Chapter 127

Name:Scholar's Sweetheart Author:Jia Yi
It snowed heavily before the winter solstice.

Song Xintong is sitting in the flower hall, holding hot tea in her hand, looking at the snow pressing on the tiles outside the window. It's so white that people who have hardly seen the snow are very happy.

"Girl, the snow outside is an inch thick. If it snows for a few more days, I'm afraid it will be thicker." After shoveling the snow in the yard, Daya went into the flower hall and said with a warm breath, "girl, it's really warm in this room."

"No, it's very warm." Wang Shi is cleaning the window, also can't help but return a way.

Song Xintong put down the tea, "you are all from the capital, there is no such heating way?"

Wang said: "in the capital, big families burn Silver Charcoal. Only ordinary people burn Kang. Most people who are reluctant to buy charcoal or firewood still rely on thick cotton padded clothes for heating."

"Girl, this kind of heating method in this room is really good. As long as the firewood in the barn is constant, the room will not be cold."

The fire in the big kitchen can provide heating for the main hall of the front courtyard and the wing rooms on both sides. As for the small courtyards in the back, it needs to be burned separately in each courtyard, but it doesn't need to be burned too long. After the room is warm, a few pieces of firewood will be put on it and it will burn slowly until dawn.

Song Xintong took a look at Xiaoyue, who was sitting on one side of the bench, and asked, "have you ever seen such a heavy snow when you were in Beijing?"

"Yes, it starts to snow every year after winter. In some places, it can be more than a foot deep." Wang said.

"On such a snowy day, many animals are too cold. At this time, many people will go hunting in the mountains." Da Ya recalled the days before, "when the master was still there, he often took his maidservant to the mountains."

"Can you still hunt?" Song Xintong was very surprised.

"Yes, maidservants can play with guns and shoot arrows." Da Ya replied.

Song Xintong heard special heart, "that today this day may go hunting?"

"Yes." Big Ya said.

Song Xintong got up and moved his muscles and bones for a while, "so let's go for a walk on the mountain?"

"Big Ya is not happy," good

"On this cold day, the wind makes your face ache. Girl, you are fragile. You'd better not go out to blow." Wang advised worried.

Many days did not go out, song Xintong want to go out for a walk, "it's OK, you cook some ginger soup at home and wait for us to come back." Finish saying to lift chin toward big ya, "walk."

The mountain is covered with snow and snow.

Xiaohei and Xiaohuang ran quickly in the forest, and disappeared in a white.

Song Xintong, wearing the deerskin boots he bought a few days ago, makes a Zizi sound when stepping on the snow.

Tall and strong Daya walked in front, looking at a series of footprints on the road, "girl, there are other people coming to hunt in the forest."

"They hit them, we go our way." Panting, song Xintong went to Daya and stood by a pine tree. "I thought it was very easy to hunt in such a cold day. Those pheasants and rabbits were picked up everywhere."

"Girl, how is that possible? In winter, the hare and the pheasant are hiding in the hole, which is even more difficult to catch. " Big Ya said.

"Is it?" Song Xintong took a long breath and blamed the novels for harming people. In those novels, it's not all women who catch a fat pheasant with a brisk chase?

"Can the girl go? If not, let's go down the mountain first. " Daya suggested.

"It's still early. Let's look around again." Song Xintong wanted to experience the feeling of being a hunter. "You look around. If you can find it, we'll have extra dinner in the evening."

Two people walked forward a few steps, big Ya suddenly said: "girl, I see there are footprints over there. They should be roe deer or goats. I'll run after them to have a look."

"You go, I'm slowly following." Song Xintong leaned against a pine tree and said.

"Go and have a look." Daya is a Kung Fu learner. She is very keen on hunting. As soon as she gets the approval, she rushes out and soon disappears in Song Xintong's sight.

Song Xintong looks at the blue shadow and shakes her head helplessly. Although Daya is 18 years old, she still feels like she is only 14-5 years old. In addition, she has the feeling of being naive and naive, which makes her feel more distressed. She is a bit like a schoolmate in a previous life.

He is also a big man, but his reaction is a little slow, but he is not stupid, and he also has a skill.

Song Xintong thinks that heaven is really fair. When one door is closed, another window will be opened for you. He will not close your door or nail your window.

Song Xintong had enough rest before he ran to the direction where Daya disappeared. He didn't go far before he heard a few sheep crowing.

She ran quickly in the past, and when she got close, she found that there was a dying sheep lying on the ground, and Daya still pressed a sheep firmly on the ground, and the sheep was bleating.

Song Xintong shouts: "Daya, this..."

"Girl, don't come here. I'll strangle it right away."

Song Xintong looked at the sheep's stomach and found that it was very big, "Daya, don't strangle it first."

Daya very obedient let go of hand, but did not let go of sheep, puzzled asked: "girl, why?"

"Does it have cubs in its stomach?" Song Xintong looked at the big belly of the sheep and asked.

Daya touched the belly of the sheep, "yes."

Looking at the bleating ewe, song Xintong sighed: "let it go."

"Ah?" Big Ya Leng for a while, "put a good pity."

Song Xintong took a look at the dying sheep. "Here's one. That's enough."

Da Ya touched the ewe's stomach, "girl, would you like to take it back and keep it? You can also get goat's milk

goats ' milk? Song Xintong looked at the ewe's swollen breasts and gently took a breath of air conditioning. She didn't like to drink milk, so she didn't expect that the nutrition of goat's milk was actually very good. At that time, she could milk the twins, "take it back."

"Good girl." Daya immediately got up, took a rope around the neck of the ewe, and then carried another sheep on her shoulder. "There were about ten sheep just now, but only two of them were held down. It's a pity."

"Enough, enough, too much to eat." Song Xintong took the rope and led the ewe back, "Da Ya, you're really powerful. You've caught two sheep in less than half an hour."

Daya was embarrassed to smile, "there are many animals in the mountain, so it's easy for people who know some Kung Fu to catch them."

Song Xintong also thought, "although there are a few family members in the village who are hunters, they are only limited to digging traps and archery. They usually shoot rabbits. They are lucky to catch sheep and deer."

Da Ya nodded, "I just heard that there was something going on in the forest. It's estimated that the hunters will have to work hard to catch them today."

"Daya, I think you are a treasure." Song Xintong couldn't help but say, "no one else found it. Fortunately, I found it."

"Thank you, girl. I don't like eating too much." Big Ya embarrassed said.

"How hard you eat, one person is worth three or four." Song Xintong is not that kind of cautious person, "today you are a great hero, I will make shrimp for you at night."

"I dare not."

"What do you dare to do? I have nothing to do but cook?"

After returning home, Daya went to deal with the ram. Song Xintong put the ewe in the pen and threw some fodder into it. Then he went to the barn to deal with the prawn that he had picked up from the prawn field yesterday.