Chapter 426

Name:Sealed Lips Author:Fēng Yǔ Zìrán
"How?" Feng Xingyan said quickly, "I didn't fall in love with her because of her strong personality! Although I do pay attention to her because of her sudden change in character, that is not the main reason why I love her

"What is the main reason?" Su Wei tapped her finger on the table, "because she looks good? Because she is very good to you. When everyone stands opposite to you, she stands by your side without hesitation. When you are in danger, she does not escape and faces with you. Do you love her because she is good to you, infatuated with you and moved you? "

Feng Xingyan said seriously, "it's not like this!"

He stood up and said, "I like her. I like her. No matter how hard she is, I will keep a kind heart! Like her face any problem, never give up the character! I like her tenacity, like her out of the mud does not dye, I like her all

"But she doesn't seem to think so..."

Su Wei said helplessly, "she must think that you love her because she moved you. She will feel that you can accept her present appearance, but she must not accept her former appearance. How can she marry like this? It's impossible to love again, because she's here with you. She has no dignity. She can't promise. She doesn't want to have her last pride. "

Feng Xingyan didn't expect that under the seemingly indifferent appearance, Shang Zhen was so sensitive and inferiority complex. He thought that what he had done was enough to reassure her, but now it seems that it is far from enough. He even felt heartache and pain for her.

"I see. Thank you very much." He gradually calmed down and realized that the only thing he could do was to solve it!

Su Wei said with a smile, "don't thank me. I just hope that girl can get her happiness."

Feng Xingyan looked at him and said solemnly, "don't worry! I will be enough for the rest of her life! take a rest! Excuse me

With that, Feng Xingyan left. At this time, he was eager to see the silly girl, and then told her that her fear would never, never happen!

When he opened the door and saw Shang Zhen, she silently held her knees and looked at the ceiling. There was no trace of weakness on her face, but at this moment she looked so lonely.

"Are you back?" Shang Zhen walked out of bed and walked towards him. She was robbed by Feng Xingyan for a while. She was not so restrained, but she was not frightened by humiliation. People did not know whether she was happy or not.

Feng Xingyan put his arms around her waist and put his head on her shoulder. Suddenly, the words he just wanted to say could not be remembered at the moment when he saw her.

Some things are not said, she will be at ease, her uneasiness, from too long suffering, she will even doubt whether she should get happiness, clearly, this is not for her to bear.

"Zhenzhen, do you believe in yourself?"

"Believe it." Shang Zhen didn't understand why he asked. She patted him on the back and said seriously, "I believe in myself very much."

"Do you believe me?"

Shang Zhen looked at him quietly and suddenly laughed, "I naturally believe in you. I also believe that if I marry you, you will give me happiness."

Four eyes relative moment, Feng Xingyan suddenly understood that sentence she did not say.

It's just not sure if I will be your happiness, because I'm not what you want.

"Silly girl."

There was a glimmer of firmness in his eyes.


nbsp; "don't leave after work tomorrow."

Shang Zhen laughed and joked, "do you want to propose again?"

Feng Xingyan nodded, "of course, once I don't agree, I'll ask for ninety-nine times!"

"Well Why not a hundred times? " Shang Zhen blinked and asked.

"Because I know you can't bear to let me down a hundred times." He said confidently and contentedly.

Yeah? Shang Zhen smiles. Somehow, she is looking forward to her proposal tomorrow.

The next day, she was a little absent-minded all day, so she could not see a doctor for sure, so she only received a few follow-up visits, but when she was about to leave work, Feng Xingyan came.

He leans in front of the door, is her last "patient" today, but the appearance is so high spirited, with the smile that the potential must get.

"Doctor, I'm sick."

Shang Zhen pondered for a moment with a pen, and then suddenly he laughed again. His marriage proposals were more and more romantic. He did not know what ideas he had today.

Because Feng Xingyan is very high from birth. Even if he is to propose marriage, he should not devalue himself. This is insulting to him!

"Secret." Feng Xingyan put away his smile and solemnly said, "wait, wait for me on the roof."

People around him can't help but stop. They listen to Feng Xingyan holding a doll in his hand, playing two roles and performing a lively and interesting talk show!

"Here it is?" Shang Zhen looked at the hall where people were coming and going. Many patients stopped to look at them, especially Feng Xingyan.

When she is ready to go to the roof, Feng Xingyan appears again."I have a disease that will die without you."

"To put it another way, I've got a disease. If you don't marry me, I'll die. Today is the deadline."

With that, he stepped back and performed a ventriloquist doll in the bustling hall.

Sometimes he speaks happily and sometimes deeply. With his hard-working body language, he plays the role of clown very happily! People around him were amused by him from time to time, but Shang Zhen couldn't laugh, instead, she frowned.

When Shang Zhen is still in a daze, Feng Xingyan smiles. When he smiles, he shows his white teeth. Even if he is dressed as a clown, he is also the most handsome clown who can make people feel excited with a smile!

“…… What do you mean Shang Zhen looks at him strangely.

Feng Xingyan nodded, "yes, you are my lucky audience. You will like my carefully prepared performance!"

With that, he left without waiting for Shang Zhen to react.

"Miss, would you like to enjoy my performance?"

But this time, he stood in front of her in a black suit, a white shirt and a black and white clown costume. He was like a man she had never seen in her life.

But after the performance of Feng Xingyan, the ventriloquism has not finished yet, and a few magic tricks have come! I can see he practiced for a long time! That wonderful magic, let a person exclaim even, do not look like a novice at all.

Before Shang Zhen spoke, he stood across the table and sealed his lips with his fingers. His long eyelashes drooped. His deep facial features were more three-dimensional from the side, with a deep smile and a more focused look.

His purple eyes were full of smile, and as he approached, a rose appeared, which he gently placed on Shang Zhen's table full of medical records, which was so delicate and charming.