Now, with the exhaustion of local video content resources, Longtan brothers has begun to incorporate some foreign projects into their regular video content.

Recently, Zhao Tan and his team went to Qiongzhou island. Although it is cold winter in the north, it is very warm there.

Zhao Tan's team filmed the fishing process of an old local fisherman. This kind of video content is very fresh and interesting for many people who don't understand coastal life.

In particular, I saw a small fishing boat casting nets on the sea, collecting nets, catching all kinds of fish and shrimps, and then directly taking them to the shore market for sale. This process made many viewers even enjoy themselves.

It turns out that fishing is such a fun thing.

Especially in the process of casting net and drawing net, how many fish can be caught in this net? Do you have any valuable goods? Is there much fish and shrimp? Will it be empty?

The whole process is like opening a treasure chest, full of unknowns and miracles.

After all, the fishery resources in the vast ocean are much more abundant than the small freshwater lake of Longtan Lake.

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