Chapter 217

Name:Scholar's Sweetheart Author:Jia Yi
Mrs. Zhang spat out the tablecloth with her tongue, and spat out several times: "no, tomorrow will be twenty-five. It's too late. At that time, he will be sent to work for money."

"None of my business?" Song Xintong hissed.

"I know where old man Cai lives. You can find him directly." Mrs. Zhang and song Xintong bargain: "you give me silver, I'll tell you."

Song Xintong pick eyebrow, "you say first."

"What if you don't give me what I said? You give it to me first? " Mrs. Zhang said immediately.

Also become smart, song Xintong smile, the silver ticket to her, "said."

Mrs. Zhang took the bank note and hid it under her feet. The smell of the slippers and shoes spread out quickly. Song Xintong covered her mouth and nose in disgust.

"Say it Big Ya is thrusting the waist to stare at her viciously: "say quickly."

"I live in Lushui village, Qiulin Town, Linxian County," she said quickly

"Daya, if you can't find it, go to Lingnan city and grab the silver ticket back!" Song Xintong said.

"Yes." Daya should be down after quickly toward the stables, led the horse to go outside the village.

As soon as Daya left, Mrs. Zhang quickly got up and ran out of the yard.

"Girl, what if it is..." Wang said anxiously.

"Well, the silver will come back to us in the end." In a moment, song Xintong frowned again and was stuffed into the sole of her feet. Does she want the silver?

Hearing song Xintong say this, Wang guessed that the girl might have done a game, but this is not what she should ask. She bent over and continued the jujube tea. "The girl is angry with her. Is there something uncomfortable about her? Why don't I get a doctor to look at it for you? "

"No, there's nothing wrong." Song Xintong felt her stomach and estimated that she really had no feelings for song Dashan, so no matter how angry she was, she couldn't get sick.

I stood up and looked at the grafted peach trees in the corner of the yard, hoping to have a peach this year.

Wang asked: "girl, will you have dinner here this afternoon?"

Song Xintong looked at the sun. It was almost noon. He said, "no, I'll go back first. I stewed chicken soup at home."

"The girl is slower on the road."

"Well." Song Xintong took two steps outside. "It's getting hotter and hotter this day. Although it's cool in the mountains, it's still hot when you're working. You can cook some mung bean soup in the mountains to avoid heatstroke."

"Don't worry, girl. I remember."

Song Xintong let out a sound and walked out of the yard towards home.

At home, the school was just over, and Lu's mother made lunch. The strong smell of chicken soup came to her face, which made the students who ate in the yard swallow their saliva.

Except for two or three people who have money in their families, the rest of the people who can come to school are frugal for them to study, and they have little time to eat meat all year round.

Looking at the envious look of thirty or forty children, song Xintong hesitated and walked to the yard. He stood in the kitchen and secretly flipped to see if he could give them something to eat.

"What are you looking for?" Lu Yunkai follows in.

Song Xintong pointed to the outside students, "a little heartless."

Lu Yunkai knew that she was kind-hearted and didn't say anything. "My mother said that there were some here. Aunt Xie sent a cage of pig liver today. My mother didn't like to eat it, or did she cook it for them?"

"Is that ok?" Asked song Xintong.

Lu Yunkai: "yes, my mother used to do the same when my father taught. I just didn't do it later. "


Lu Yunkai laughed and didn't say.

Song Xintong did not ask, but quickly action up, less than the tea Kung Fu time, fried well, "you send it."

"Then wait for me." Lu Yun started a large pot of oily sour ginger pig liver and went out and put it on the table under the osmanthus tree.

These kids are only twelve or thirteen years old, and seven or eight years old. They don't know how to put on airs. When they see the fragrant fried pig liver, their eyes are bright and they keep swallowing.

"This is fried for you by the teacher's mother. Thank you for the firewood these days. Eat it quickly." After talking, Lu Yun went back to the yard and washed his hands. Then he went into the house to have lunch.

When Lu Yunkai and song Xintong sat down next to each other, Lu's mother said, "have a meal."

After her movements, a few people began to move chopsticks.

Lu Yunkai first scooped out chicken soup for Lu Mu, and then scooped out a bowl of Chicken Soup for song Xintong. When he finally looked at the twins, the twins immediately picked up their own bowl, "brother-in-law, let's do it ourselves."

Song Xintong gave the twins a big chicken leg, "eat it quickly."

"Thank you, sister." Dabao grinned, revealing his missing front teeth.

"Be careful not to bite off the other two loose teeth." Song Xintong teases him on purpose.

Dabao covers his mouth and laughs sheepishly.

Looking at the twins and song Xintong's stomach, Lu's mother is full of expectations. When the baby is born, she can help take care of the baby all day.

After having lunch, song Xintong was ready to take the basin and come back to wash it. He found that the basin had been cleaned and put outside the kitchen.

They are very good, song Xintong thought.

But what she didn't expect was that tomorrow morning, the outside of their kitchen was full of firewood. At that time, song Xintong knew why Lu's mother didn't do it, because the children were very grateful and would always return in another place.

Lu Yun opened and closed the door and went to the bedside group.

Song Xintong, who was sitting on the bed making clothes, looked at him with a smile: "what did your mother say to you?"

"Don't you know?" Lu Yunkai stretched out his hand and pinched song Xintong's cheek. "If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me."

"Motherly." Song Xintong snorted and said in a low voice: "it's OK."

Lu Yunkai said with a smile, "did you ask?"

"Well, she said everything in order to get money." Song Xintong simply told Lu Yun, "I've let Daya go to Lin County, but I don't know if I can find this person."

Lu Yunkai thought, "I don't think she will lie. No matter how stingy she is, she won't judge song's long-term future."

"I hope so." Song Xintong Na said.

"I'm really curious. Who is my father's father? Make us look so good. " Song Xintong holding his cheek, "I hope Daya can bring back a good news."

"Yes." Lu Yunkai looked at the clothes in the thread basket, and the flowers on them were still very mellow: "your embroidery art is also..."

"Don't say it." Song Xintong hurriedly hid the thread basket behind his back, "don't look."

Lu Yun chuckled, "my mother has done a lot, you don't have to do it any more."

"What my mother does is what my mother does, and what I do is what I do. Don't laugh." Song Xintong rushed to Lu Yun and said, "you laugh and I bite you again!"