Chapter 448

Name:Scholar's Sweetheart Author:Jia Yi
Soon after the watermelon is picked, the cotton planted in another county can also be picked.

Because of the geographical environment, the cotton in Xinzhou is sown later than that in other states, and the mature season is also later. When it can be picked, the weather has turned cool.

The common people in this county have a very complicated mental journey, witnessing the digging of potatoes, the picking of grapes and watermelons, and so on, and finally the picking of cotton.

They were very worried at first, but later, they saw that the cotton had milky white flowers, and then the flowers slowly turned red, and left small green capsules after withering.

The agricultural official said that this small green capsule is called as a cotton boll. There are cottonseed in the cotton boll. The hair on the cottonseed grows from the epidermis of the cottonseed and fills the inside of the cotton boll. When the cotton boll matures, it splits and exposes soft fibers. The fibers are white or yellow in white. After picking it, it can be used as a quilt and cotton coat.

So when people look at the plants that have grown into cotton, they feel very strange and excited. They know how expensive it is to buy Cotton outside. A kilo of cotton costs tens of Wen or hundreds of Wen. They want to buy a few kilograms of cotton to make clothes and quilts, but they can't afford it. They can only make coats or quilts out of sheep's skin.

Although the sheepskin jacket is warm, it has a strong smell of mutton. Although I am used to it, I still yearn to wear beautiful clothes and thick quilts like the county magistrate and his wife. The places they walk through are fragrant, unlike the smell of mutton.

So when you look at the cotton growing out, your inner hesitation turns into excitement. In the future, they can also wear cotton padded clothes and make quilts. They never thought that such a happy day would fall on them.

On a sunny morning, everyone began to pick cotton.

Picking cotton is also a hard work, because not all the cotton in the field can be picked, so we will pick part first and then part, so we have to go back and forth for many times.

Because of the shortage of manpower in their families, some families invited relatives from other counties to help each other. When they finished the work, they could take two or three jin of cotton as a reward.

After picking the cotton, song Xintong asked everyone to take down the cottonseed from the cotton and wait until next year for the seeds to be planted again. Then he dried the cotton on a clean mat for four or five days in the hot sun, and then they could be sold separately.

However, because the common people can't provide mats, they can only find a piece of clean land to dry. If they mix with dirt and stones, they can only wait for them to dry.

After the sun is dried, it will be classified according to the grade. When the cotton harvester comes, it will be sold according to different grades.

Because Shahe County doesn't wear cotton padded clothes and covers quilts, there are no craftsmen who can play cotton and no female workers who can spin, so even if people have clean and warm cotton in their hands, they don't know what to do.

Then someone asked song Xintong, "madam, can you teach us how to make cotton padded clothes and quilts? You see what we've done, how come we've all piled up? "

Song Xintong watched the crowd buy the cotton clothes made of coarse linen. Because the cotton was not fixed, it was all piled up under the corner of the clothes. It looked very ugly.

Although song Xintong didn't know how to make cotton spinning and other techniques, he still knew how to make simple cotton padded clothes. So in the afternoon, he gathered all the people in Shahe county to the small square of Xinjie, and then taught them how to make cotton padded clothes and quilts.

After teaching everyone to fix the cotton and make a quilt, song Xintong wiped the sweat on his head. "If only there was a craftsman who could play cotton here. You can take the cotton and ask him to help you process it, so you don't have to sew it like this."

Someone said: "can you invite one to do it? We made it for our family, and we made it for your family. "

"Where can I get this?"

"Don't worry. Now the cotton here has been sold to the merchants. It won't be long..." Song Xintong said, "at the latest next year, there will be some craftsmen playing cotton here to play cotton for everyone."

"How much will that cost?"

"If you have your own cotton, it won't cost you much money."

Another person asked, "madam, I've heard that these cotton can be used for clothes, right?"

Song Xintong nodded: "it's true."

Before Shahe County, because of poverty and backwardness, and grazing for a living, the roughest linen transported from outside cost a lot of money, not to mention cotton, silk and other fabrics. Therefore, the only grocery store in Shahe County, besides selling some coarse linen, can't find any cotton cloth in the county. If you want to buy it, you have to go to xinzhoufucheng, so you haven't seen what cotton cloth looks like.

Song Xintong pointed to Daya's clothes. "This is the clothes made of soft cotton. They are sweat absorbing, comfortable and extremely soft. You can have a closer look."

The women all approached and said, "this dress is very well made. Look at the stitches. Look at the flowers embroidered on this side. It's really beautiful."

Another humanitarian: "this cotton padded jacket is really comfortable to touch, better than the linen bought in the grocery store."

"It's going to cost a lot of money, isn't it?"

"It's beautiful. I also want to buy one for my daughter a Xiang. She will be married in two months..."

"If you want to buy it, you can go to Xinzhou. If you don't want to go so far, you can wait a little longer. In a short time, there should be merchants to deliver goods and bring a lot of cloth." Song Xintong has already received a letter from the Xu family to send her a batch of forage seeds. It took him a long time to wait for the seeds.

The Xu family's business is naturally going all the way to earn money, so it will certainly send a lot of things from the business. At that time, we can ask the Xu family to do business on the new street for a few days. I think it can also meet the daily needs of business customers and the people.