Chapter 161

Name:Scholar's Sweetheart Author:Jia Yi
In the twinkling of an eye to the third day of March, the birthday of the twins.

Because the family was poor a few years ago, the twins ate at most one egg on their birthday. This year, the family is also rich, so they have to hold a birthday party for them. So they invited the Xie family and he family, who are still close to each other.

"Sister, sister, I'm six years old today." Xiaobao holds song Xintong's arm. "Six years old."

"No, I'll be seven years old after today, and I'll be able to set up a family." Song Xintong put on new clothes for the two, "come and turn around, let sister see if it fits."

"Fit." After Dabao turned around, he said, "sister, this is made by sister Xiaoyue."

"Yes, I don't have the ability to make such beautiful clothes." Song Xintong half squatted on the ground, gave two people finishing clothes, let later from ready two boxes respectively took out a jade pendant, "come on, this is sister sent you two birthday gift, see like it or not."

Dabao took the jade pendant and said, "sister, it's so warm."

"Well, this jade is warm in winter and cool in summer. It's good for your health." Song Xintong tied Dabao around his neck, "don't take a bath, you know?"

"Sister, it has my name on it." Xiaobao looked at the back of the jade pendant, and then turned over Dabao's jade pendant, "brother's too."

"Well, sister asked the master to carve it for you." Song Xintong brought Xiaobao, "don't lose it."

"Sister, there is a bad smell." Xiao Bao sniffed and said in disgust.

"Sister sent the jade pendant to the temple for many days. Of course, it's delicious." Song Xintong put the jade pendant in their clothes and said, "the Bodhisattva will bless you in the future."

"Ah?" Xiaobao touched the jade pendant on her chest in surprise. "The Bodhisattva will also bless her."

"Does sister have any?" Asked Dabao.

"Ah Jie's is still working." Song Xintong took the twins by the hand and said, "from today on, you two are one year older. Xiaobao, you should also grow up, you know?"

Xiaobao compared his height: "I've grown up, I've grown tall."

"Well, it can't be as noisy as before, and it can't stick to my sister." Song Xintong said.

Xiaobao flattened his mouth. "Does sister want me and my brother?"

"Ah Jie, how can she not want you? Ah Jie just wants Xiao Bao to grow up a little bit and not stick to ah Jie and his brother for sugar like he did when he was a child. Do you know? I also need to help my brother greet the guests and help my sister settle the accounts. " Song Xintong enumerates one by one, "can help like elder brother to help elder sister many favors, is grew up."

Xiaobao rubbed his eyes and secretly looked at Dabao, "elder sister, I'll stop playing."

"You can play." Song Xintong compared fingers, "just spend a little time to help my brother and sister, OK?"

"Good." Xiaobao's crisp response.

"Well, today, Auntie Xie, Auntie he and your little friend Chunshu are invited to come here. Will you follow her to greet the guests?" Song Xintong said.

"Good." Xiaobao pulls Dabao out. "Chunshu is coming too. I haven't seen him for many days."

Dabao said, "well, let's wait at the door."

These days are Qingming, and filial piety is the most important thing in the Zhou Dynasty, so the school will have a few days off to let the students go home to worship their ancestors with their elders.

Song Xintong closed the door, went out of the yard and went back to the yard where he used to live.

A few Begonia flowers in the yard are blooming, very beautiful.

After changing clothes, song Xintong came out again. After closing the door, he went to the front yard, carrying some cakes and melon seeds to the flower hall. "Aunt Xie, you have some snacks to pass the time."

Aunt Xie picked it up and put it on the table, "Xintong, come here and play cards."

"I have to go to the kitchen, auntie. You can play." Song Xintong out of the flower hall, and then went to the room, room steaming, some busy, "Auntie Wang, I made a good cake."

"Girl, it's already in the air. It's just half a cup of tea." Wang said.

Song Xintong stood at the table and looked at the cake. He pressed it with his hand. It was good and soft. Then he began to beat cream with egg white.

Modern people, even if they are not cake makers, have learned how to make fried egg cakes at home. Most of them can make a simple cake by steaming in an electric cooker or baking in an oven.

Song Xintong followed the way he had stolen from the Internet before making cakes, plus some cream and fruit, but the only bad thing was that she was tired of whipping, and her arm was sour before she played a little bit of foam.

The big Ya looks at the appearance that is very laborious, volunteering a way: "girl, maidservant comes."

Song Xintong can't wait to get it. He handed the basin to Daya. "It's always stirring like this. I can only stop when I say stop."

"I know." Da Ya took the pot and began to stir it. It was very big, like a blender with a motor.

Song Xintong took the melons and fruits he bought, cut the tomatoes into five pointed stars, and cut the pears and apples to look better. When the cream was ready, he put them on the table.

"Is this the way, girl?" Big Ya asked.

Song Xintong looked up and found that the cream had been beaten, "OK, OK, come here with a spoon and a long knife."

"Well Xiaoyue neatly handed over clean knife and spoon.

Song Xintong carefully coated the cream with a thick layer, and then found a clean oil paper to hold the cream, and made a circle of ripples on the edge, which looked very good.

"Pretty girl." Da Ya praised.

"I didn't expect that the girl would have this kind of snack. It's really strange. I've never seen such a way to make a snack." Wang also surrounded, "the original egg white after mixing is like this."

Song Xintong said, "Auntie Wang, you can add a little cream to make crispy cakes. It tastes good."

"That maidservant's next ring is empty. Have a try." Wang said.

Yang Xiaoyue looked at Song Xintong fiddling with fruit on the cake, "girl, is that it?"

"Well, yes." There's no way. Song Xintong can only do this simple thing, but not other complicated things. After playing with the last pear slice, he backed away and looked at the finished cake. After looking around, he thought to himself: if only he could write a few words, but his own words are not good enough.

I don't know who called uncle. Song Xintong turned his head and looked at the door. Lu Mu and Lu Yunkai came in from the side. They were very happy. "Xianggong, please come and help me."

Lu Yunkai went into the kitchen and looked at the strange cake on the table. "What can I do for you?"

Song Xintong put the oiled paper filled with blended red koji powder into Lu Yunkai's hand, "write the words happy birthday here."

Lu Yunkai understood, squeezed oil paper, and wrote "Happy Birthday" four words, "is it feasible?"

Song Xintong looked at the four words flowing on the cake, and said, "good."