Superpower Explanation Page (1) Okui Ikuo

Translated by Dawn

Superpower Explanation Page (1) Okui Ikuo

Ability name: Teleportation

Overview: can move and warp any object to any location in an instant.


By specifying the target to warp to and the location to warp to, the target can be warped to the specified location.

The more ambiguous the specification, the more likely it is to fail, but the higher the teleportation skill, the more successful it is even with ambiguous specifications.

Also, the higher the teleportation skill, the greater the distance and mass that can be teleported at one time.

It is however a strange setting that succeeds even if ambiguous in erotic haps and gag scenes.

In addition, it is also possible to Apport to call something that is not in front of you with warp.

Warp Method: Through another dimension.

For example, suppose there are two-dimensional life forms that live on paper.

They cannot recognize the [height] of their three-dimensional eyes.

If you hold a pen over the paper, they will not notice it.

However, the moment they put down the pen nib and it touches the paper, it appears to them as if the pen nib suddenly appears, as if it has come at warp speed.

Also, it takes almost no time to travel to another dimension.

When teleporting, the kinetic energy remains the same.

In other words, if you teleport a falling object close to the ground, it will hit the ground at the same rate of fall.

Therefore, to save a falling person, teleport the person onto a cushion or teleport the person to the other side of the earth, drop the person into the sky, and call the person back with an apport when the kinetic energy has been counterbalanced by gravity.

Commercial usage:

Underground resources can be obtained without mining by teleporting underground resources.

It is also possible to collect fine resources at the iron sand level.

By teleporting only viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxic substances, and cancer cells, many diseases can be cured.

By apporting wild animals, fish and meat can be easily obtained.

Combat usage:

A sewer shoot sends the opponent into the sewers.

Teleport the opponent into the air and cause them to fall to their death.

Teleporting an opponent into the water and drowning them.

Throw them out into space.

Teleport only the enemy’s limbs and cut them off.

Teleport only their blood and make them faint from anemia.

Teleport only the brain and die instantly.

If you make the enemy’s long-range attack teleport behind the enemy, all the enemy’s attacks will hit the target.

How to beat him:

You can never win in head-to-head combat, so assassinate him.

By poisoning, sniping, etc.