Chapter 56

Name:Scholar's Sweetheart Author:Jia Yi
Early the next morning.

Song Xintong began to be busy when he got together. First, he cooked the seasonings for maocai, and then put the cooked pig's feet into the boiling brine. After cooking for an hour, Mo Yue turned off the fire and let it soak in it.

Then he washed all the pigs in the water which had been washed yesterday. After blanching the water, he cut all the pigs and put on the rice wine seasoning for use.

And cut the prepared mushrooms, cabbage leaves, lotus root slices, bean sprouts, cucumbers, potato chips, agaric, xuewang and other vegetables for standby.

I have been busy for nearly two hours, but it's almost noon before I finish it one by one.

Song Xintong thumped his waist and sat on the door of the kitchen with a limp posture.

"Sister, or we won't sell it." Dabao said painfully.

"Can we still sell it when it's all done?" Song Xintong moved his wrist for a while. "Later, Dabao, you can collect money for elder sister. Do you know that?"

Dabao has a good memory and is better at arithmetic than Xiaobao.

"I know." Dabao nodded. "I promise it won't be wrong."

Song Xintong raised his eyelids: "that's good. Dabao will be our accountant in the future."

"Sister, what about me?" Xiao Bao asked eagerly.

Song Xintong wiped Xiaobao's face stained with ashes, "you are a fireman."

"Hey, hey, good." In Xiaobao's heart, just give him an arrangement!

"Xintong, are you ready?" He Er aunt pulled donkey cart to come over, "what did you do so fragrant?"

"My secret weapon." Song Xintong opens the gate of the courtyard to make it convenient for Aunt he to come in with a donkey cart.

"Let me see." Aunt he looked into the big iron bucket covered by two mouths, "Oh, it's really delicious and looks good. I'm going to drool. It's a secret weapon."

With a smile, song Xintong picked up a golden red pig's hoof, chopped it with a kitchen knife, and divided it into four small pieces, "Auntie, please try it for me to see if it's OK."

"I don't know if you can do it yourself?" He Er Auntie reached for a piece and said, "it smells delicious, and it should be delicious."

After she finished eating a piece, she couldn't help taking another piece. "It's too delicious. It's much better than what I've eaten in the county. It's not fat at all, and it's soft. Well, it's delicious!"

"Really delicious?" Song Xintong really didn't have the foundation. A friend of hers taught her the craft. Because she had a good relationship and was not afraid to let it out, she taught her several methods. One of them was the secret stewed pig's feet.

"It's really delicious. Why do I lie to you?" Aunt he couldn't help saying.

"Sister, delicious." Dabao and Xiaobao were full of oil. "I want more."

"Don't eat it. You have to sell it for money." Aunt he looked at the basket on the platform. "It's not cooked yet?"

"I have to cook it now." Song Xintong explained.

"It's getting late. Let's go early." Aunt he helped to lift the two big iron barrels to the donkey cart, and then carried all the cut vegetables to the cart. Turning around, she saw song Xintong going to get firewood. She said, "Xintong, just take a firewood knife and a flint. You can find firewood in the mountains over there. Just look for it."

"Listen to my aunt." Song Xintong, carrying bowls and chopsticks, and his party happily went to the place where he dug the river.

Out of the exit do not take the road, directly along the river, Mo about two quarters of an hour to go to the place.

When they arrived, it was just a quarter past noon, and there was still a quarter of an hour before the opening hours, so the construction site was full of workers.

As soon as they appeared, they attracted the eyes of the workers, thinking that in the past, someone came to deliver rice. How could such a big donkey cart deliver rice today?

"What are you looking at? Hurry to work. You who come from other places are looking forward to having your mother-in-law and daughter deliver food to you?" A steward yelled at the men, but the tone was not severe, with some joking tone.

These words just fall, those workers coax of a smile, have bold reply way: "you are fierce, you don't also no one deliver rice."

"Well, you've arranged for me. I don't want to have lunch at noon, do you?" The steward clapped his hand and said, "if you want to eat meat and send rice, why don't you take the mother-in-law with you?"

"We thought that if there were a woman here, I would work hard not only in the daytime, but also at night!" The worker said dirty words and made a circle of people laugh, "you're a bachelor. Where's the mother-in-law?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"All right, all right, get to work." The steward swearing away.

Looking at the relaxed atmosphere, song Xintong was relieved. Fortunately, she was just a little tired and her mind and body were not tortured. Otherwise, she could not go on with her food stall.

"Don't listen to these people talk dirty." Aunt he took the donkey to an open space and said, "it's here. I used to come here to deliver meals to uncle he. Their construction site is big. It's close to the place where they sleep at night. At noon, some people go to the woods to take a nap. They all have to go from here."

Song Xintong took a look at the open space, which was just suitable for setting up a stall. He found some stones on one side and simply piled up a stone.

Aunt he quickly picked up a lot of dry firewood and set the pot on fire.

Song Xintong put the big iron bucket with sauce on the fire, and after a while, the fragrance floated out.

"Damn it, what's the smell? Slander makes my mouth water. " Asked the nearest worker.

"Me too." The other couldn't help swallowing.

The twins who came back from collecting firewood chuckled, "sister, they all say they want to eat incense."

"Incense is good, I'm afraid they won't be greedy." Song Xintong successively put down pig liver, pig heart, pig lung, fat intestines, lean meat, and then put part of the dishes in. A large spoon stirred a large pot of maocai, which was fragrant.

"Xintong, how much do you charge for such a bowl?" Aunt he asked as she added firewood.

"BaWen." Song Xintong said.

Aunt he was a little worried, "is it too expensive?"

"It's not expensive. I have enough material. I'll add oil on it later." Song Xintong pointed out that he was boiling vegetable oil in a small pot. There were peanut, sesame and other seasonings in it, and the aroma was strong. "If it's too cheap, I can't get back the capital."

"What about your pig's feet?" Aunt he asked again.

Song Xintong thought for a moment, "one in fifteen." A stewed pig's hoof in the county has to be sold for ten Wen, and it's not delicious.

Aunt he was a little worried, but it was hard to say anything. If it didn't sell, she would let her father lead the good brothers in the village to help.

Song Xintong didn't know what aunt he was worried about. She was really making condiments.

At this time, a middle-aged man, who looks like a steward, smelled the fragrance and came to see a clean little girl dressed in shabby clothes, leading a woman and two twin boys to cook. They were all dressed up clean, covered their mouths with masks, and their fingers were cut clean. They looked very lovely.

"What are you doing here?" The steward looked at the rich aroma of maocai in the pot and couldn't help sniffing. Then he pretended to be calm and asked.

Song Xintong quickly bows to the steward, "steward uncle, we are from Taohua village very close to here. Because we can make some good food, and we want to work for uncle brothers, they may leave home for a long time, and they can't eat the right food. Moreover, it's far from the City, so it's not convenient to buy food, so come here and try to find out if they don't like it."

Song Xintong can't make it up any more. Xiaobao and Dabao walk to the steward hand in hand. "Uncle, the pig's hoof made by sister is delicious. Do you want to try it?"

Aunt he was terrified to see that all these managers came from the capital, and she couldn't afford to offend them.