Chapter 273

Name:Scholar's Sweetheart Author:Jia Yi
In the twinkling of an eye, it was dawn. Song Xintong opened the window curtain of the carriage and looked outside. He found that Lu Yunkai had been boiling water outside.

Song Xintong put on his coat and got out of the carriage. He sat next to Yunkai and leaned against him in front of him: "you didn't sleep for long. Why did you get up?"

"Some can't sleep." Lu Yunkai touched song Xintong's hand. When he got up, his hand was still warm. "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"No Song Xintong touched his stomach, "I'm a little hungry."

"When the water boils, I'll make you a pimple?" Lu Yun said.

"No, please." Song Xintong looked at the extinguished fire in the opposite stall, and then whispered, "are those two gone?"

"It's been a while."

"Why didn't I hear anything?" Does song Xintong feel that he is sleeping too much“ What do you say they do? It looks scary. "

"Probably the son of a big family." Lu Yunkai looked at the Huafu childe's speech temperament is not general, but he did not pry, just as do not know.

Song Xintong thinks that the clothes they wear are like silk, which is several times better than the fine cotton clothes they wear.

"Where's Daya?"

"Daya has gone to chop firewood, but Dabao and Xiaobao haven't got up yet." Lu Yunkai put the hot water on the side, "wash first."

Song Xintong squatted on the ground, picked up a handful of water from the bucket to wash his face, and then took a homemade toothbrush mixed with salt to rinse his mouth. Then he went outside the broken temple, moved his limbs and took a breath of fresh air in the morning. He felt very comfortable.

It was dark last night, and I couldn't see the scenery outside. From a distance, I could see the mountains half covered by clouds, which was quite artistic.

When Daya came back from chopping two bundles of firewood, the twins were already awake. They divided the steamed bread they bought in the small town yesterday, and then they began to move on.

The next few days were very lucky. It was sunny all the time, and they could find accommodation, either in the village or in the town.

But good luck doesn't always come.

This day, shortly after the afternoon, the sky gradually changed. It was dark and the wind kept blowing.

Song Xintong worried to see the dark sky, "it's going to rain, can there be accommodation in front?"

From the small village in the morning to now, they have walked three or four hundred miles. They can't go back again. Moreover, they haven't seen the village all the way. They can't find a place to hide from the rain, so they have to go ahead.

Lu Yunkai looked at the sky anxiously. As they expected, he rushed to a post station to stay before dark, but now it's too late for the rainstorm.

"There should be no way ahead. I can only go to the post station."

"Can the post stop us?" Song Xintong remembers that post stations are places for officials to rest.

"Yes, the post office officials also want to earn extra money. If there is no official, they will rent the guest room to us." Lu Yunkai said.

Song Xintong thinks so.

But worried about the rain ahead, the horse out of control: "the rain does not know how long it will last, if it is just a short time, we can build a canopy to wait for the thunderstorm to pass."

Lu Yunkai also took a look at the sky. "I'm afraid the rain can't pass for a while. We'd better find a foothold first."

"Well, it's up to you." Song Xintong nodded.

Lu Yunkai: "you go back and sit in the car first. We may have to speed up a little."

"Well, you can do it at your speed. I'll be fine." Song Xintong sat back in the carriage and put all the quilts under his buttocks, so even if there was a bump, he didn't feel too much.

In order to avoid the rain, the carriage was much faster. But still did not win the storm, not long after it began to rain heavily, heavy rain under a dense non-stop.

After nearly an hour, I finally arrived at the post station.

Because there are so many cars and horses here in rainy days, song Xintong's hall was full of people when they arrived.

The courtyard of the post station is one by one, which is specially used by the travel officials. If it is single, it can only be the Yamcha's bedroom in the back.

This time, because there were many people taking shelter from the rain, the Posthouse official opened a courtyard for all the people to live in, but the money was very high. Five Liang and one room were the starting price.

There are more expensive 50 or 100 Liang single family homes. Those who don't need money can go there, while those who don't need money can go to the next room. Because song Xintong is pregnant, Lu Yunkai can't go to the next room, so he wants two adjacent rooms.

The people of the post house collected ten Liang silver and led them to the room with a smile. "We are not an inn here. We don't prepare hot water. There is a kitchen in it. You can make it by yourself, but you have to pay for the dishes and firewood. If you don't want to cook, you can go to the front yard and find us. We can cook together. "

"When you think about it, go ahead and find us. We'll get it for you."

"Thank you very much." After Lu Yunkai sent the people away, he entered the house.

Looking at the layout of the room, song Xintong said, "I'll spread our quilts on them. You can change them first. When the hot water is ready, you can take a bath."

She heard the conversation outside just now. She thought that the people in the post house could really earn money, but they didn't say much in other people's territory. "I think they've already boiled water in the kitchen. I'll go and ask them for some first."

"It's wet and slippery outside. Don't go." Lu Yunkai began to take off his clothes. "I changed my clothes."

"I'll go where it's not wet under the eaves. You can change it quickly." Song Xintong turned out of the house and walked around the eaves to the kitchen in the corner. There was a fire in it. The man who was burning was the servant of the lady who lived in the yard.

"Is this the kitchen?" Song Xintong asked with a smile

The old lady said, "this is the only one. If you want to use it, you'll have to wait until we run out."

Used up? Song Xintong looked at the dishes beside him. When you finished, he didn't know when it would be. After thinking about it, he said, "do you have enough water? Can we have some? "

The mother-in-law looked at Song Xintong with drooping eyelids. "This is the firewood we spent money on."

There is no need to buy water. There is a well in the yard.

Song Xintong looked at her mother-in-law, who was in charge of coolie. She was not a wet nurse. She took out five bronze coins and said, "here you are. You can give us two buckets of boiled water. Just a few bowls of ginger soup."

Looking at the money, the old lady was very excited. A bundle of firewood in the post house was only ten Wen. She could earn a lot of five Wen. "As long as these?"

"Yes, the water should be a little hot, or it won't soak well." Song Xintong stressed, "my husband got wet. I want to let him take a bath quickly, otherwise it's not good to wait for a long time and get cold."

The old lady thought about it. Anyway, the hot water has been sent to her. Now the hot water in the pot is for the man of her family. It doesn't matter to give it to the lady first. "Then I'll give you all the water. There are four or five barrels."

"Please." Song Xintong handed the copper to her mother-in-law, scooped up the ginger soup and went back to her room. Lu Yunkai, twins and Daya drank a bowl of it.

Xiaobao did not forget to remind song Xintong: "sister also drink."

"Sister is drinking." Song Xintong held his nose and drank most of the bowl, and gave all the rest to Lu Yunkai. "Daya, you can go to the kitchen to bring back the hot water and take a hot bath, so that you won't get cold.

"Well, I'll go now."